Yr6_3 weeks word problems planing

Teacher: KD/JJ/SB
Block beginning: 16/03/09 - W10 (5 days)
23/03/09 – W11 (5 days)
30/03/09 – W12 (5 days)
Unit: E2 – Securing number facts, relationships
and calculating
Curriculum links
Year group: Six
Class set:
School Focus: Word problems within context
Y6 - Curricular target:
To solve word problems using the four operations
and explain how the problem was solved. Use and
apply problem solving opportunities across
the curriculum.
Layered Targets:
Y4 –All – Must – VLA I can use any of the four operations to solve single step and multi-step word
problems within 100
Y5 –All – Must – LA I can use any of the four operations to solve single step and multi-step word
problems within 1000, (including decimals in context)
Y6 All - Must: I can use any of the four operations to solve single step and multi-step word problems
within 1000, (including fractions and decimals) (secure L3’s)
Y6 Most - Should: I can use any of the four operations to solve multi-step word problems within 1000,
(including fractions, decimals and percentages) (secure L4’s)
Y6 Some – Could: I can use any of the four operations to solve single step and multi-step word
problems within 1000, (including fractions, decimals, percentages, ration and proportion) (secure L5’s)
problem, solution, calculator, calculate, calculation, jotting, equation, operation, symbol, inverse, answer,
method, strategy, explain, predict, reason, reasoning, pattern, relationship
add, subtract, multiply, divide, sum, total, difference, plus, minus, product, quotient, remainder, multiple,
common multiple, factor, divisor, divisible by
decimal fraction, decimal place, decimal point, percentage, per cent (%)
fraction, proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, numerator, denominator, unit fraction,
equivalent, cancel
proportion, ratio, in every, for every, to every
Building on previous learning and intervention materials (Springboard/Wave 3)
Check that children can already:
solve one- and two-step problems involving whole numbers and decimals
use efficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to
two decimal places, to multiply HTU × U and TU × TU, and to divide TU ÷ U
find equivalent fractions
use sequences to scale numbers up or down
use understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by
10, 100 or 1000
understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100, and express tenths and
hundredths as percentages
find simple fractions of percentages of quantities
Mathematical challenges for able Key Stages 1 and 2
Activity 69 – Coins on the table
Puzzles and problems for Year 5 and 6
Intervention programmes
Objectives for Springboard
intervention unit
Springboard unit
Express a quotient as a fraction or as a
decimal when dividing a whole number
by 2, 4, 5 or 10
Represent halves, tenths, and fifths as
fractions and decimals
Springboard 6, lessons 1–11
Express percentages as simple fractions
and simple fractions as percentages
Springboard 6, lessons 1–11
Supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding (Wave 3)
Diagnostic focus
Has difficulty interpreting a
remainder as a fraction
2 Y6 ×/÷
Wave 3 (2 Y6 ×/÷) Teaching activities to help children
interpret remainders after division
Interprets division as sharing but not
3 Y6 ×/÷
Wave 3 (3 Y6 ×/÷) Teaching activities to help children
understand division
Work on Maths target relating to solving word problems
using all four operations.
SATs based problems - Level 3, 4, 5 and wherever
possible level 6 for more able mathematicians.
Due in by date
Relevant to when homework is set –
children to be given 5 school days to
complete homework.
Continuous Objective related to curricular
target – using and applying
Assessment for learning
Solve single and Multi-step problems using
mental strategies?
Mental maths tests and subsequent discussion.
Can I solve single and multi-step problems
using mental strategies?
Children's learning outcomes are emphasised
Assessment for learning
Tabulate systematically the information in a problem or
puzzle; identify and record the steps or calculations
needed to solve it, using symbols where appropriate;
interpret solutions in the original context and check
their accuracy
2) Can I record the calculations needed to
solve a problem and check that my working
is correct?
Compare your table or diagram with those of others
around you. Discuss the different representations you
have used. Which do you think is more effective?
Explain how making a table could help you to solve this
30 children are going on a trip. It costs £5 including lunch.
Some children take their own packed lunch. They pay
only £3. The 30 children pay a total of £110. How many
children take their own packed lunch?
Explain reasoning and conclusions, using words,
symbols or diagrams as appropriate
3) Can I talk about how I solve problems?
Give me a sentence that explains the general rule.
Can you write that algebraically (using symbols)?
Use a calculator to solve problems involving multi-step
4) Can I work out problems involving fractions,
decimals and percentages using a range of
Sam used a calculator to work out 15% of £40, and got
the answer of £5.50. How would you have tackled this
problem? What might Sam have done wrong?
Explain how to use your calculator to solve this problem:
50 000 people visited a theme park in one year. 15% of
the people visited in April and 40% of the people visited in
August. How many people visited the park in the rest of
the year?
