The French and Indian Wars

King William’s War (1689-1697)
Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713)
King George’s War (1744-1748)
French & Indian War (1754-1763)
The Most France Ever Had
Louis XIV takes interest
in the Americas
One year after
Jamestown Quebec
New France – Friendly
relations with Huron
Iroquois didn’t like the
France begins to stretch
Hunting Beaver for fur
Recruited Indians to hunt
Indians died of disease
Beavers over hunted
French Catholic missionaries
tried to convert Natives
France begins to stretch
Detroit founded to keep English
out of Ohio Valley
De La Salle founded New
Orleans in 1682 to keep Spanish
out of Gulf of Mexico
King William’s & Queen Anne’s War –
2 different events
colonists fought
the French
coureurs de bois
beaver hunters)
and the Indians
Video: King William’s War
King William’s & Queen Anne’s War –
2 different events
The peace deal
in Utrecht in
1713 gave
and Hudson Bay
to England
Video: Queen Anne’s War
British Territory after Two Wars, 1713
War of Jenkin’s Ear
British Captain caught smuggling by
Spanish cut off his ear and sent him home
to the King
War broke out in 1739 between British and
Confined to Caribbean
Turns into War of Austrian
Succession in Europe
Called King
George’s War in
the colonies
France allied
with Spain
Peace terms
Louisbourg back
to France
Video: King George’s War
North America before 1754
George Washington Starts a war
The Ohio Valley – battleground for
Spanish, British, and French
Virginia Gov. sends 21 year old
Washington with 150 minutemen
Lt. Col. Washington encounters French and
troops kill French leader at Fort Duquesne
French return and surround Washington at
Fort Necessity – surrenders after 10 hours
Left with men
Global War and Colonial Disunity
War #4 starts in America instead of
The Seven Year’s War in Europe and the
French and Indian War in the colonies
England & Prussia against France,
Spain, Austria and Russia
Frederick the Great defeats the French,
Austrian, and Russian armies
Albany Congress
Franklin’s idea that the Colonies should
unite in common defense
Keep Iroquois loyal to Britain
The Albany Congress was before it’s time
and failed. The colonies were not yet
ready for unity
Colonial Disunity turns into Unity
This was created before the ill fated
Albany Congress
Join or Die Cartoon
The first cartoon appeared in Ben
Franklin's newspaper The Pennsylvania
Gazette on May 9, 1754.
 It appeared as part of an editorial by
Franklin commenting on 'the present
disunited state of the British Colonies.'
Join or Die Cartoon
• The woodcut drawing entitled 'Join or
Die' pictures a divided snake in eight
pieces representing as many colonial
• The drawing was based on the popular
superstition that a snake that had been
cut in two would come to life if the pieces
were joined before sunset.
Join or Die
Braddock’s Blundering
• Braddock sent to lead inexperienced
colonial soldiers to capture Ft. Dequesne
• Lt. Col. Washington was in the battle
• Braddock was killed
• Results: Indians felt confident and waged
war from North Carolina to Pennsylvania
• British met with defeat after defeat
Pitt’s Victory
• The “Great Commoner” took control
• Took troop strength away from West
Indies and focused on Montreal and
• 1758 Louisbourg fell
Wolfe Vs Montcalm
• Battle of Quebec 1759 – most significant
battle. Wolfe defeated Montcalm and he
was killed
• French kicked out of Canada
• Stoped here 9/3
French and Indian War Recap
Video: French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris-1763
Britain got all of Canada
French kept sugar islands in West Indies
Inlets in Gulf of St. Lawrence
Louisiana turned over to Spain to pay for
Spain’s losses in the war
North America after 1763
British Policy created their GREAT
• British refused to recognize any
American officers above the rank of
• Washington got very angry! His greatest
dream was to be a British officers
• He resigned in a fit
• Boy was this a mistake on Britain's part!
Long lasting effects
• Americans from different parts of the
colonies found common ground; barriers
of disunity began to melt away. They
were finally ready for Franklin’s idea
• Colonist were not less dependent on