JSSH Vol. 5 No. 2 September 1997 JSSH-0084-1997 Pengajaran Kemahiran Menulis Karangan Bahasa Melayu di Sekolah Menengah: Satu Penilaian Kualitatif Marohaini Yusoff dan Zulkifli A. Manaf Keywords Penilaian kualitatif, pengajaran kemahiran karangan Bahasa Melayu, pendidikan guru Bahasa Melayu Abstract Artikel ini akan membincangkan dapatan satu kajian kes tentang bentuk pengajaran kemahiran menulis karangan Bahasa Melayu kepada pelajar Tingkatan Empat di sebuah sekolah menengah di Selangor. Pencerapan ini dilakukan dalam dua semester pengajian di sekolah tersebut. Dalam kajian ini, bentuk pengajaran dua guru di Tingkatan Empat telah dilihat. Dapatan pencerapan ini menunjukkan bahawa penumpuan guru lebih diberikan terhadap ‘hasil karangan’ daripada proses mengarang itu sendiri. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh bentuk pengajaran guru yang linear dan pendekatan pengajaran yang menekankan aspek input isi daripada strategi mengarang. Bentuk pengajaran ini lebih berorientasi untuk menyediakan pelajar menghadapi peperiksaan dan bukan kepada latihan mempertingkat kemahiran mengarang di kalangan pelajar. Bentuk pengajaran ini membawa implikasi terhadap perancangan dan penyediaan bakal guru di maktab perguruan dan universiti. JSSH-0085-1997 Hubungan Keberkesanan Latihan dengan Prestasi Kerja Abdul Latif Abdul Kadir dan Maimunah Ismail Keywords Keberkesanan latihan, prestasi kerja Abstract Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai keberkesanan latihan dan hubungannya dengan prestasi kerja pegawai kastam lantikan baru yang telah mengikuti Kursus Program Pengajian Asas Operasi Perkastaman (PPAOP) di Akademi Kastam Diraja Malaysia (AKMAL), Melaka. Data kajian diperolehi daripada 84 responden melalui borang soal selidik yang ditadbir sendiri. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kursus ini telah memberi kesan positif ke atas prestasi kerja pelatih. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang rendah dan positif di antara dimensi latihan dengan prestasi kerja selepas latihan. Analisis juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif dan perbezaan yang signifikan di antara dimensi prestasi kerja sebelum dan selepas latihan. Kajian ini menunjukkan AKMAL telah berjaya memainkan peranannya dalam menyediakan anggota Jabatan yang kompeten. Kajian mengesyorkan pengurusan AKMAL perlu memberikan perhatian yang lebih serius terhadap mutu metodologi dan alat bantuan mengajar (ABM), fasilitator, modul kastam dan modul pengurusan terutamanya dari aspek kandungan, metodologi dan teknik pengajaran. JSSH-0086-1997 Pendapatan dan Pembelanjaan Pekeija Migran Wanita: Suatu Perbandingan antara Sektor Awam, Industri dan Jualan Laily Paim dan Nurizan Yahaya Keywords Penggunaan, perbelanjaan, pola perbelanjaan, kesejahteraan material Abstract Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji corak pendapatan dan perbelanjaan pekerja migran wanita Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai 969 pekerja wanita yang berumur antara 15 hingga 30 tahun yang telah berhijrah dari tempat kelahiran ke tempat lain dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Responden telah dipilih secara rawak berlapis dari lima zon iaitu utara (Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang), tengah (Perak dan Selangor), selatan (Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Johor), timur (Pahang, Terengganu dan Kelantan), dan metropolitan (Kuala Lumpur). Responden mewakili sektor awam (41%), industri (38%) dan jualan (21%). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa wanita yang dikaji kebanyakannya masih bujang, muda (purata umur 24 tahun) dan berpendidikan setakat SPM. Analisis Chi-square menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan pendapatan yang signifikan mengikut sektor, kumpulan umur, dan taraf pendidikan. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan bagi peratusan pendapatan yang dibelanjakan untuk makanan, perumahan dan pengangkutan mengikut sektor, umur, taraf pendidikan dan taraf perkahwinan. JSSH-0087-1997 Work-Family Conflict and Social Support: A Study of Female Secretaries in Malaysia Aminah Ahmad Keywords Role conflict, work-family conflict, social support, working women Abstract As more married women participate in the labour force and occupy both work and family roles simultaneously, they tend to experience conflict between work and family roles. This study examined the intensity of work-family conflict experienced by female secretaries in the state o f Selangor, Malaysia. The study also analysed the social support that the secretaries received at the workplace from supervisors and co-workers and outside their workplace from husbands, and friends and relatives. Data were gathered through self-administered questionnaires from 120 secretaries. The secretaries in this study experienced work-family conflict with varying intensities as they try to fulfil the conflicting demands o f work and family roles. They received the least social support from their supervisors, and the most from their husbands. Implications o f these findings for married working women in terms o f facilities, support services and social support are discussed. JSSH-0088-1997 The Leadership Factor in Administrative Reform in Malaysia, with a Specific Study on the Leadership of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia Ahmad Atory bin Hussain Keywords Leadership of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, public administration, public management administrative science, administrative reform, management science, development administration, reorganisation, administrative strategy, administrative politics, politics and administration, political leadership, bureaucratic politics Abstract In many reform efforts, leadership is an important element in ensuring that the plan succeeds. In this respect, dynamic reforms which are continuing to take place in the Malaysian public service owe much to the leadership provided by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. This can be seen from the numerous programmes he has introduced which have generally been well received by both the public and private sectors. The objective of this article is to focus on Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as a prime mover or catalyst in the implementation o f the administrative reform efforts in Malaysia. It highlights the leadership dynamism and forward-orientation of Dr. Mahathir thus far, in playing a central role to ensure the success o f the reform movement. JSSH-0089-1997 A Survey of Methods Used by Malaysian Brokerage Firm Investment Analysts to Appraise Investments in Ordinary Shares Shamsher Mohamad an d Annuar Md Nassir Keywords Investment analysts, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, beta analysis, earnings multiplier approach Abstract This study provides a broad description of the methods used by investment analysts attached to brokerage houses in Malaysia to appraise investments in the ordinary shares of companies. Fiftyseven investment analysts were sampled from all the brokerage houses in Malaysia and a mail questionnaire method was used to solicit the required information. The findings suggest that the sampled analysts used a combination of methods to assess the value of shares, though the emphasis is on the fundamental analysis. They use a three-year earnings forecast period, prefer accrual earnings to cashflows and use a variety of sources of information with the emphasis on financial information from audited financial statements, substantiated by qualitative information gathered through company visits. In general, though the findings are inconclusive regarding the most common methods used for share price valuation, the inclination is towards the earnings multiplier approach. JSSH-0090-1997 Measuring Labour Productivity through Labour Requirement Approach: The Malaysian Experience Zakariah Abdul Rashid an d Chan Khai Yew Keywords Sectoral labour productivity, input-output analysis, direct and indirect labour requirements, comparative measurements of labour productivity Abstract The present paper measures labour productivity by estimating direct and indirect labour requirements per unit of output. Labour requirements are estimated by using an input-output technique. The paper uses two input-output tables for two different periods to ensure the results are more consistent. The results of the study were then tested by comparing them with the ordinary measures of labour productivity such as value-added per labour, salaries and wages per labour and output per labour. It is interesting to note that although for the whole economy direct labour requirement appears to be the consistent measure of labour productivity, for some sectors of the economy indirect labour requirement is also important.