Write in the missing digit: ☐ 92 ÷ 14 = 28
Express a larger whole number as a fraction of a
smaller one (e.g. recognise that 8 slices of a 5-slice
pizza represents 8/5 or 1 3/5 pizzas); simplify fractions
by cancelling common factors; order a set of fractions
by converting them to fractions with a common
5) Can I write a larger whole number as a
fraction of a smaller one, simplify fractions
and put them in order of size?
What fraction of 6 is 3? What fraction of 6 is 6?
What fraction of 9 is 6? What fraction of 90 is 60?
Write a fraction that is larger than 2/7.
Which is larger: 1/3 or 2/5? Explain how you know.
Relate fractions to multiplication and division (e.g. 6 ÷
2 = ½ of 6 = 6 × ½); express a quotient as a fraction or
decimal (e.g. 67 ÷ 5 = 13.4 or 13 2/5); find fractions and
percentages of whole-number quantities (e.g. 5/8 of 96,
65% of £260)
6) Can I find fractions and percentages of
whole numbers?
What is 1/3 of 9, 12, 15, ...? How did you work it out?
What is the answer to 1/3 × 15? To 15 × 1/3? How did you
work it out?
What is fifty per cent of £20?
What is two thirds of 66?
What is three quarters of 500?
Express one quantity as a percentage of another (e.g.
express £400 as a percentage of £1000); find
equivalent percentages, decimals and fractions
7) Can I work out a quantity as a percentage of
another and find equivalent percentages,
decimals and fractions?
What is twenty out of forty as a percentage? Make up
some more questions like this for me to answer. You must
tell me whether I am right or wrong.
What percentage of £8 is £2?
What percentage of £4 is £16?
Tell me two amounts where one is 25% of the other. Now
give me two amounts where one is 5% of the other. What
about 40?%
Put a ring around the fraction which is equivalent to forty
per cent.
Solve simple problems involving direct proportion by
scaling quantities up or down
8) Can I solve problems using ratio and
A recipe for 3 people needs 75 g of butter. How much
butter do you need for 2 people? 8 people?
Explain how you would solve these problems.
Peanuts cost 60p for 100 grams.
What is the cost of 350 grams of peanuts?
Raisins cost 80p for 100 grams.
Jack pays £2 for a bag of raisins.
How many grams of raisins does he get?
Understand and use a variety of ways to criticise
constructively and respond to criticism
9) Can I respond positively to the ideas of
others and offer my own ideas?
Suggest ways in which Peter could improve his method
for finding 5% of a quantity.
Look at this recipe for 2 people. Mary has suggested a
way of finding the quantities needed for 5 people. Her
method is more efficient than your method. Try to use
Mary's method to adapt this recipe for 3 people for 4
Year 7 Objectives (Year group above):
Can I record the calculations needed to solve a problem and check that my working is correct?
Can I talk about and show how to solve problems?
Can I give an example to support why an answer is incorrect?
Can I use my knowledge and understanding and provide examples to prove my answers?
Can I use ratio notation and reduce it to its simplest form?
Can I solve problems involving ratio and direct proportion?
Can I work out a quantity as a proportion of the whole and use percentages and fractions to describe and compare
Can I calculate percentage increases or decreases?
Can I calculate fractions of quantities and measures?
Year 5 Objectives (Year group below):
Can I break a problem into steps and say the calculation I need to do to work out each step.
Can I check that my answer is sensible
Can I explain how to turn a mixed number such as 23/4 into an improper fraction.
Can I draw a diagram to support my explanation
Can I give the decimal equivalent of a simple fraction such as 3/10 and explain how I know
I know that 'per cent' means 'parts in every 100', so 1% = 1/100 Can I give a simple fraction such as 1/10 as a
Can I continue a sequence such as: 'There are 3 red sweets in every 10, there are 6 red sweets in every 20'
Can I double and halve two-digit numbers and explain how to use this to double and halve related decimals
Can I use division to find a unit fraction (1/2, 1/3, etc.) of a number Can I find a simple percentage (50%, 25%, 75%,
10%) of a quantity
Can I use a calculator to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction
Can I explain why I decided to use a particular method to solve a problem. Can I describe what was special about the
problem that prompted my decision
Mathematics planning – SPR2-WK10-Wb-160309
Teaching and Learning focus Introductory teaching to assess and review learning; Direct teaching of new knowledge, skills and concepts, with opportunities to practise and apply learning Interactive whole class
teaching; Consolidation and further practice; Interim review of achievement and progress; Intervention support with groups;
Enquiry, extension enrichment work, problem solving, reasoning; Summary assessment of progress over the unit with children
Main Activity (Learning focus, teaching notes and resources)
T/TA indicates teacher or teaching assistant led/supported groups.
