Analyzing Influences on Health

Influences on Health
1. Identify people and things that
might influence you.
Media- are the various forms of mass communication.
Advertisement- is a paid announcement about a product or
Commercial- is an advertisement on television or radio.
Technology- in media uses high-tech equipment to
communicate information
i.e.; Advertisements that pop-up on the Internet could affect
what you purchase.
Culture- is the arts, beliefs, and customs that make up a
way of life.
2. Evaluate how the influence might affect your
health behavior and decisions.
Example: Think about someone who influences you the most. Write down 3
behaviors this person practices and ask yourself the questions in the
guidelines on p.36
Media Literacy- is the skill of being able to recognize and
evaluate the influence of messages in media.
3. Choose positive influences on health
4. Protect yourself from negative influences
on health.
8 Questions to Evaluate Ads
1. What is being advertised?
2. Where and when did the ad appear?
3. Why was this particular type of media selected?
4. Who appears to be the targeted audience?
5. What advertising appeals are used in the ad?
6. What does the advertiser want me to believe?
7. What do I know to be fact?
8. Will the product in the ad promote health and safety? Is it
legal? Will its use promote self-respect and respect for
others, follow family guidelines, and demonstrate good
Ten Advertising Appeals
1. Brand loyalty appeal- convinces a person that one brand
is better than the others.
2. False image appeal- convinces people that they will have
a certain image by using a particular product or service.
3. Bandwagon appeal- implies that everyone you know is
using this brand.
4. Humor appeal- contains something that sticks in the mind,
i.e. slogan or jingle.
5. Glittering generality appeal- contains an exaggerated
appeal that gets to your emotions.
6. Scientific evidence appeal- uses data from lab tests and
surveys to convince you the product is the best.
7. Progress appeal- latest version is the best one to buy.
8. Reward appeal- offers a special prize, gift, or coupon to
try to get you to buy the product.
9. Sex appeal- tries to convince you that a certain brand will
make you more attractive.
10. Testimonial appeal- uses a famous person to promote
the benefits of a certain product.