Round 2 - High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

Buckeye Spring Tournament 2012: Spider-Man Gives Chase! FAPPO!
All questions by Ohio State University (Max Bucher, Will Davis, Avery Demchak, Jacob Durst, Tyler Friesen, Matt Gerberich,
Nandan Gokhale, Jarret Greene, Richard Hersch, Peter Komarek, Jasper Lee, Simon Lui, Lauren Menke, Asanka Nanayakkara,
Brice Russ, Kirun Sankaran, Andy Sekerak, Keith Stephens, Joe Wells) and Virginia Commonwealth University (George Berry,
Sean Smiley, Cody Voight)
Edited by George Berry, Jacob Durst, Jarret Greene, Jasper Lee, Andy Sekerak and Cody Voight
Round 2 – Tossups
1) In one of this man’s novels, a married couple of Eduard and Charlotte struggles with their respective
desires for Ottilie and the Captain, while another work by this man features the Society of the Tower. In
addition to Elective Affinities and Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, this author wrote a novel in which the
title character fails to win over the wife of Albert, leading him to (*) commit suicide because of his love for
Lotte. In Part I of this author’s magnum opus, two apes brew potion in a witch’s cave, Walpurgis Night’s Dream is
performed and the title scholar wagers his soul with the devil Mephistopheles. For 10 points, name this prolific
German writer of The Sorrows of Young Werther and Faust.
ANSWER: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2) One type of this phenomenon is specific to special relativity and is the most direct form of time dilation.
That type of this phenomenon was separated from the longitudinal type in the Ives-Stilwell experiment.
Edwin Hubble used it to determine that the universe was expanding. This phenomenon can be used in
astronomy to calculate the speed of receding galaxies by observing the (*) redshift of spectral lines. A common
example of it is the change in pitch of the siren of a passing ambulance. For 10 points, identify this effect in which
the frequency of a wave is changed when an observer is moving relative to its source.
ANSWER: Doppler effect [or Doppler shift]
3) This man wrote two pamphlets responding to Samuel Seabury’s attack of the First Continental Congress.
At the Battle of Yorktown, this man commanded three infantry battalions in taking a redoubt, while at the
Constitutional Convention this man made a speech opposing the states’ rights positions of William Patersen.
In his most prominent office, he showed his British sympathies in Report on a (*) National Bank and penned the
Report on Manufacturers. Earlier, this politician collaborated with John Jay and James Madison in writing The
Federalist Papers. For 10 points, identify this first Treasury Secretary, who was killed in an 1804 duel by Aaron
ANSWER: Alexander Hamilton
4) Allen and Sanderson independently developed two different methods for calculating this property, the
former utilizing the average energy of the valence electrons while the latter calculating the ratio of the actual
charge denisty to the expected charge denisty extrapoloated from noble gas data. It is often calculated by
taking the arithmetic mean of (*) electron affinity and ionization energy according to the Mulliken scale, and this
property increases moving right and up along the periodic table. For 10 points, name this atomic property proposed
by Linus Pauling which measures the ability to attract electron density, exhibited highly in oxygen and fluorine.
ANSWER: electronegativity
5) This philosopher was criticized in several works by John Bramhall, and his De Corpore shares many
viewpoints with his most famous work. In his Elements of Law, this man argued that men give names to
objects in order to give perception to those objects. This philosopher saw human nature as completely (*)
materialistic and selfish. His best-known work is separated into parts such as “Of Commonwealth” and “Of Man,”
and claimed that the best government is an absolute monarchy. In that work, he said man’s life to be “nasty, brutish,
and short.” For 10 points, name the author of Leviathan.
ANSWER: Thomas Hobbes
6) In this novel, Little Em'ly breaks up with her adoptive brother Ham to marry James Steerforth. Mrs.
Gummidge and Mr Peggotty live in an upside-down boat, and later the title character boards with Mrs
Crupp while working as a proctor for the law firm (*) Spenlow and Jorkins. The protagonist of this work meets
Tommy Traddles at Salem House and is forced to work in his stepfather Mr Murdstone’s wine-bottling business.