Plenary/Key Questions
Learning intentions
All – Discuss curricular targets.
1)Solve single and Multi-step
problems using mental
1)2)3) Can I record the calculations needed to solve a problem and check that my working is correct
30 children are going on
a trip. It costs £5
including lunch. Some
children take their own
packed lunch. They pay
only £3. The 30 children
pay a total of £110. How
many children take their
own packed lunch?
Can I solve single and multi-step
problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Rigid timings for all abilities!
MA/LA – Rucsac strategy
Can they tabulate systematically
the information in a problem or
Apply above to SATs based time question.
Why should we record each step
of a calculation? Look at activity
64 – Flash Harry – puzzles and
problems for year 5 and 6
Testbase maths/Time/calendar
Level 3 – 05.A.04
Level 4 – 07.B.13
Level 5 – 04.A.23
Rehearse strategy – make sure children understand – children to use
wipeboards – model how to record – what is required!
Puzzles and problems for year 5
and 6
Children to work in pairs – Level 3
and 4 questions based on time.
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
Acitvity 62 - Maze
Stress the importance of
discussing and recording each
Football mad and Help granny 1
Acitvity 69 – Coins on the table
Split class into two – one half work
on Act 62 whilst others work on
Act 69.
Each half to work in pairs to solve
the problem – swap when
Record success on success
tracker. More than one attempt
permitted for each activity.
Ed city – 425746
879 widey court
LA – red
Children to work in groups – Level
3 questions based on time. Use
rucsac strategy – record each step
in Maths books Ext level 4.
MA – Yellow Children to work in
pairs – Level 3 and 4 questions
based on time.work in pairs
HA –green use interactive board
Work as team using whiteboard
They should discuss using rucsac
Ask children to come to
the board and ask them
to use rucsac to explain
how they have answered
the level 4 questions.
LA – H
Ask them to explain to
the class how they
answered the level 4
2007 question
Learning intentions
1) Solve single and Multi-step
problems using mental
Can I solve single and multi-step
problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
1)2)3)Can I record the calculations needed to solve a problem and check that my working is correct
HA – Check childrens understanding of how to answer word problems involving multiple steps. What are the
logical steps – class to discuss – list responses. Introduce rucsac strategy if necessary.
MA – solving multistep problems involving measures - Direct and interactive teaching focus – use questions
from Targetmaths6 pg. 72-73Money problems section B (consolidation of level 4, start of level 5)
LA –Solving single step problems - Review the use of the written methods when solving problems involving
multiplication. Direct and interactive teaching focus
Children to practice and
Courtney McAulay – computer
Targetmaths6 pg. Money
problems pg 73 section B
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
Solve single and multi-step
2/year2/using and applying
problems involving decimal
Targetmaths6 pg. Money
Help granny 2 and Ice cream 1
problems and measures.
problems pg 73 section C
They must record each stage of
the calculation and then explain to
a partner their logic.
Abacus7 pg. 43
Use calculators to check answers
– peer marking
Record success on success
tracker. More than one attempt
permitted for each activity.
LAChildren to work together using
wipeboards to solve problems
posed. Check with calculators.
Problems initially to involve whole
numbers. Focus upon partitioning
and layout of grid. Move onto
Multiplication of decimals, again
use partitioning.
Using testbase, pose
suitable problem solving
HA – Level 5
MA – Level 4/5
LA – Level 3/4
Measures-computationlevel 3 – 98Y4.B43
Measures-computationlevel 4 –03.A.12
Measures-computationlevel 5 –05.B.25
Learning intentions
1)2)3) Can I record the calculations needed to solve a problem and check that my working is correct
1) Solve single and Multi-step
problems using mental
HA/MA – Measures chain gang – Ask a child to write a decimal meaurement on their wipeboard. The next child
should then follow your command – whether it is doubling, halving, adding or subtracting another
measurement. Referring to rucsac – what should we do - For each step taken we must record it. Ask children
CHECK THE ANSWER. Ask – How can we get to exactly 1000? Reiterate the importance of using jottings to
solve problems.
Can I solve single and multi-step
problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
LA – Solve single and multi-step problems involving multiplication. Using a SATs based question – answer
question using rucsac strategy – Ask children for their input – gauge understanding – T&L focus Interim
Courtney McAulay – computer
Children to practice and
Puzzles and problems for year 5
consolidate solving problems
and 6
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
involving time – Key stage 2
2/year2/using and applying
Numeracy pupils book pg. 24 – 25
Acitvity 62 - Maze
Ice cream 2 and Stig and the bus
Unit 1.10
Record success on success
tracker. More than one attempt
Acitvity 69 – Coins on the table
permitted for each activity.
