Pyramids of Egypt Reading Guide

Pyramids of Egypt Reading Guide
Answer the following questions while reading the pyramid handout.
Why didn’t the experts in the City of the Dead write down the chemical formulas used in the
process of making a mummy?
2. How much time passed between the death and the burial of a pharaoh?
3. Why was it so important to the Egyptians to preserve the bodies of the dead?
4. What things have changed the appearance of the Sphinx?
5. What is a mastaba?
6. Where are the largest Egyptian pyramids located?
7. How many men and how much time were needed to construct the Great Pyramid?
8. How did the Egyptian builders check to be sure that their construction was level?
9. What was the purpose of the Pyramid Text?
10. Who was Imhotep and why is he significant in the history of pyramid construction?