Near the end of this novel, the schemes of Uriah Heap are discovered, and the protagonist marries Agnes
Wickfield. For 10 points, name this semi-autobiographical novel by Charles Dickens.
ANSWER: David Copperfield
7) These events occur frequently in Benioff zones. Henry Reid proposed elastic rebound theory to explain
these events. These events can cause sand boils as a result of liquefaction. An area of the earth between 104
and 140 degrees from these events is known as a shadow zone because the liquid outer core refracts and stops
(*) P and S waves, respectively. Although now measured on the moment magnitude scale, they used to be measured
on the Richter scale. The point on the earth directly above the focus of these events is the epicenter. For 10 points,
name these geologic events which occur near faults and result in the shaking of the earth.
ANSWER: earthquakes
8) A 1788 fire during the Spanish rule of this city destroyed over 75% of its buildings and led to the
construction of the Cabildo and the Presbytere. The Sieur de Bienville was responsible for the initial planning
of most of this city. City Park and Lakeview were built after the(*) drainage of much of the northern part of this
city. Near this city’s suburb of Metairie is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, and this city is home to the Tremé and
French Quarter neighborhoods. For 10 points, name this city in which a notable Mardi Gras celebration occurs, and
which was heavily flooded by Hurricane Katrina.
ANSWER: New Orleans, Louisiana
9) One outpost controlled by this organization was the Steelyard in London. Following the capture of Visby
by this organization, it signed the Treaty of Stralsund with Vlademar IV of Denmark. (*) Cog ships were
crucial for the success of this organization, and its trading posts were known as kontors. This organization’s power
waned with the rise of the Swedish and Dutch empires, but it was centered on Lübeck and included the cities of
Bremen and Hamburg. For 10 points, name this medieval trade confederation consisting of northern European cities.
ANSWER: Hanseatic League [or Hansa]
10) One section of this work of art depicts a dark Creation in a globe populated only by plants. At the left of
this work, God holds Eve by the wrist and a unicorn drinks from a pool in the middle of which sits a large
pink flower-fountain. The center of this work depicts many people riding animals like deer, camels, horses
and (*) griffins. On the right, a birdlike creature eats a man while excreting people from a toilet-throne. Its central
section depicts a strawberry and cherry-fed orgy where naked people crawl into eggs, mollusks and even a bird. For
10 points, name this triptych by Hieronymus Bosch.
ANSWER: The Garden of Earthly Delights
11) This man’s soldiers once attached flaming torches to the horns of cattle and charged the beasts through a
mountain pass to scare away defenders. Earlier in that campaign, this leader captured Saguntum and
successfully ambushed foes in the fog at Lake Trasimene. This man’s greatest victory came when he ordered
the center of his line to give ground until he was able to (*) encircle and slaughter a force under the command of
Varro and Paullus. That victory at the Battle of Cannae was short lived, and this man was defeated by Scipio
Africanus at the Battle of Zama. For 10 points, name this general who marched an army over the Alps and into Italy
during the Second Punic War, a Carthaginian leader.
ANSWER: Hannibal Barca
12) This deity once lost an ale-brewing contest with Odin, and the giantess Hyndla once recognized the
disguise that this deity gave to Ottar. This deity’s hall Folkvagnir houses half of all of the slain, the other half
going to Valhalla. According to one story, this wife of (*) Od was impersonated by a god who ate a whole oxen in
order to trick Thrym, and another story tells of Loki’s use of this deity’s falcon-cloak to rescue Idunn. This goddess
gained the necklace Brisingamen by sleeping with four dwarves, and she rode in her chariot pulled by two cats in
Baldr’s funeral procession. For 10 points, name this daughter of Njord and sister of Frey, the Norse goddess of Love
and Fertility.
