Persuasive Advertising Techniques Worksheet

Name: __________________ Persuasive Advertising Techniques ­ Pathos, Logos and Ethos How do advertisers convince people to love their product, service, company, ideas, etc. Pathos ­ the ad attempts to bring out an emotional response in the viewer. Technique
Symbols - Words, places, images, songs, etc that
represent something else
White Dove = Peace
Heart = Love/Caring
Your Example:
Fear or the Bandwagon Effect - Sometimes
media makes us afraid that if we don’t pay
attention, something bad could happen.
“Buy this car alarm, or your convertible will be
“Lots of popular teens are wearing these jeans! If
you don’t jump on the bandwagon and wear them
too, you’ll be missing out!”
Your Example:
Humor - Making someone laugh is on of the most
effective persuasive techniques.
A commercial with dancing dogs is so funny that I
want to buy the dog food being advertised!
Your Example:
Happy Emotions - Images of people enjoying life
while consuming the product.
Seeing a family having fun on a theme park ad will
convince people to pay for their families to go
(Great Wolf Lodge)
Your Example:
Negative Emotions - Images of people going
through pain, sadness, stress, inconvenience,etc.
A commercial showing a person having back pain
after buying the wrong brand of mattress.
Your Example:
Warm and Fuzzies - Cute, sweet images sell
products and ideas.
“Those cute cats love that brand of fabric softener,
and so will I.”
Your Example:
Flattery - Complimenting the viewer so they will
connect with the ad or pay-attention.
L’Oreal Make Up “Because you’re worth it”
It’s worth spending the money on our make up
because you’re beautiful and deserve to look your
Your Example:
Sex Appeal - Using attractive people or sexual
imagery to attract people to your product.
Ax Body Spray ads - filled with sexual
imagery...basically stating “If you use this
deodarent, you will attract people”
Your Example:
Logos - an appeal to logic. The ad will give you EVIDENCE and/or STATISTICS,
PERCENTAGES, etc in order to try to prove that it is the best product. The advertiser is
trying to CONVINCE you that their product is the best.
Scientific Evidence
- Numbers, Percents
“One glass of Florida orange juice contains
75% of your daily vitamin C needs.”
“4 out of 5 dentists recommend this tooth
Your Example:
Describing facts about the company or
***Sometimes these are true, sometimes
they are not
“Levi’s jeans are made from organic cotton.
The Levi’s company has been in business
Your Example:
“Buy one, get one free!”
Your Example:
Name Calling - The advertiser makes fun of
their competitor or argues that their product
is better.
McDonalds comparing the size of their
burgers to the smaller ones from another
fast food company.
Your Example:
Hyperbole - Using exaggeration to state
that your product is the best.
“Our hot dogs are the tastiest in the world!”
Elf - “World’s best cup of coffee!”
Your Example:
Ethos - Trying to convince you that the company is more important, reliable, honest,
believable, credible than other so you will be persuaded to buy their product/service.
Expert Testimony
(kind of like scientific evidence in Logos)
“4 out of 5 dentists recommend this
Movie reviews from critic
Your Example:
A famous person or customer represents
the company and give the product a great
-Stanley Cup winning hockey players
endorse a certain brand of hockey
-A video clip of a senior citizen endorsing
the seniors home they live in
Your Example:
Celebrity Appeal
Casting a famous person in the add to draw
the attention of the viewer.
Brand Association
Linking a known company or brand to your
Your Example:
-“Cheese Nips Crackers: now with more real
Kraft cheese”
-New stereo systems linking their product
to Beats By Dre headphones
- ihome speakers - not an Apple product,
but putting “i” in front of their product and
making them white makes people think they
are made by Apple Corporation.
Your Example:
Another strategy…
Repetition - Hearing or seeing something over and over makes a product stick in your head
so your remember the brand. TV, Internet and Radio commercials often repeat the product
name three or more times, because research has shown that it will stick in our mind if
repeated over and over. Next time you listen to a radio ad, listen to how many times
they repeat the company or product name. :)
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