Question Bank for IAT - II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Write a short note on Referential Integrity in SQL. Write a Short note on Assertions with an example What is a trigger? Explain it with an example. Define Serializabilty. Explain Conflict and View Serializability with an example. What is Transaction? Explain states and properties of transaction. Explain Timestamp ordering Protocol Explain Thomas Write’s Rule. What is Concurrency Control? Brief about validation based concurrency control scheme. What is Effect of Deadlock? How is it detected? Discuss different types of Deadlock Avoidance Scheme. Explain the two phase locking protocol. Lossy lossless join decomposition sum solved in practicals. Explain log-based recovery Explain the shadow page recovery technique Explain the steps in query processing Draw a query tree for the following SQL query. Select P.Pnumber, P.Dnum, E.lname, E.addres, E.bdate from Project as P, Department as D, Employee as E where P.Dnum=D.dnumber and D.Mgr_ssn=e.ssn and P.Plocation=’Chennai’ What are the rules of functional dependencies? Explain with an example. List the methods of algorithms for selection. University question of Dec. 2013 on Normalization Explain authorization in SQL Explain the steps to select appropriate access paths.