ANSWER: Freya [or Freyja; do not accept “Freyr”]
13) This composer dedicated his Violin Concerto in D Major to Joseph Joachim, who premiered several of this
composer’s works. This man wrote a series of 21 pieces based on melodies brought to his attention by gypsies
fleeing after the Revolutions of 1848. Another work of this composer of the (*) Hungarian Dances has seven
movements, and unlike similar works, takes its text from the Lutheran Bible. This composer commemorated his
doctorate from the University of Breslau in one piece, after which he wrote the Tragic Overture as a companion
piece. For 10 points, identify this German composer of A German Requiem and the Academic Festival Overture.
ANSWER: Johannes Brahms
14) In this show, a meteorite destroys a Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack restaurant. A statue of the deity Taweret
was also destroyed on this show, broken into pieces by the impact of the slave ship The Black Rock, which
carried (*) Richard Alpert. Later, Richard would serve under the mysterious Jacob, who prevented the Man in
Black from leaving this show’s main location. In the series finale of this show, Jacob’s position is taken by Hurley
after it was briefly held by Jack Shephard. For 10 points, name this ABC show about the survivors of the Oceanic
815 plane crash, set on a strange island.
15) This document barred the relatives of Gerard de Athee from holding public office. The removal of fishing
weirs from non-coastal waters was called for in this document, while another clause concerned the repayment
of loans to Jews. This document created the (*) Great Council under the “Security Clause.” Conceived after the
Battle of Bouvines, this document standardized the measurement of wine and corn, and its supporters were led by
the baron Robert FitzWalter. Signed at Runnymede, the general demands in this document were based on Henry I’s
Unknown Charter. For 10 points, identify this charter that extended rights to English nobles, signed by King John in
ANSWER: Magna Carta
16) Geminin inhibits this process, while enzymes involved in it include the Flap endonuclease and
topoisomerase. A similar process that occurs in plasmids is called “rolling circle,” and this process occurs in
two opposite directions in prokaryotes. This process sees the creation of a (*) leading strand and a lagging
strand, the latter of which is made of Okazaki fragments, which are joined by a ligase. A primer is necessary for this
process, which occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle and whose main action is carried out by the namesake
polymerase. For 10 points, identify this cell process in which genes are copied.
ANSWER: DNA replication
17) In one novel by this author, scientists in the title location become enemies due to the Crimean War. This
author of The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa also wrote a novel about a
group of prisoners who escape and meet Prince Dakkar at the title geographical formation they name for
Abraham Lincoln. In addition to The (*) Mysterious Island, this author wrote a novel in which Phileas Fogg
wagers he can pull of the title feat, and another novel in which Pierre Arronax discovers the Nautilus. For 10 points,
name this author who penned Around the World in Eighty Days and created Captain Nemo in Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under the Sea.
ANSWER: Jules Verne
18) Not all members of this group believe in the occultation and eventual return of an imam, but it is an
important tenet of the Twelvers, one sect within this group. This group reveres a figure that was martyred at
the Battle of (*) Karbala. Its adherents reject the legitimacy of the Rashidun Caliphate, and it considers a cousin of
Muhammad the true first Imam. This branch of Islam is particularly popular in Iraq and Iran. For 10 points, name
this major sect of Islam which venerates Ali, and holds that imams are appointed by God and not elected by people,
in contrast with the beliefs of Sunnis.
ANSWER: Shia Islam or Shiites
19) The title poem of one of this author’s collections begins "Stasis in darkness/then the substanceless blue."
That collection contains a poem where the speaker begins “I have done it again/one year in every ten.” In a
novel by this author, Buddy Willard admits he slept with a waitress and Dr. Gordon prescribes (*) electricshock therapy for the protagonist. In addition to that novel about Esther Greenwood, the speaker of one of this
author’s poems tells the title figure “there’s a stake through your black heart,” before declaring “I’m through.” For
10 points, name this author who included “Lady Lazarus” and “Daddy” in her collection Ariel in addition to writing
The Bell Jar.