How many rolls? Scholastic year6
Courtney McAulay – Mrs Powell
Split class into two – one half work
Children to practice and
on Act 62 whilst others work on
Act 69.
LA-L Work on multiplication word
Each half to work in pairs to solve
problems practicing and
Core and extension activity.
the problem – swap when
consolidating the use of the
Ensure the children record each
rucsac and the grid method
step of the calculation.
KS2 Maths revision and practice
pg.34 Q1-10 Ext. 11-13
Children to check their answers
using a calculator
Focus group – T
Work with teacher on interactive
board to solve problems involving
money from Targetmaths6 pg.73
section B
Use calculator to check
Green and yellow groups to
practice and consolidate learning –
KS2 Maths revision and practice.
Pg. 34 Q10 – 16
Peer checking using calculators.
Explain how you would solve
these problems.
Would you use a calculator?
Why or why not?
185 people go to the school
They pay £1.35 each.
How much ticket money is
Programmes cost 15p each.
Selling programmes raises
How many programmes are
Learning intentions
1) Solve single and Multi-step
problems using mental
1)2)3)4)Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of
HA/MA testbase questions level 4/5/6
Can I solve single and multi-step
problems using mental
Mental Maths SATs 1999
Practice – tape version
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
LA KS2 Maths revision and practice – pg.49 mixed
arihtmetic exercise 3
Cash only 1 & 2
Record success on success
tracker. More than one attempt
permitted for each activity.
1) Solve single and Multi-step
problems using mental
Can I solve single and multi-step
problems using mental
Booster Maths – consolidation
Mathematical challenges for able keystage 2
Puzzles and problems for years 5 and 6
Review areas identified by AfL.
Activity 62 - Maze
Verbal – see resources
Set homework -
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus group
6 children, all with
Level 4 potential
Jemma, Shelley,
Sophie, Megan T,
Tino, Lucie M
5 children
Amelia, Lauren T,
Andie, Chloe,
Courtney (30 mins
Mrs Powell)
Mental Maths – MA/LA
Day 1
5 second questions
1) What number should you subtract from 92 to
get the answer 57?
2) 0.5 x 5 = ?
3) 23 + 29 = ?
4) 4 x ? = 32
5) 1.2 x 4 = ?
10 second questions
6) 49 ÷ 7 =
7) 210 ÷ 70 = ?
8) 13 x 5 = ?
15 second questions
9) During the school holidays, Joe watches TV
for 4 hours each day. How many hours is this a
10) What is 40% of 90
Day 2
5 second questions
1115,1120, ? ,1130
Day 3
5 second questions
1) 0.7 x 6 =
2) 57 - ? = 38
3) 52 - 26 = ?
4) 0.8 + 0.3 = ?
5) Write 6.15pm using the 24 hour clock
10 second questions
6) 68 ÷ 7 = ? r ?
7) 123 + 456 = ?
Day 4
5 second questions
4 x 0.9 = ?
53 + 27 +21 = ?
3) 72 ÷ 6 = ?
4) 3.02 x 10 =?
5) 42 - ? = 26
10 second questions
6) 36875, 36888, ? , 36914
8) -12 + 8 + 2 = ?
15 second questions
9) John has a bus to catch. It should have left
at 4.05pm but it was 15 minutes early. What
time did it leave?
10) 70% of 60 ?
126 + 562 = ?
3) 47 - ? = 38
4) 4 x 0.6 = ?
5) 987 – 654 = ?
10 second questions
6) 0.7 x 0.7 = ?
7) 46 + 46 + 18 = ?
8) (5 x 8) – 12= ?
15 second questions
9) I catch a train at 5.15pm. The journey is 1hr
and 15 minutes long. What time does the train
10) What is 2/3 of £2.10?
14 = ?
35 7
8) 52 + 52 = ?
15 second questions
9) I caught a flight from England to New York.
When I left it was 9.00pm. What was the time
when I landed if the time in New York and the
flight took 7 hours and if they are 5 hours behind
our time ?
10) complete the ration 4:7, 16: ?
Mental Maths – HA
Day 1
5 second questions
1) ½ of £5.20 ?
2) ¼ of 36kg ?
3) 40% of 80?
4) 9:88
5) what is 8 x 0.5?
10 second questions
6) 8/10 of £50?
Day 2
5 second questions
1) ¼ of 28 litres?
2) 1/3 of 63cm?
3) 40% of 28?
4) 4:48
5) what is 15 x 0.5?
10 second questions
6) 1/20 of 300mm?
7) 8 = ?
56 7
8) What is 40% of €10 plus 12cents
15 second questions
9) I caught a flight from England to New York.
When I left it was 9.00pm. What was the time
when I landed if the time in New York and the
flight took 7 hours and if they are 5 hours behind
our time ?
