Mathematics Level 1 – EYFS and Year 1 I can count at least 20 objects I can count on and back in ones from any small number. I can count on and back in tens from and back to zero. I can read, numbers to at least 20. I can write numbers to at least 20 I can order numbers to at least 20, using words like first, second, last. I can say when looking at 2 objects which one is longer. I can compare 2 objects and say which one is heavier. I can compare 2 objects and say which one holds more. I can describe features of 2-D shapes. I can describe features of 3-D shapes. Mathematics Level 2 – Year 1 and Year 2 I can, working with numbers from 0-30 say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than a number I am given. I know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10 I can solve problems, working out the answer in my head, using counting on or back, doubling or halving. I can explain what I have done. I can choose and use suitable measuring equipment to estimate, and then measure a length. I can choose and use suitable measuring equipment to estimate, and then measure mass. I can choose and use suitable measuring equipment to estimate, and then measure capacity. I can count read whole numbers to at least 100. I know what each digit represents (inc. 0 as a place holder). I can count write whole numbers to at least 100. I can count order whole numbers to at least 100. I know what each digit represents (inc. 0 as a place holder). I can see simple number sequences and add to it. I can count on and back in ones or tens from any two-digit number. I understand that subtraction is the opposite of addition. I can make an addition sum from a subtraction. I know by heart all the addition facts for each number to at least 10. I know by heart all the subtraction facts for each number to at least 10. I know that addition can be done in any order to do mental calculations. I understand that multiplication is repeated addition. I know that halving is the opposite of doubling. I know by heart facts for the 2 and 10 multiplication tables. I can use the mathematical names for common 2-D shapes. I can sort these shapes and describes some of their features. I can use the mathematical names for common 3-D shapes. I can sort these shapes and describes some of their features. I can use the correct words to describe position, direction and movement. I know how to add numbers. I know the words that mean I have to add. I know how to subtract numbers. I understand and can use words like take away or difference. I can choose and use appropriate operations to solve simple problems. I can solve simple problems using different methods and explain what I did to others. I know by heart facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. Mathematics Level 3 – Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 I can read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division. I can use a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre. I can estimate, measure and compare lengths, masses and capacities. I can suggest suitable units and equipment for such measurements. I can read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000; knowing what each digit represents. I can count on or back in tens or hundreds from any two or three digit number. I can recognise unit fractions such as ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/10. I can find fractions of shapes and numbers. I can recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole, such as ¾, 5/6 and mixed numbers. I can recognise simple equivalent fractions. I know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20. I can add mentally a ‘near multiple of 10’ to or from a two digit number. I can subtract mentally a ‘near multiple of 10’ to or from a two digit number. I can check a division by using multiplication. I understand and can use the £.p. I can identify right angles. I can identify lines of symmetry in simple shapes and recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry. I can organise data into lists, tables or graphs. I can solve a given problem using data from simple lists, tables or graphs. I can use symbols correctly, including less than (<) greater than ( > ) equals ( = ) I can round any number, less than 1000, to the nearest 10 or 100. I can add mentally pairs of two digit numbers. I can subtract mentally pairs of two digit numbers. I know by heart facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. I can use my tables to solve division sums ( 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 x tables.) I can find remainders after division. I know and can use the facts for units of length, mass and capacity. Eg 100cm = 1m I can carry out column addition using numbers less than 10000. I can carry out column subtraction using numbers less than 1000. I can choose and use appropriate operations to solve simple problems. I can solve simple problems using different methods and explain my reasoning to others. I can choose and use the appropriate operation (including multiplication and division) to solve word problems, explaining methods and reasoning. Mathematics Level 4 – Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 I can sort polygons, using criteria such as number of right angles, whether or not they are regular, whether they are symmetrical. I can choose and use appropriate number operations and ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. I can multiply and divide any positive number up to 10,000 by 10 or 100. I can order a given set of positive and negative numbers. I can use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths. I can round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number. I can calculate mentally a difference using 3 digit numbers. I can calculate mentally a difference using 4 digit numbers. I can carry out column addition using numbers less than 10,000. I can carry out column subtraction using numbers less than 10,000. I know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10 x 10. I can multiply a three-digit number by a single digit number. I can divide a three digit number by a single digit number I can multiply a two-digit number by a two digit number using long multiplication. I can recognise parallel and perpendicular lines. I can order a mixed set of numbers with up to three decimal places. I understand the properties of rectangles. I can carry out column addition of numbers involving decimals. I can carry out column subtraction of numbers involving decimals. I can quickly work out the division facts corresponding to multiplication tables up to 10 x 10. Mathematics Level 5 – Year 5 and Year 6 I understand the relationship between fractions and division. I can turn a fraction into a decimal. I understand area is measured in square centimetres (cm2). I understand and use formula in words ‘length x breadth’ for the area of a rectangle. I can use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities, including time, explaining methods and reasoning. I can multiply and divide decimals mentally by 10 or 100, and numbers by 1000, and explain the effect. I can find fractions of numbers or quantities (eg 5/8 of 32, 7/10 of 40, 9/1000 of 400 centimetres. I can simplify or reduce a fraction. I understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100, and find simple percentages of small whole numbers. I can solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion. I can multiply numbers using decimals. I can divide numbers using decimals. I can multiply a three digit by a two digit number using long multiplication. I can use a protractor to measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree. I can calculate the perimeter and area shapes that can be split into rectangles. I can read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants I can identify and use the appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems, and explain methods and reasoning. I can solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables, graphs and charts.