ANSWER: Sylvia Plath
20) Cliff-dwellings inspired this architect’s design for the Mesa Laboratory in Colorado. One skyscraper
designed by this man's firm had to use wooden supports to avoid losing window frames when the wind blew.
This man designed the John Hancock building in Boston and the (*) Bank of China Tower. This man was
chosen by Jacqueline Kennedy to design the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. One building designed by this
man slopes up to a tower on the shore of Lake Erie. That building is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. For
10 points, name this Chinese-American architect of the glass pyramids at the L'ouvre.
ANSWER: Ieoh Ming Pei
TB) One author from this country wrote a novel following the characters known only as “You” and “I” as
they journey to escape from their lives to find a sacred structure. In addition to that author of Soul Mountain,
in an earlier novel from this country, characters take the Oath of the Peach Garden and the forces of (*) Cao
Cao are defeated in the Battle of Red Cliffs. In another classic novel from this country, Pao-yu is born with a
magical piece of jade in his mouth. For 10 points name this country home to Gao Xingjian, as well as the authors of
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dream of the Red Chamber, Luo Guanzhong and Cao Xueqin.
Buckeye Spring Tournament 2012: Spider-Man Gives Chase! FAPPO!
All questions by Ohio State University (Max Bucher, Will Davis, Avery Demchak, Jacob Durst, Tyler Friesen, Matt
Gerberich, Nandan Gokhale, Jarret Greene, Richard Hersch, Peter Komarek, Jasper Lee, Simon Lui, Lauren Menke,
Asanka Nanayakkara, Brice Russ, Kirun Sankaran, Andy Sekerak, Keith Stephens, Joe Wells) and Virginia
Commonwealth University (George Berry, Sean Smiley, Cody Voight)
Edited by George Berry, Jacob Durst, Jarret Greene, Jasper Lee and Cody Voight
Round 2 – Bonuses
1) This 1959 album features John Coltrane on tenor saxophone and Jimmy Cobb on drums, and features the Dorian
mode on its opening track, “So What.” For 10 points each:
[10] Name this landmark jazz album which features the twelve-bar blues form on “Freddie Freeloader” and the
ballad “Blue in Green,” a mix of dorian, mixolydian, and lydian modes.
ANSWER: Kind of Blue
[10] Kind of Blue is an album by this jazz trumpeter who experimented with electric instruments on Bitches Brew.
ANSWER: Miles Davis
[10] The music of Joaquin Rodrigo and Manuel de Falla was included in the first two tracks of this Miles Davis
album, titled for an Iberian country.
ANSWER: Sketches of Spain
2) This work features a land dispute between Francis Nurse and Thomas Putnam, and a key supporting role is that of
the slave Tituba. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this play set in Salem, Massachusetts in which Abigail Williams and friends set off a series of witchcraft
accusations. After trying to expose Abigail as a fraud, John Proctor is accused by Marry Warren and hung.
ANSWER: “The Crucible”
[10] “The Crucible” is a work by this American playwright. This erstwhile husband of Marilyn Monroe explores the
Loman family, including father Willy and sons Biff and Happy, in “Death of a Salesman.”
ANSWER: Arthur Miller
[10] In this other Miller play, it Larry Keller crashes his plane upon learning of his father Joe’s conviction for selling
faulty parts which killed other airmen. Joe’s other son Chris pursues Ann Deever, who loved Larry.
ANSWER: “All My Sons”
3) Name some concepts from Islam, for 10 points each.
[10] This word refers to taboo or prohibited items or actions like eating pork, onanism, drinking alcohol, and
ANSWER: Haraam
[10] This word refers to the pillar of Islam requiring adherents to pray five times a day.
[10] During the performance of salat, Muslims face the ka’ba, which is located in this Saudi Arabian holiest city in
4) One poem in this collection describes “climb[ing] through the lost jungle’s tortured thicket” to the title “high city
of laddered stones.” For 10 points each,
[10] Name this collection which attempts to provide a history of Latin America, consisting of 231 poems across 15
sections, including “The Conquistadors,” “The Liberators,” and “The Heights of Macchu Picchu.”