10) Increase 48mm by 20%?
9) There are 32 children in a class. 4 are girls
what percentage are boys?
Day 3
5 second questions
1) 2/5 of 60kg?
2) 9/8 of £88?
3) 20% of 36?
4) 2355hrs + 20 minutes?
5) What is 0.1 x 0.1?
10 second questions
6) 3/4 of 28mm?
7) What is the probability that a card selected
from a pack of cards will be a ‘Jack or a Queen?
Day 4
5 second questions
1) ½ of 1.9km?
2) 4/5 of 35ltrs ?
3) 1000% of 8.80?
4) 0027hrs – 32 minutes
5) what is 40 x 0.25?
10 second questions
6) 2/9 of 72kg?
7) What is 65% of €10 minus 40cents?
8) 72 = ?
108 3
15 second questions
9) There are 30 pieces of fruit in a bag. 3
pieces are apples and 14 are oranges. What is
the probability of not picking an apple or an
10) Increase £2.50 by 10%?
8) 3 = 0.?
15 second questions
9) There are 64 sweets in a bag. 14 are
strawberry flavour and 50 are lemon flavour.
What is the probability of choosing a lemon
flavoured sweet – reduce to smallest fraction?
10) Decrease £8.50 by 10% then subtract
30 = ?
8) What is 75% of €10 plus 40cents
15 second questions
10) A bus is 10 minutes late when it leaves its
depot at 9.05pm. It makes up the lost time and
arrives at its destination 20 minutes later. What
time did it arrive?
Mathematics planning – SPR2-WK11-Wb-230309
Teaching and Learning focus Introductory teaching to assess and review learning; Direct teaching of new knowledge, skills and concepts, with opportunities to practise and apply learning Interactive
whole class teaching; Consolidation and further practice; Interim review of achievement and progress; Intervention support with groups;
Enquiry, extension enrichment work, problem solving, reasoning; Summary assessment of progress over the unit with children
Main Activity (Learning focus, teaching notes and resources)
T/TA indicates teacher or teaching assistant led/supported groups.
Learning intentions
1)4)5)6)7)9) Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of
Pose several verbal
questions based upon
the questions answered
during the main activity.
1)Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Q6-10 focus on FDP
Rigid timings for all abilities!
T&L focus Interactive
HA - revise finding fractions of amounts – address any concerns – then move onto percentages. What is the
Sam used a calculator to work out 15% of £40, and got the answer of £5.50. How would you have
tackled this problem? What might Sam have done wrong?
50 000 people visited a theme park in one year. 15% of the people visited in April and 40% of the
people visited in August. How many people visited the park in the rest of the year?
Discuss strategy of finding values by scaling. E.g 100%= 50000, 10% = 50000/10 etc...
MA-LA Revise how to determine a fraction of an amount or value. Discuss unpicking a word problem involving
fraction of an amount (MA move onto percentage of amount if children have sound knowledge of finding fraction
of an amount).
1) In maths test full marks were 100. How many marks did Ben get if he got 6/10 of the full marks?
2) If a book has 450 pages and you have read 5/9 so far, how many more pages do you still have to read?
Percentage –
1) Kate earns £15 for doing her paper round. How much extra does she earn when she gets a 20% pay rise?
2) Full marks in maths test are 80. How many marks did Tim get if he got 60%?
Consolidation and further
Percentage of amounts
LA - KS2 maths revision and
practice pg.180 Exercise 3.
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Percentage problems
Core or extension
Consolidation and further
Fractions of amounts
KS2 maths revision and
Pg. 168 – Exercise 3
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
Percentage of amounts
LA - KS2 maths revision and
practice pg.180 Exercise 3.
Record success on success tracker. More
than one attempt permitted for each
Ed city – 425746
879 widey court
Consolidation and further practice
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Percentage problems
Children to work in pair, firstly
using written methods to
secure answers, then these
should be checked using a
MA – Core
HA - Extension
Cash only v2 & Stig and the bus
Fractions of amounts
KS2 maths revision and practice
Pg. 168 – Exercise 3
Learning intentions
1) Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of methods?
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
T&L focus Interactive
HA– depending upon AfL – move onto ratio and proportion. What is the difference between ration and
percentage? Is there a difference?
MA – consolidation of percentage of amounts using scaling method. Also revise other strategies available.
MA-LA Revise how to determine a percentage of an amount .
A recipe for 3 people
needs 75 g of butter.
How much butter do
you need for 2 people?
8 people?
Explain how you would
solve these problems.
1) Kate earns £15 for doing her paper round. How much extra does she earn when she gets a 20% pay rise?
2) Full marks in maths test are 80. How many marks did Tim get if he got 60%?
