Step 1

Written Calculation Methods
for KS1
Step 1
•To find one more than a number.
•To combine groups of up to 10 objects and label.
•To count on using fingers.
•To count on using a number line starting with the
largest number.
• Step 2
• Begin to use the + and = sign to record number
Step 3
• Use a number line and
then an empty number line
to add a 2 digit number
and a 1 digit number.
• Use a hundred square and
then an empty number line
to add a 2digit number
and a multiple of 10.
• 32 + 10 = 42
• Add multiples of 10 by
going down a row on the
100 square.
Step 1
Find one less than a number.
Take objects away and label up to 10.
Take away on fingers.
Count back using a number line.
Draw objects and cross out.
Step 2
Begin to use the – and = sign to record number sentences.
Step 3
• Find the difference with numbers up to 20, by
counting up, using visual objects, bead strings and
towers of unfix.
• Write finding the difference number sentences using
the – and = sign appropriately.
• 14-11=3 the difference between 11 and 14 is 3.
Step 4
• To subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number by
counting back on an empty number line using a 100
square as a visual prompt.
Step 5
•Subtract 10 and multiples of 10 from a 2 digit number
by counting back.
•Use 100 square and teach the rule of jumping up 1 row
when subtracting 10.
Step 1
•Counting in 10’s, 2’s and 5’s.
•To know the doubles
and corresponding halves
to 10 and then 20.
Step 2
•To understand multiplication as repeated addition.
Arrays on a number line
Using a multiplication grid. When using a multiplication grid
we will teach the children to use the grid vertically for first
number and horizontally for second number as this follows
the same principle of arrays.
• Step 1
• Count back in 10’s, 2’s and 5’s.
• Know halves of numbers to 10 and then 20.
Step 2
• To understand division as grouping.
• Understand division as repeated subtraction using a
number line.
• 18 ÷ 3 = 6
• Reinforce division as grouping through arrays.
• 6÷3=2
• 6 divided into groups of 3 is 2.
Number facts
1. Addition facts to 10, 6+4=10
2. Addition can be done in any order
6+4=10 and 4+6=10
3. Subtraction facts from 10, if I know
6+4=10 then 10-6=4
4. Then this progression repeats for
facts to 20 (16+4=20) and to 100 in
multiples of 10 (60+40=100)
Any questions?