ANSWER: Canto General
[10] Canto General is a work by this Nobel prize-winning poet who wrote “I want to do with you what spring does
with cherry trees” in Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.
ANSWER: Pablo Neruda
[10] Neruda hails from this country, whose other authors include one who wrote a Poema de [this country], Gabriela
Mistral, and the author of The Savage Detectives and 2666, Roberto Bolaño.
ANSWER: Republic of Chile
5) First discovered by Christian du Duave, this organelle maintains a pH for approximately 4.5 using proton pumps
and chloride ion channels. For ten points each:
[10] Name this organelle that contains different classes of hydrolytic enzymes that mainly break down waste
materials and unused organelles.
ANSWER: lysosome
[10] Failure of lysosomes to break down lipids leads to this genetic disease which is prevalent in the Eastern
European Jewish population. One of its notable symptoms is the presence of a cherry red spot in the retina.
ANSWER: Tay-Sachs Disease
[10] Lysosomes play a big part in this process which involves the cell digesting foreign bacteria. A specific type of
endocytosis, it is commonly used by the immune system to combat pathogens.
ANSWER: phagocytosis
6) Henry de Bohun unsuccessfully tried to kill one commander at this battle while Alexander Sexton defected to the
winning side. For 10 points each:
[10] Robert the Bruce led three schiltroms of spearmen in triumphing over English forces at this 1314 battle, a
crucial victory in the drive for Scotland’s independence.
ANSWER: Battle of Bannockburn
[10] This man described by Blind Harry led Scotland to an earlier 1297 victory at Stirling Bridge, though this
warrior lost the following year at the Battle of Falkirk and was executed by England in 1305.
ANSWER: Sir William Wallace
[10] This Plantagenet king was the losing commander at Bannockburn, and his wife Isabella and Roger Mortimer
arranged his grisly 1327 death at Berkeley Castle. His father, known as Longshanks, executed William Wallace.
ANSWER: Edward II (prompt on Edward)
7) This state’s budget issues have caused it to completely cut state funding for public libraries, and up to 70 state
parks may be closed here this July. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this Western state, home to Nancy Pelosi, which recalled Governor Gray Davis in 2003 and replaced him
with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
ANSWER: California
[10] This California Constitutional Amendment “eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry.” It was passed
in 2008, but has now been overturned by District Court Judge Vaughn Walker and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
ANSWER: Proposition 8
[10] This sitting governor of California also held the office from 1975 to 1983, where his advocacy for space-related
causes earned him the nickname “Governor Moonbeam”.
ANSWER: (Edmund) “Jerry” Brown
8) This composer wrote a piece for string sextet that was based off a Richard Damael poem, Transfigured
Night. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this Austrian composer, the creator of the twelve-tone technique. He also composed Pierrot Lunaire.
ANSWER: Arnold Schoenberg
[10] One of Schoenberg’s students was this composer, who composed a violin concerto after the death of Manon
Gropius. He is better known for the operas Lulu and Wozzeck.
ANSWER: Alban Berg
[10] Schoenberg demonstrated the twelve-tone technique in his third and fourth of this type of work. This type of
composition is performed by two violins, a viola, and a cello.
ANSWER: string quartets
9) This figure was recognized by this uncle Pelias as the man who would overthrow him after this figure lost a
sandal helping a disguised Hera cross a river. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this Greek hero who became the leader of the Argonauts.
[10] The goal of the Argonauts was this object, the skin of an animal sacrificed by Phrixus after the animal saved
him from his wicked stepmother Ino.
ANSWER: Golden Fleece
[10] The Golden Fleece fell into possession of this king of Colchis, who forced Jason into doing a series of
dangerous tasks in order to obtain it. This king’s daughter Medea helped Jason, however.
ANSWER: Aeetes
10) Name some international organizations created during the Cold War, for 10 points each:
[10] This alliance was created by a namesake treaty signed in Brussels in 1949 which created a collective defense
alliance aimed at opposing the Soviet Bloc in Eastern Europe. Its members include The US, UK and Germany.