Further percentage problems Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Discount store
Core or extension
Further percentage problems Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Discount store
LA – support sheet
MA – core sheet
HA – extension sheet
Ratio and proportion
Targetmaths6 – ratio and
proportion pg.27 section C
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
Ice cream 1 and Help granny 2
Record success on success tracker.
More than one attempt permitted for
each activity.
Ed city – 425746
Peanuts cost 60p for
100 grams.
What is the cost of 350
grams of peanuts?
Raisins cost 80p for
100 grams.
Jack pays £2 for a bag
of raisins.
How many grams of
raisins does he get?
MA/LA review main
879 widey court
Children to work in pairs to answer
problems from Unit 3.5 Letts Key
stage 2 Numeracy pupils
Percentage of amounts
MA - KS2 maths revision and
practice pg.180 Exercise 3.
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Percentage problems
Children to work in pair, firstly using
written methods to secure answers,
then these should be checked using
a calculator
LA –support sheet TA
HA - core sheet T
Interim review &
Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of methods?
Practice and
Mental Maths
SATs 2008
Practice – CD
Review areas of misconception identified from the mental maths SATs 2008 test – collate results.
Start looking at the Testbase questions collected – based upon fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion.
These should be worked on together. Split into categories Eg. Fractions L3,4 & 5; PercentagesL3, 4 & 5.
Fractions L4, 5 & 6
Percentages L4, 5 & 6
Ratio & proportion L4, 5 & 6
Fractions L4 & 5
PercentagesL4 & 5
Fractions L3 & 4
PercentagesL3 & 4
LP – Intervention group
TA – Red group
T – Remaining yellow and green
Courtney Mcaulay Foundation stage
Assessment - Interim review & Summary
Practice and revision – children surnames A-H 6B, J-Q 6J, R-Z 6D
Maths Paper A SATs 2008
Practice – CD Version - Readers required for
Courtney Mcaulay - Foundation stage
Assessment - Interim review & Summary
Practice and revision – children surnames A-H 6B, J-Q 6J, R-Z 6D
Maths Paper B SATs 2008
Practice – CD Version - Readers required for
Courtney Mcaulay - Foundation stage
Discuss any areas of
Mental Maths – MA/LA
Day 1
5 second questions
4 x 0.9 = ?
48 + 22 +21 = ?
Day 2
5 second questions
0.5 x 100
48 ÷ 6 = ?
3.02 x 10 =?
1 = 0.?
10 second questions
6) ½ of 112
7) 25% of 48
8) 52 + 52 = ?
15 second questions
9) What is three quarters of £1.20
10) complete the ratio 2:7, 6: ?
4 =1
36 - ? = 28
75% = 0.?
237 – 124 = ?
10 second questions
6) 1/3 of 66 = ?
8) (5 x 8) – 12= ?
15 second questions
9) What is one fifth of 105m
10) What is 2/3 of £2.10?
Mental Maths – HA
Day 1
5 second questions
1) ½ of 1.9km?
2) 4/5 of 35ltrs ?
3) 1000% of 8.80?
4) 0027hrs – 32 minutes
5) what is 40 x 0.25?
10 second questions
6) 2/9 of 72kg?
7) What is 65% of €10 minus 40cents?
8) 3 = 0.?
15 second questions
9) There are 64 sweets in a bag. 14 are
strawberry flavour and 50 are lemon flavour.
What is the probability of choosing a lemon
flavoured sweet – reduce to smallest fraction?
10) Decrease £8.50 by 10% then subtract
Day 2
5 second questions
1) 1/8 of 72 litres?
2) 1/3 of 126cm?
3) 60% of 40?
4) 3:18
5) What is 15 x 0.6?
10 second questions
6) 1/20 of 600mm?
4 = 1 = 0.?
8) What is 40% of €10 plus 90cents
15 second questions
9) There are 18 children in a class. 6 are girls
what is the ration of boys to girls?
10) Increase £24.50 by 20%
Mathematics planning – SPR2-WK12-Wb-300309
Teaching and Learning focus Introductory teaching to assess and review learning; Direct teaching of new knowledge, skills and concepts, with opportunities to practise and apply learning Interactive
whole class teaching; Consolidation and further practice; Interim review of achievement and progress; Intervention support with groups;
Enquiry, extension enrichment work, problem solving, reasoning; Summary assessment of progress over the unit with children
Main Activity (Learning focus, teaching notes and resources)
T/TA indicates teacher or teaching assistant led/supported groups.
HA maths group to sit level 6
SATs paper – extending the
more able mathematicians.
HA maths group to sit level 6 SATs paper – extending the more able mathematicians.
