Structured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT 1 Structured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT 2 Table of Contents PHASE 1- DATABASE DESIGN AND DDL ...............................................................................................3 BUSINESS RULES & ENTITY TABLES ........................................................................................................ 3 ENTITY TABLES:........................................................................................................................................ 4 SQL CODE: .............................................................................................................................................. 4 SCREENSHOTS: .......................................................................................................................................... 8 PHASE 2 – SECURITY AND DML ......................................................................................................... 13 TASK 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 TASK 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 TASK 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 TASK 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 TASK 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 PHASE 3 - DML (SELECT) AND PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 19 TASK 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 TASK 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 TASK 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 TASK 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 TASK 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 PHASE 4 – ARCHITECTURE, INDEXES ................................................................................................. 27 STEP 1: CREATE TABLE [DEGREES] .............................................................................................................. 27 STEP 2: RE-CREATE ‘CLASSES’ TABLE TO ADD ‘DEGREEID’ COLUMN AND INSERT 6 CLASSES .................................. 29 STEP 3: ALTER TABLE [STUDENTS] ............................................................................................................... 31 STEP 5: DML SCRIPT TO INSERT INTO THE ‘STUDENTS’ TABLE ‘DEGREEID’ DATA ................................................. 33 STEP 6: DISPLAY ERD .................................................................................................................................. 36 PHASE 5 – VIEWS, TRANSACTIONS, TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ..................................................... 37 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 38 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Phase 1- Database Design and DDL My team was recently contracted to design and develop a database for CTU that will store personal and confidential university data. This database is expected to provide the backend architecture for a front-end web application with an intuitive User/Interface (U/I) to be used by the university HR department. We’ve decided to use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 given the nature of data to be stored because it will be more secure, and it also provides a suite of server maintenance tools to be left behind with the IT Department once the database and web application have been tested and accepted by university stakeholders. During our preliminary meetings, CTU’s requirements were defined and adequately scoped to begin creation of the database. The following sections contain the business rules and entity tables developed during the preliminary meetings, as well as copies of all the SQL code used to build the database and create the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Business Rules & Entity Tables Business Rules: A student has a name, a birth date, and gender. You must track the date the student started at the university and his or her current GPA, as well as be able to inactivate him or her without deleting information. For advising purposes, store the student's background/bio information. This is like a little story. An advisor has a name and an e-mail address. Students are assigned to one advisor, but one advisor may service multiple students. A class has a class code, name, and description. You need to indicate the specific classes a student is taking/has taken at the university. Track the date the student started a specific class and the grade earned in that class. Each class that a student takes has 4 assignments. Each assignment is worth 100 points. 3 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Entity Tables: SQL CODE: Create Database: CREATE DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] CONTAINMENT = NONE ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'Cameron_CTU', FILENAME = N'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SCAMERON_CTU\MSSQL\DATA\Cameron_CTU.mdf' , SIZE = 3072KB , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'Cameron_CTU_log', FILENAME = N'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SCAMERON_CTU\MSSQL\DATA\Cameron_CTU_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , FILEGROWTH = 01% ) GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 110 GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF GO 4 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET ARITHABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS ON GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ON GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET CURSOR_DEFAULT GLOBAL GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET DISABLE_BROKER GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET READ_WRITE GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET MULTI_USER GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUM GO ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] SET TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME = 0 SECONDS GO USE [Cameron_CTU] GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.filegroups WHERE is_default=1 AND name = N'PRIMARY') ALTER DATABASE [Cameron_CTU] MODIFY FILEGROUP [PRIMARY] DEFAULT GO 5 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Create Students Table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Students] ( [StudentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [FistName] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [BirthDate] [date] NOT NULL, [Gender] [char](1) NOT NULL, [StartDate] [date] NOT NULL, [GPA] [numeric](4, 0) NOT NULL, [IsActive] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [Bio] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [AdvisorID] [int] NOT NULL, ) Create Advisors Table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Advisors] ( [AdvisorID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [FirstName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [EmailAddr] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, ) Create Classes Table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Classes] ( [ClassID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [ClassCode] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ClassName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](300) NOT NULL, ) Create Students_Classes Table and make ‘AdvisorID’ and ‘DegreeID’ FOREIGN KEYS, and make ‘StudentID’ a FOREIGN KEY on the Students_Classes table. USE Cameron_CTU CREATE TABLE Students (StudentID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, FirstName VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, LastName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, BirthDate DATE NOT NULL, Gender CHAR(1) NOT NULL, StartDate DATE, GPA DECIMAL(4,2), IsActive CHAR(3) NOT NULL, Bio VARCHAR(3000), AdvisorID [int], DegreeID [int] NOT NULL, ) ALTER TABLE Students ADD FOREIGN KEY (AdvisorID) REFERENCES Advisors ([AdvisorID]) GO ALTER TABLE Students ADD FOREIGN KEY ([DegreeID]) REFERENCES Degrees ([DegreeID]) GO ALTER TABLE Students_Classes ADD FOREIGN KEY (StudentID) REFERENCES Students(StudentID) Once the relationships have been established, the ERD can be created 6 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT New DML script to add required constraints for GPA, Gender, and Assignments1 – Assignments4 USE Cameron_CTU ALTER TABLE Students ADD CONSTRAINT chkGPA CHECK (GPA BETWEEN 0.00 and 4.00); ALTER TABLE Students ADD CONSTRAINT chkGender CHECK (Gender IN ('M', 'F')); ALTER TABLE Students_Classes ADD CONSTRAINT chkAssignment1 CHECK (Assignment1 BETWEEN 0 AND 100); ALTER TABLE Students_Classes ADD CONSTRAINT chkAssignment2 CHECK (Assignment2 BETWEEN 0 AND 100); ALTER TABLE Students_Classes ADD CONSTRAINT chkAssignment3 CHECK (Assignment3 BETWEEN 0 AND 100); ALTER TABLE Students_Classes ADD CONSTRAINT chkAssignment4 CHECK (Assignment4 BETWEEN 0 AND 100); (Fehily, 2008) 7 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT This section contains screenshots of the query windows once the code was executed successfully. Screenshots: Create Database: 8 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Create Students Table with FOREIGN KEYS: Create Advisors Table: 9 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Create Classes Table: Create Students_Classes Table: 10 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Alter [Students_Classes] & [Students] Tables to assign Foreign Keys to them, which are PRIMARY KEYS on the referenced tables. Once the relationships have been established, the ERD can be created New DML script to add required constraints for GPA, Gender, and Assignments1 – Assignments4 11 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT New Database Diagram: ERD 12 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Phase 2 – Security and DML Carrying on from Phase 1 tasks of creating our university database, with the four tables of Students, Advisors, Classes, and Students_Classes, Phase 2 calls for data to be inserted, deleted, and updated. The INSERT statement has two ways to enter. The positional insert inserts ordered values into a new row in the same order of the table columns. A named-column insert names the exact column where each value’s inserted into a new row. Its good practice to use a named-column insert, which allows your SQL code to work if the table’s columns are reordered or a new column is added. You would use INSERT VALUES to specify column values, and INSERT SELECT to insert rows from another table. Some DBMS don’t make it mandatory to use the INTO keyword after the INSERT statement; however, you should use it for its portability capabilities. (Fehily, 2008) The UPDATE statement is used to change values in a table’s existing rows. You need to be very cautious when using the update statement because if you forget to add the ‘WHERE’ clause, you will update all rows instead of just your target rows. Remember that each updated value has to have the same data type or be totally convertible to the same type as its column. (Fehily, 2008) The DELETE statement is a little more powerful because its used to delete an entire row, not jjust a column or columns. You can delete just one or all rows of a table, so be cautious with the delete statement also. Without the WHERE clause, all table rows will be deleted. (Fehily, 2008) 13 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 1 The first task was to insert data into four rows of the Classes table. The following SQL code is what I used to accomplish the task, followed by the screenshot of the query being executed successfully. INSERT INTO [Cameron_CTU].