ANSWER: NATO [accept North Atlantic Treaty Organization]
[10] This alliance was created by the Manila Pact to confront Communism in its namesake region. Some of its
members, including Australia and South Korea, contributed troops to the United States’ effort in the Vietnam War.
ANSWER: SEATO [accept Southeast Asia Treaty Organization]
[10] Founded in Belgrade by a group including Jawaharlal Nehru and Josip Tito, this organization chose not to side
with either Capitalist or Communist blocs, advocating a middle course for developing nations.
ANSWER: Non-Aligned Movement [accept NAM]
11) This painting was inspired by the painter's shock at seeing tribal objects in the Ethnographic Museum of Paris.
Accordingly, two of the figures depicted wear African masks. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this characteristically massive painting of five women and a small bunch of fruit. In preparatory studies,
a figure at left was a sailor entering a brothel.
ANSWER: Le Demoiselles d'Avignon
[10] Le Demoiselles d'Avignon is a work by this prolific Spanish Cubist. After German warplanes leveled a Basque
village, this artist showed the horrors of war in the painting Guernica.
ANSWER: Pablo Picasso
[10] Picasso's work had much in common with those of this movement founded by Andre Derain, Maurice de
Vlaminck and Albert Marquet. Its most prominent member was Henri Matisse and its name means "wild beasts."
ANSWER: Fauvism [or the Fauvists]
12) During the late 18th century, Russia further enlarged its holdings through several partitions of Poland. For 10
points each:
[10] The Partitions were overseen by this Tsarina of German descent, who had ascended after a coup against her
husband, Peter III, and later issued the "Charter of Nobility" to appease Russian estate holders.
ANSWER: Catherine the Great or Catherine II (prompt on Catherine)
[10] Catherine's more liberal policies, encapsulated in her "Nakaz," are emblematic of this type of rule that
predominated in the 18th century, which saw educated monarchs support progressive, philosophically-based ideals.
ANSWER: Enlightened despotism (accept clear knowledge equivalents for despotism)
[10] Another Enlightened despot was this Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor and Austrian Archduke whose reign saw
the 1781 Edict of Toleration, which extended Civil and religious rights to non-Catholics.
ANSWER: Joseph II (prompt on Joseph)
13) Name some European rivers, for 10 points each:
[10] This river, rising in Gloucestershire, empties into the North Sea and passes through Southend and finally
ANSWER: River Thames [pronounced, “TEMS”]
[10] This river rises in Switzerland and empties into the Mediterranean. Cities lying on it include Lyon and
Marseille, while it flows into and out of Lake Geneva.
ANSWER: Rhone River
[10] This most important waterway of Poland rises in the Carpathian Mountains and flows into the Gdansk
Bay. Many important Polish cities, including Krakow, Gdansk, and Warsaw, lie on this river.
ANSWER: Vistula River
14) The derivative of this function is one over x. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this function equal to the inverse of the exponential function and abbreviated in equations as ln..
ANSWER: natural logarithm [prompt on logarithm]
[10] The derivative of the exponential function, e to the x, is this function.
ANSWER: e to the x [or itself; accept clear equivalents]
[10] The Taylor series for the exponential function is the sum from n is equal to zero to positive infinity of x to the n
divided by this function of n, which is also present in the denominator of the Taylor series for sine and cosine.
ANSWER: factorial
15) The title character of this novel is an autodidact who strives to be a scholar in Christminster and who lends dry
clothes to Sue Bridehead when she shows up soaking wet after escaping from teacher's college. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this novel in which Arabella Donn tricks the protagonist into marrying her. His son Little Father Time
hangs himself and two younger siblings, leaving a note reading "done because we are too menny."
ANSWER: Jude the Obscure
[10] Jude the Obscure is by this English author of depressing fiction. He also wrote Hand of Ethelberta, A Group of
Noble Dames and The Mayor of Casterbridge. Many of his works are set in the fictional region of Wessex.