Learning intentions
1)Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
MA – Ratio and proportion
1)2)3)9)8) Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
Assess what the children understand about proportion – Emphasise to the children that proportion is the
relationship between a part of something and the whole. It compares part with the whole. Use a fraction ITP
or stick/post it notes etc... divided equally into four parts – could be three of one colour and one other colour. Ask
children how we could compare and describe the individual colours. We can compare colour1 with colour2 and
say that the proportion of colour1 is 3 out of 4. Model how this can be written – ¾ or 0.75% or 0.75.
Discuss using further examples. Remind chn that just like fractions, proportions of amounts should be cancelled
down into their lowest terms. E.g. 10 out of 20 = 1/2 , 0.5 or 50%; 6 out of 10 = 6/10=3/5, 0.6, 60% etc...
Pose following question and assess understanding –
An orange drink is made up of 900ml of water and 100ml of orange. What proportion of the drink is water? Ask
children to show understanding on their wipeboards – Also ask them to show equivalent decimal and percentage.
LA – percentage of amounts
Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of methods?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
Q6-10 focus on FDP
Rigid timings for all abilities!
Continue finding fractions and percentages of whole-number quantities. Remind them how to find ¾ of 60: divide
by 4 then multiply by 3 – Extend to ¾ of 50. Ask them to find 3/5 of 35. Recap finding the percentage of whole
numbers – RUCSAC – What is 35% of £280? What would we do if we had a calculator? If we didn’t then what
strategy could we use?
Those not sitting level 6
assessment can act as mentors
in LA class.
Consolidation and further
Children work in groups to
answer proportion based
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6 L14E2
In proportion – extension sheet
SCM41solve simple problems
involving ratio and proportion
Ext. PCM41
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
Cash only v2 & Stig and the bus
Record success on success tracker. More
than one attempt permitted for each
Consolidation and further practice
Percentage of amounts
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6
Percentage problems
core sheet independent
If mentors available – children to work 1-1
or 2-1 –to provide support
Ext. Extension sheet
Stawberry Jam is
made from 200g of
strawberries and 50g
of sugar. What
proportion ofthe jam
if strawberries?
Ask children to
express their
answers as the
lowest common
fraction, a decimal
and a percentage.
What is 65% of
£260? Can you
explain the steps in
the calculation? Ask
if there are other
ways to find the
Try 5/8 of 96?
Learning intentions
HA – Ratio and proportion
1) Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
1)2)3)9)8) Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
Use Unit E2 Scholastic Y6 L14E2
In proportion – extension sheet to determine level of understanding during main input.
Remind chn that just like fractions, proportions of amounts should be cancelled down into their lowest terms. E.g.
10 out of 20 = 1/2 , 0.5 or 50%; 6 out of 10 = 6/10=3/5, 0.6, 60% etc...
Pose following question and assess understanding –
An orange drink is made up of 900ml of water and 100ml of orange. What proportion of the drink is water? Ask
children to show understanding on their wipeboards – Also ask them to show equivalent decimal and percentage.
MA - Ratio and proportion
1)2)3)9)8) Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
Recap proportion – assess children’s understanding – Look at comparing fraction, decimal, percentage and
There are 40 people standing at a bus stop. 10% have shopping, 20% are going to school and 70% are going to
work. What questions can the children generate? Work as a class to solve the various problems posed.
LA – percentage of amounts
Can I work out problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages using a range of methods?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
Recap percentages – ask several children to come to the board and explain/demo their understanding of
percentage and what they are as a fraction – look at common denominator for lowest common fraction.
Model how to scale in order to find other percentages.
Ratio and proportion
Ratio and proportion
LA - PCM41 solve simple
problems involving ratio and
PCM72 &73
Abacus7 pg. 49 proportion
Children to work independently.
Courtney McAulay – computer
Curriculum map/maths/keystage
2/year2/using and applying
Ice cream 1 and Help granny 2
Record success on success tracker.
More than one attempt permitted for
each activity.
LA – SCM70&71 T
MA/HA – PCM70&71
A recipe for 3 people
needs 75 g of butter.
How much butter do
you need for 2 people?
8 people?
Explain how you would
solve these problems.
Peanuts cost 60p for
100 grams.
What is the cost of 350
grams of peanuts?
Raisins cost 80p for
100 grams.
Jack pays £2 for a bag
of raisins.
How many grams of
raisins does he get?
1) Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
HA/MA - Ratio and proportion
1)2)3)9)8) Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Explain that, like proportion, the word ratio is used to compare numbers or quantities. Stress that ratio is the
relationship between two or more numbers or quantities and that it compares part with part. Discuss what is
meant by a ratio of 3:5. Relate this to proportion. Also remind the children that we need to simplify ratios just as
we do for proportion and fractions. Give examples: 10:2 would be 5:1, 10:30 would be 1:3 and 100:25 is 4:1.
Mental Maths SATs 2001
Children to work on practicing and consolidating their knowledge.
