St Mary*s School

St Mary’s School,
100 Richmond Road,
020 8892 7849
Dear Parents,
We hope you all have an enjoyable half term. This is an outline of the subjects we will be
covering next half-term.
We will be continuing our study of the Romans and Roman times. We will be
focusing on the events of Boudicca’s revolt and how the Romans changed Britain.
We will be building on children's previous practical experience of making circuits,
extending their understanding of conductors and insulators and the need for a
complete circuit in order for a device to work. Children will also be introduced to
ways in which they can vary the current in a circuit.
We will be continuing different written and mental methods for addition, subtraction
and multiplying numbers by 10 and 100.We will be exploring how to measure and
calculate the perimeter of a variety of rectangles, children will also learn that angles
are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360 degrees. We will be
comparing and ordering angles less than 180 degrees. We will be using the eight
compass points to give and receive directions and record co-ordinates. In addition
to this, children will be re-visiting fractions, witch an emphasis on equivalent
fractions and finding fractions of number and shapes. We will continue to focus on
the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables with connection to inverse operations and dividing by
2 digit numbers.
In Poetry, the children will discuss a poem’s form and suggest the effect on the
reader. We will continue to develop our performing, reading, analysis and
presentation of published poetry. We will then be reading and writing information
texts. Regular guided reading and spelling activities will also be conducted.
Dance and Games will be on a Monday and Wednesday for 4T and 4E. It will be on
a Wednesday and Thursday for 4R. Please make sure your child has the correct kit
and that it and their P.E. bag is clearly labelled.
Signs and symbols. The children will look at and discuss to know the importance
and significance of religious artefacts for believers and use dance as a means of
interpreting and reflecting on the meaning of religious stories and themes.
Children will be acting as historians, learning to use and create surveys, databases
and presentations to exchange and share information.
In D&T, children will apply knowledge about electric circuits that they acquire in
science in a purposeful way by designing and making a simple torch.
In French, we will be focusing on classroom greetings, colours and animals. As well
as speaking and listening we will be working on simple grammar rules.
Children will develop their understanding of how sounds are made on different
musical instruments and how they can be used expressively.
Children will be learning about the acceptance of difference and how to care about
other people’s feelings.
Every Friday children will be working in different groups on a creative activity led by
one of the teachers in the school.
11th March ‘Roman Day’ (in school)
The children will continue to receive three pieces of homework each week. A spelling homework
will be given on a Monday, Maths homework on a Wednesday and another piece on a Friday.
The homework on a Friday will be linked to topics we are studying in class at the time. The
children will have a week to do each piece of homework which will often be peer-marked.
Sometimes it will be set via Education City.
Yours sincerely,
Charlotte Thomas 4T
Ben Egan 4E
Samantha Riley 4R