ANSWER: Thomas Hardy
[10] In this Thomas Hardy novel, Bathsheba Everdene finally marries Gabriel Oak. Earlier, Gabriel's entire life
savings go up in smoke when a dog drives his flock of sheep off a cliff.
ANSWER: Far From the Madding Crowd
16) Name some important psychological experiments for 10 points each.
[10] Conducted at Yale, this experiment involved the subject obeying an “authoritarian figure” by administering
increasingly painful “shocks” to an unknown victim.
ANSWER: Milgram Experiment (accept obvious equivalents)
[10] Devised by Phillip Zimbardo, participants played the roles of either an “officer” or “inmate”. This study was
halted after six days after some “inmates” were too upset by the abuse they were receiving.
ANSWER: Stanford Prison Experiment
[10] Conducted at the namesake state park by Muzafer Sherif, this one saw two teams of boys, the eagles and the
rattlers, engage in competitions. It sought to understand prejudice between different social groups.
ANSWER: Robber’s Cave Experiment
In order to balance equations regarding this type of reaction, sometimes water or hydrogen ions are added to one
side of the equation. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this type of reaction, in which one reactant loses electrons while the other reactant gains them.
ANSWER: redox reaction [accept reduction-oxidation reaction and oxidation-reduction reaction]
[10] Unlike oxidation, this term refers to a reaction when an atom or compound gains electrons.
ANSWER: reduction
[10] In this special kind of redox reaction, the same molecule both gains and loses electrons, ending in that molecule
turning into two different products.
ANSWER: disproportionation [accept dismutation]
18) After failing to receive a diplomatic post, Charles Guiteau thought it would be a grand idea to gun down this
man. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this only President directly elected into office from the House of Representatives. His brief
administration saw the Star Route Scandal, in which illegal postal route contracts were given out.
ANSWER: James A. Garfield
[10] In response to Garfield’s assassination, this legislation was passed in 1883, which made government jobs meritbased through civil service exams, as opposed to being awarded on the basis of the spoils system.
ANSWER: Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
[10] Garfield had earlier attacked the spoils system by targeting this supporter of patronage. This New York Senator
led the Stalwart branch of the Republican Party and supported U.S. Grant at the 1880 Convention.
ANSWER: Roscoe Conkling
19) For a constant mass, this quantity's derivative with respect to time yields force. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this vector quantity equal to mass times velocity.
ANSWER: linear momentum
[10] The integral of force over time is equal to this quantity, which is also equal to the change in linear momentum.
ANSWER: impulse
[10] In collisions between two objects, momentum is always conserved, which is not true of kinetic energy. In this
type of collision, kinetic energy is not conserved.
ANSWER: inelastic collisions
20) At the end of this play, the title character presumably kills herself with a razor. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this drama in which that title character has plans to run off with the valet Jean that are foiled after he kills
her bird and the Count arrives home.
ANSWER: Miss Julie
[10] Miss Julie is a work by this playwright of The Ghost Sonata who also wrote about the journalist Arvid Falk,
who discusses government corruption and hypocrisy in the title Red Room.
ANSWER: August Strindberg
[10] August Strindberg hails from this Scandinavian nation, where he may have spent some time in Stockholm.
ANSWER: Sweden
TB) As Governor of New York, this politician broke up the Canal Ring. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this man who had participated in the revolt of the Barnburners before running for president in 1874,
where he lost a controversial election to Rutherford B. Hayes.
ANSWER: Samuel Jones Tilden
[10] Tilden lost to Hayes as part of the so-called second “Corrupt Bargain” in which members of the Democratic
party agreed to allow Hayes to become president in exchange for his ending of this period of military occupation of
the Southern States by the Federal military. This period also saw the creation of the Freedman’s Bureaus.
ANSWER: Reconstruction
[10] Rutherford B. Hayes, like most terrible presidents such as Warren G. Harding and Ulysses S. Grant, hailed from
the town of Delaware in this Midwestern state.