Ask children to explain
what the word
‘proportion’ means?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
LA – Ratio and proportion
1)2)3)9)8) Can I solve problems using ratio and proportion?
Assess what the children understand about proportion – Emphasise to the children that proportion is the
relationship between a part of something and the whole. It compares part with the whole. Use fraction ITP or
stick/post it notes etc... divided equally into four parts – could be three of one colour and one other colour. Ask
children how we could compare and describe the individual colours. We can compare colour1 with colour2 and
say that the proportion of colour1 is 3 out of 4. Model how this can be written – ¾ or 0.75% or 0.75.
Discuss using further examples. Remind chn that just like fractions, proportions of amounts should be cancelled
down into their lowest terms. E.g. 10 out of 20 = 1/2 , 0.5 or 50%; 6 out of 10 = 6/10=3/5, 0.6, 60% etc...
Pose following question and assess understanding –
An orange drink is made up of 900ml of water and 100ml of orange. What proportion of the drink is water? Ask
children to show understanding on their wipeboards – Alsdo ask them to show equivalent decimal and
LA - Unit E2 Scholastic Y6 L15E2
In proportion – core sheet
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6 L15E2
In proportion – core sheet
Targetmaths6 – ratio and
proportion pg.27 section B & C
Consolidation and further practice
Children work in groups to answer
proportion based questions.
Unit E2 Scholastic Y6 L14E2
In proportion – extension sheet
SCM41solve simple problems
involving ratio and proportion
If we know the
proportion, how can we
work out the ratio and
What is the ratio 21:24
in its lowest terms?
T&L focus Direct & Interactive
What does the word
ratio mean?
Fifteen footballs are in
a ratio two white ones
for every three yellow?
What would happen if
we added another 21
footballs and they were
green? What would the
new ratio be?
Wave3 Interpret
division as
sharing but not
3Y6 x/÷
Learning intentions
1) Solve single and Multistep problems using
mental strategies?
Review Maths 2008 SATs papers – discuss areas which children found challenging – support where
Areas to develop
Areas to develop
Can I solve single and multistep problems using mental
Verbal – see resources
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
Focus on FDPRP
10 questions
Q1-5 (5 secs each)
Q6-8 (10 secs each)
Q9-10 (15 secs each)
1)Can I rapidly recall
multiplication and division
facts up to and including
10 x 10
100 club – maths challenge
See 100 club challenge
Easter Holiday
Areas to develop
Mental Maths – MA/LA
Day 1
5 second questions
7 x 0.9 = ?
96 + 14= ?
Day 2
5 second questions
5.5 x 100
32 ÷ 8 = ?
0.02 x 100 =?
75 = 0.?
10 second questions
6) 1/3 of 120
7) 20% of 40
8) 32 + 28 +15 = ?
15 second questions
9) What is one fifth of £2.00
10) complete the ratio 1:7, 5: ?
Day 3
5 second questions
9 x 0.9 = ?
56 + 58 = ?
3) 54 ÷ 6 = ?
4) 2.3 ÷ 10 =?
5) 0.67 = ?%
10 second questions
6) 8/18 of 81
7) 25% of 140
8) 62 + 52 = ?
15 second questions
9) What is 15% of £2.00
10) complete the ratio 9:7, 63: ?
6 = ?%
46 - ? = 28
0.3 x 0.3 = 0.?
495 – 124 = ?
10 second questions
6) 3/8 of 64 = ?
7) 30% of 50
8) (5 x 3) – 9= ?
15 second questions
9) What is 3/4 of 1m in centimetres
10) What is 3/5 of £3.00?
Mental Maths – HA
Day 1
5 second questions
1) ½ of 2.9km?
2) 4/5 of 45ltrs ?
3) 10% of 8.80?
4) 0054hrs – 59 minutes
5) what is 50 x 0.5?
10 second questions
6) 6/9 of 72kg?
7) What is 70% of €10 multiplied by 0.1?
8) 15 = which equivalent fraction
15 second questions
9) There are 46 children in class. 14 have blue
eyes what proportion do not have blue eyes.
10) If there are 16 green and 16 brown eyed
children then what is the ratio of blue to green to
Day 2
5 second questions
1) 1/9 of 63 litres?
2) 1/6 of 270cm?
3) 30% of 40?
4) 9:18
5) What is 5 x 1.6?
10 second questions
6) 7/30 of 900mm?
7) 4pm plus 5hrs subtract 10hrs is ?
8) What is 15% of € 24?
15 second questions
9) There are two aeroplanes ready to take off.
There are 10% more passengers on the 2nd
flight than the 1st flight. The 1st flight has 270
passengers ? How many passengers on the 2nd
10) Increase £34.50 by 20%