[DBO].[Classes] ( [ClassCode], [ClassName], [Description] ) VALUES ( 'ACCT306', 'Accounting 1', 'This course introduces accounting concepts and explores the accounting environment. It covers the basic structure of accounting, how to maintain accounts, use account balances to prepare financial statements, and complete the accounting cycle. It also introduces the concept of internal control and how to account for assets.' ), ( 'CS362', 'Structured Query Language for Data Management', 'This course gives complete coverage of SQL, with an emphasis on storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.' ), ( 'ENGL115', 'English Composition', 'In this course, students focus on developing writing skills through practice and revision. Students will examine expository, critical, and persuasive essay techniques.' ), ( 'FIN322', 'Investments', 'This course focuses on investments and investment strategies. Various investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, and commodities are examined. Students will explore the principles of security analysis and valuation.' ) (Fehily, 2008) 14 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 2 The second task was to insert data into three rows of the Advisors table. The following SQL code is what I used to accomplish the task, followed by the screenshot of the query being executed successfully. INSERT INTO [dbo].[Advisors] ( [FirstName], [LastName], [EmailAddr] ) VALUES ( 'Fred', 'Stone', '' ), ( 'Bob', 'Gordon', '' ), ( 'Jack', 'Simpson', '') (Fehily, 2008) 15 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 3 The third task was to insert data into four rows of the Students table. The following SQL code is what I used to accomplish the task, followed by the screenshot of the query being executed successfully. INSERT INTO [dbo].[Students] ( [FirstName], [LastName], [BirthDate], [Gender], [StartDate], [GPA], [IsActive], [Bio], [AdvisorID] ) VALUES ( 'Craig', 'Franklin', '1970-03-15', 'm', '2010-05-30', 3.10, 'Yes', '', 3 ), ( 'Harriet', 'Smith', '1982-04-15', 'f', '2010-05-30', 3.22, 'Yes', '', 1 ), ( 'George', 'David', '1984-11-05', 'm', '2010-10-01', 0.00, 'Yes', '', 3 ), ( 'Ben', 'Jefferson', '1976-09-25', 'm', '2009-02-21', 1.80, 'No', 'The student has gone on temporary leave to pursue other opportunities but plans on returning in 1 year.', 3 ) (Fehily, 2008) 16 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 4 The fourth task was to delete the course named Investments from the system, and the following SQL code is what I used to accomplish the task, followed by the screenshot of the query being executed successfully. DELETE FROM Classes WHERE ClassID = 'FIN322'; (Fehily, 2008) 17 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 5 The fifth and final task called for changing 2 columns in a row on the Students table, and the following SQL code is what I used to accomplish the task, followed by the screenshot of the query being executed successfully. UPDATE Students SET BirthDate = '1982-04-25', GPA = 3.25 WHERE StudentID = '2'; (Fehily, 2008) 18 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Phase 3 - DML (Select) and Procedures Phase 3 has seven tasks that call for retrieving data using the SELECT and FROM Statements. The SELECT clause calls for which column or columns to display, and the FROM clause identifies the table or tables the columns belong to. You can also use the AS clause in order to create column aliases, which I’ll go over in the last few tasks. You can also sort rows with the ORDER BY clause, which I’ll also hit on in the tasks. The WHERE clause filters unwanted rows. Without it, you results would be every row on your queried table. Some other statement clauses include AND, OR, ORDER BY GROUP BY, JOIN. There are two types of JOIN clauses. They are Implicit and explicit. Implicit is used a lot, and you may not even realize your using it because there is no actual JOIN clause with JOIN in it; its implied when you’re querying more than one table. Lets get started with the tasks now, shall we? (Fehily, 2008) The first thing I’m going to do is fix my SQL statement in the Phase 2 section, Task 5. I fixed it by using StudentID in the SELECT clause. Task 1 The first task calls for a list of all active male students assigned to Advisors 1 or 3. So, we want to query the Advisor. Advisor ID, FirstName and LastName columns along with theStudents.AdvisorID, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate, Gender, and GPA columns of the Students and Advisors tables. We use an implicit JOIN with the WHERE clause to JOIN the two tables of Student.AdvisorID and Advisor.AdvisorId together. Below, you’ll find the SQL Statement I used to retrieve the required data, and screenshot that shows a successful query. 19 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT SELECT Gender, IsActive, AdvisorID FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students WHERE Gender = 'm' AND IsActive = 'yes' AND AdvisorID IN (1,3) Task 2 The second task asks for a list of students without a biography. Here’s the SQL Statement I used, and screenshot that shows a successful query. 