Maths Information Evening Handout The 4 operations All methods will use lots of visual and practical work when necessary and always in the initial stages All methods are based on increasing your child’s understanding of what they are doing and encouraging them to think in a mathematical way, rather than just follow a system and not really understand what they are doing. We encourage and help children to understand what they are doing as when something is understood, it is learnt for life, not retained for a while. With all of these operations, the children need to be able to apply them to different types of questions, especially word problems eg. If 1 pair of socks cost £3.45, how much do 3 cost? How much change would you get from £20? Addition Mental strategies will look at methods such as when doing a sum such as 39+47, the children could either add tens and units separately then together, or calculate (40 + 47) -1 There is no right or wrong way, children will be encouraged to use a variety of ,methods and which is best for which sum. Written methods Start with the use of a number line Move onto adding units and tens separately, for example: 39 + 47 = ? 9 + 7 =16 30 + 40 = 70 16 + 70 = 86 Children will then move onto vertical addition, but still may partition the numbers. For example: 47 + 39 ____ 16 (9+7) 70 (30+40) ____ 86 Finally they will move onto the tradition method. The child will use this ,method when the teacher feels they are ready, usually in Year 3 or 4. 47 + 39 ____ 76 Subtraction Mental strategies will again depend on the type of calculation. For example, 76 – 39 would be encouraged to do (76 – 40) + 1. If the numbers are close together the children will encouraged to add on. For example 76 – 68, the children would count on from 68 to 76. Written Methods Children will again begin by using a number line to subtract. Then may then go onto partition the numbers. For example 78– 36 =? 70 – 30 = 8–6= Finally they will move onto column subtraction. 76 - 39 ____ Multiplication Work based on children learning their tables The earlier the children have learnt all of their tables, the easier they will find all areas of maths Written methods Begin at first by purely using tables knowledge to answer questions Will then move onto partitioning the numbers to work out more challenging calculation. For example: 36 x 7 =? 30 x 7 = 210 6 x 7 = 42 Total 252 Children will then move onto the grid method as this establishes that each part of number must be multiplied by all the other parts. This is good preparation for understanding column multiplication. 36 x 74 = X 30 70 2100 420 6 4 120 24 2220 424 TOTAL: 2644 Division Mental work will be based very largely on practical work and the concepts of grouping and sharing. Tables knowledge will also be used and children will have to use this to answer division calculations mentally. Written methods Based initially on tables knowledge and LOTS of practical work. Will move onto ‘chunking’, starting with 2 digit by 1 digit calculations and moving onto 3 digit by 2 digit and even possibly decimals for more able Year 6’s. For example: 456 17 = 26 remainder 14 456 - 170 286 - 170 116 85 31 - 17 14 (10 x 17) (10x17) (5x17) (1x17) For a copy of all the mathematical vocab that children are taught in each year group, please go to the web address below: _mathvocab031300.pdf