St Joseph’s RC Primary School Curriculum Map 2015-2016 - Year 3 Autumn Term English Summer Term Spring 1 –Gods and Mortals Spring 2 – Heroes and Villains Summer 1- Mighty Metals Summer 2- Flow Class Texts – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Stone Age - Non-fiction texts Class Texts – Greek Myths Robin Hood Class Texts – The Iron Man- Non-fiction text Poetry. River extracts. Myths and Legends. Character profiles/descriptions. Recounts/ diary entry. Poetry. Biography. Fairy tales. Dialogue and plays. Comic strips. Poetry – riddles. Recounts/diary. Information texts. Poetry. Stories with dilemmas. Journals. Newspaper reports. Debates. Poetry. Instructions. Guided Reading Spelling, punctuation and grammar rules Guided Reading Spelling, punctuation and grammar rules Stories with familiar settings; stories with dialogue, shape poetry, instructions. Information texts. Adventure stories. Letters. Fact files. Maths Spring Term Themes: Autumn 1– Scrumdiddlyumptious Autumn 2 – Tribal Tales Guided Reading Spelling, punctuation and grammar rules Place Value Reading, writing and ordering two and three digit numbers Counting and estimating Addition and subtraction of one and two digit numbers Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables Multiplying two digit numbers by one digit Measure using mm, cm and metres Recognising, describing and drawing 2D shapes and 3D shapes Counting and estimating- addition and subtraction up to 3 digits. Using columns and number lines, add and subtract two digit numbers Multiplication and division: doubling, halving and TU x U. Fractions: representing, comparing and ordering unit fractions of Number, place value and rounding. Use partitioning to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Multiplying and division: multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of 10. Multiplication and division: practical and informal written methods. Measures: adding and subtracting money. Recognising and drawing right angles in 2D shapes. Addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers using columns. Multiplication and division: Multiplying by multiples of 10, and dividing by remainders. Multiplication and division: multiplying and dividing larger numbers. Measuring using grams and kilograms Fractions: representing, comparing and ordering unit and non-unit fractions of shapes and numbers. Read, write and order and round two and three digit numbers. Multiplication and division problems. Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers and 1s, 10s and 100s. Addition and subtraction of two- and threedigit numbers using columns. Shape: identifying horizontal, vertical and curved lines. Measuring using millilitres and litres Addition and subtraction of two- digit and three digit numbers using columns. Multiplication and division problems: written method. Short multiplication and division Fractions: equivalence, addition and subtraction within 1, finding tenths. Read and write time using 12 and 24 hour. Construct and interpret bar charts using scales. shapes and numbers. Read and write time to 5 minute intervals. Read, present and interpret pictograms and tables. Homes-families; Reconciliation; VisitorsAdvent; Judaism Plants Plant parts and function. Requirements of plants The life cycle of a flowering plant Animals, including humans Nutrition Skeletons and muscles Prehistoric Britain from the Stone Age to Iron Age RE Science History Read and interpret bar charts, using scales. . Journeys; Listening and sharing – the Eucharist; Giving All – Lent; Islam Rocks Group and compare rocks Fossils Soil Light Reflection Shadows Ancient Greece Heroes and Villains throughout the years. Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Promises-Baptism; Special Places for Christians Forces and Magnets Movement on surfaces Attraction and repelling Grouping materials Revisiting specific, identified scientific topics Local Fieldwork, Human and Physical features, using maps and atlases. Water cycle. Rivers of the World. Counties and Cities of the UK. Using points of the compass to describe features. E-Safety Research Use presentation software. Programming using Scratch. Geography Map work – locating origins of fruit. Climate types and changes overtime. Ancient and Modern day Greece. Geographical features using a map. Computing E-Safety Research using the internet – across the curriculum. Algorithms and debug methods in English. Programming using Scratch. E-Safety Research Combining text and graphics Use digital paint programme to create a fairy tale character. Programming using Scratch. Art To sketch different fruits. To improve their mastery of art and design techniques with a range of materials including painting our prehistoric artefacts. To design a wrapper for a chocolate bar To design, make and evaluate an artefact from prehistory (Stone age brooch, Bronze Age jewellery, Iron age axe). To design a Greek pot using patterns and images from research. To sketch ideas to create a fairy tale character. Ancient Greek pottery. To design a ‘Wanted’ poster for a character from Robin Hood novel Cartoon strips DT Rivers. Importance of River Wear through shipbuilding overtime. To use a range of techniques to paint pictures of rivers. To sketch parts of the river during local fieldwork. To make a simple spinner using different materials trailing them on different surfaces and evaluating outcomes. To create a fabric collage of a river. Investigate and analyse a range of existing products. Homework project – To build an Iron Man. Music Learning to play the recorder To sing songs in relation to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Perform a Stone Age song. Learning to play the recorder To use standard and invented symbols to represent sounds Learning to play the recorder PE Quick Sticks Hockey Gymnastics Hockey Festival Swimming Dance Swimming Tennis Festival Multi Skills Festival Athletics Swimming Languages Visits/Visitors French French French Museum workshop – Tribal Tales topic – Museum Visit- Ancient Greece. River Wear Learning walk. prehistory. Inter Faith week - Islam Mrs Van der Velde (Gosforth Synagogue) followed by a visit to the Synagogue Anti-Bullying Week World Book Day Sports Day Launch of Reading Challenge – Roald Dahl KS2 Music Concert KS2 Music Concert theme day Judaism Inter Faith week Carol Service In all subjects and lessons, pupils will be taught to listen to each other, respect the individual and have their voices and opinion heard. In RE they will learn about Judaism and Islam, which will help pupils to understand difference and develop tolerance of other faiths and beliefs. Through the weekly ‘Statement to Live By’ they will be given a code of conduct for their daily life and how to treat others. All children to abide by class and school rules at all times. Special Events British Values