20 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 3 Task 3 is a very simple statement asking what classes are in the English Department. This SQL statement involves a wild card just after the L in the word “English”. The SQL statement and its associated screenshot are below. SELECT ClassCode, ClassName FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Classes WHERE ClassName LIKE 'ENGL%' 21 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 4 Task 4 calls for a list of all students and their advisors, and sorted by Advisors, and a few columns from the Students table SELECT A.AdvisorID, A.FirstName, A.LastName, S.AdvisorID, S.FirstName, S.LastName,BirthDate, Gender, GPA FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students S, Cameron_CTU.dbo.Advisors A WHERE S.AdvisorID = A.AdvisorID ORDER BY A.LastName, S.LastName ASC; SELECT A.CustomerID, A.FirstName, A.LastName, S.AdvisorID, S.FirstName, S.LastName,BirthDate, Gender, GPA FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students S, Cameron_CTU.dbo.Advisors A WHERE S.AdvisorID = A.AdvisorID ORDER BY A.LastName, S.LastName ASC; 22 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 5 The fifth task calls for the number of students born in the 80s. Below, you’ll find the SQL Statement I used to retrieve the required data, and screenshot that shows a successful query. SELECT COUNT (StudentID) as Students_born_in_the_80s FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students WHERE BirthDate between '1980-01-1' AND '1989-12-31'; 23 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 6 Task 6 wanted to know the average GPA score sorted by men and women. Here is the SQL code and screenshot. 24 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Task 7 Task 7 is looking for all of the advisors with only 1 student. Here’s the SQL code and screenshot. SELECT A.firstname, A.LastName, COUNT (A.AdvisorID) AS Total_Active_Students FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students S, Cameron_CTU.dbo.Advisors A WHERE A.AdvisorID = S.AdvisorID AND S.IsActive = 'yes' GROUP BY A.FirstName, A.LastName HAVING COUNT (S.StudentID) = '1'; 25 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT 26 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Phase 4 – Architecture, Indexes Phase 4 calls for a way to track classes required for degrees, and which degree students are pursuing. We were given the task of creating a table for tracking degrees with Degree Name and Degree Description. However, the best way to track the classes required for degrees is to create a table labeled ‘Degrees’ with columns labeled ‘DegreeID’, ‘DegreeName’ and ‘DegreeDescription’, and ‘DegreeCode’. Also adding a column to the ‘Classes’ table, labeled DegreeID will help link the ‘Degrees’ and ‘Classes’ tables. After the tables have been created, I’ll need to test the architecture to ensure it can render the results I’m looking for in queries. (Fehily, 2008) However, I just received my grade for my Phase 1 IP with identified errors. See Phase 1 section for fixed errors. The errors that need corrected are: - Considerations regarding my data types and field lengths: FirstName and LastName too long - Fix constraints for assignments 1 through 4 to ensure only 0-100 can be input. - Fix GPA Constraint to ensure input of only 0.00 – 4.00, and permit only 3 total digits after decimal. - Constrain ‘Gender’ to either M or F, and IsActive to either Yes or No. Step 1: CREATE TABLE [Degrees] I’ll start by creating the table, ‘Degrees’ with the following DDL script, followed by a screenshot of the query being completed successfully, and the table structure that displays the table columns to include the PRIMARY KEY, ‘DergeeID’. 27 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT USE [Cameron_CTU] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Degrees] ( [DegreeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [DegreeName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [DegreeDescription] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL, [DegreeCode] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, ) 28 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Step 2: Re-create ‘Classes’ TABLE to add ‘DegreeID’ column and INSERT 6 classes The next step is to delete and re-create the ‘Classes’ table, and ensure that the ‘DegreeID’ column is included in the creation, and made a FOREIGN KEY. Also, ensure you re-insert the original 3 classes, and add 3 new classes into the ‘Classes’ table required by different degrees. And since you’ve re-created the ‘Classes’ table with ‘DegreeID’ as a FOREIGN KEY, make sure you add it to the INSERT INTO DDL script or you’ll receive an error regarding the ‘DegreeID’ column. Below are the following DDL scripts, followed by a screenshot of the queries being completed successfully, and the table structure that displays the table columns with ‘DegreeID’ as a FOREIGN KEY, and the query results of the SELECT * FROM Classes query. USE [Cameron_CTU] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Classes] ( [ClassID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [DegreeID] [int] NOT NULL, [ClassCode] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ClassName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL, ) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Classes] ADD FOREIGN KEY([DegreeID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Degrees]([DegreeID]) GO 29 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT INSERT INTO [Cameron_CTU].[DBO].[Classes] ( [DegreeID], [ClassCode], [ClassName], [Description] ) VALUES ( '4', 'ACCT306', 'Accounting 1', 'This course introduces accounting concepts and explores the accounting environment. It covers the basic structure of accounting, how to maintain accounts, use account balances to prepare financial statements, and complete the accounting cycle. It also introduces the concept of internal control and how to account for assets.' ), ( '5', 'CS362', 'Structured Query Language for Data Management', 'This course gives complete coverage of SQL, with an emphasis on storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.' ), ( '3', 'ENGL115', 'English Composition', 'In this course, students focus on developing writing skills through practice and revision. Students will examine expository, critical, and persuasive essay techniques.' ), ( '3', 'BHVS205', 'Managerial Psychology', 'This course introduces Psyhology concepts that will serve as the foundation to other concepts, such as Motivation and Emotion and Interpersonal Communications and Dynamics.' ), ( '4', 'CSS150', 'Introduction to Computer Security', 'This course covers Computer Security Principles, such as Policy letters, Remote Logins, and Network Security.' ), ( '5', 'CS126', 'UNIX Fundamentals', 'This course teaches you thed origins of the UNIX Operating System, and teaches you how to build directories.' ) 30 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Step 3: ALTER TABLE [Students] As the paragraph title implies, the next step is to add the ‘DegreeID’ column to the ‘Students’ table, and make it a FOREIGN KEY. Below is the following DDL script used to add the column, and make it a FOREIGN KEY, and the screenshot of the successful command. USE [Cameron_CTU] GO ALTER TABLE Students ADD DegreeID [int] NOT NULL GO ALTER TABLE Students ADD FOREIGN KEY (DegreeID) REFERENCES Degrees(DegreeID) 31 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Step 4: DML script to insert 3 test records in [Degrees] The next step is to insert degree data into the ‘Degrees’ table. Below is the DML script used, and a screenshot of the successful command along with an inset of the results for a SELECT * FROM Degrees statement. INSERT INTO [Cameron_CTU].[DBO].[Degrees] ( [DegreeCode], [DegreeName], [DegreeDescription] ) VALUES ( 'BSIP', 'Bachelor of Science in Psychology', 'The Bachelor’s degree in General Psychology is designed to prepare students to successfully navigate in the 21st century workplace, in a variety of careers that focus on the business of people, including but not limited to work in management, administration, research, and sales. It is positioned to provide an overview of the major psychological concepts, perspectives, and skills that explain human behavior. ' ), ( 'BSIS', 'Bachelor of Science in Information Security', 'The Bachelors of Science in Information Assurance and Security degree allows undergraduate learners to acquire and apply various processes, tools, technologies, and methods of securing an enterprise; including security policies, social engineering, access control, authentication, perimeter security, disaster recovery and business continuity, risk management, incident response, viruses, malware, spam, encryption, and other infrastructure security techniques that include governance and strategic alignment of IT and business. ' ), ( 'BSIT', 'Bachelor of Science in Information Technology', 'The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) curriculum includes both a common core, as well as specialization-specific courses. The BSIT core provides a strong foundation in the key information technology areas of programming, systems administration, security, architecture, databases, and ethics.' ) 32 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Step 5: DML script to INSERT INTO the ‘Students’ table ‘DegreeID’ data The next step is to add the ‘DegreeID’ to 4 records applicable to each of the 4 students. Below is the DML script used to execute the command and a screenshot showing it was successful. INSERT INTO [Cameron_CTU].[dbo].[Students] ( [FirstName], [LastName], [BirthDate], [Gender], [StartDate], [GPA], [IsActive], [Bio], [AdvisorID], [DegreeID] ) VALUES ( 'Craig', 'Franklin', '1970-03-15', 'm', '2010-05-30', 3.10, 'Yes', NULL, 3, 3 ), ( 'Harriet', 'Smith', '1982-04-15', 'f', '2010-05-30', 3.22, 'Yes', NULL, 1, 4 ), ( 'George', 'David', '1984-11-05', 'm', '2010-10-01', 0.00, 'Yes', NULL, 3, 5 ), ( 'Ben', 'Jefferson', '1976-09-25', 'm', '2009-02-21', 1.80, 'No', 'The student has gone on temporary leave to pursue other opportunities but plans on returning in 1 year.', 3, 3 ) 33 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT The last step is to execute a SELECT statement with an implicit JOIN clause to show what degree each student is pursuing. USE Cameron_CTU SELECT FirstName, LastName, Students.DegreeID, Degrees.DegreeName FROM Cameron_CTU.dbo.Students, Cameron_CTU.dbo.Degrees WHERE Students.DegreeID = Degrees.DegreeID; 34 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT 35 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Step 6: Display ERD 36 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT Phase 5 – Views, Transactions, Testing and Performance 37 Sructured Query Language FOR DATA MANAGEMENT References Fehily, C. (2008) Visual QuickStart Guide SQL, Third Edition, [CourseSmart e-Book reader version] Retrieved from 38