Dual Credit Parent Power Point

Northwest Vista College
What is Dual Credit?
•College credit and high school credit earned upon completion of a class with a grade
of “C” or better
•Students will be exposed to college-level material and are considered college
•Dual credit courses generally transfer to most Texas public colleges/universities
• Alamo Colleges has an Articulation Agreement with colleges that can be found at www.Alamo.edu
• Always check with the school you want to attend about transfer credits
•Dual credit becomes a part of the student’s high school and college transcripts
Advantages of Dual Credit
•Saves money
• Students can earn college credit each semester at no cost
• Reduces tuition and textbook costs for overall college education
•Gets prerequisites out of the way
•Students take on the responsibilities of being a college student, easing the
transition from high school to college
How does AP differ from Dual Credit?
•AP classes are not college credit until the receiving institution accepts the
score earned on the AP test and transmits the credit onto the transcript
•Dual Credit is a course for college credit. The AP exam may earn college
•AP score requirements vary from one institution to the next
•AP credit is not automatically transmitted on the college transcript
•Some high school courses are set up to offer both AP and dual credit
Who should take Dual Credit?
•The Dual Credit program is designed for select sophomores, juniors and seniors
seeking to get a jump on their college coursework.
•Students who have test scores that indicate they are ready to enter the program
and who feel comfortable doing college level work should consider dual credit.
•Students are allowed to take a maximum of TWO dual credit courses per
semester (TBD)
2016-2017 Dual Credit Courses
•10th Grade Courses:
• PreAP Dual Precalculus (for students who took PreAP Algebra 2 in 9th grade)
•11th Grade Courses:
AP/Dual Biology
AP/ Dual Environmental Science
Dual Spanish 3
PreAP Dual Precalculus (for students who took Algebra 2 in 10th grade)
•12th Grade Courses:
Dual English Composition
AP/Dual British Literature (requires a 3+ on the AP Language Exam)
AP/Dual Biology
AP/Dual Environmental Science
Dual Spanish 3
Dual College Algebra (for students currently in Algebra 2)
PreAP Dual Precalculus (for students currently in Algebra 2)
AP/Dual US Government
High School Course= College Course
High School Course Name
HS Credit
College Course Equivalent
College Credit
AP/Dual Biology
Biology 1406 and 1407
AP/Dual Environmental Science
Environmental Biology 2406
Dual English 4
English 1301 and 1302 (Comp I and II)
AP/Dual English 4
English 2322 and 2323 (Brit Lit I and II)
Dual College Algebra
Math 1414 (College Algebra)
PreAP Dual Precalculus
Math 1414, 2412
Dual Spanish 3
Spanish 2311 and 2312
AP US Government
Government 2305
Dual Credit Admission Requirements
1. Complete the application at applytexas.org by February 5, 2016
Instructions can be found here.
The social security number is HIGHLY encouraged on application for access to
your Banner ID.
An Application Workshop will be held January 12th and 13th in the CHS Library and on
January 20th during both lunches. Sign-up in counseling by Monday 1/18 office is required.
2. 48 hours after submitting your application, go to www.aces.alamo.edu and click
on Get My Banner ID number
3. Submit your completed Parent Consent Form to the Counseling Office by
February 12, 2016
Dual Credit Admission Requirements
4. Official SAT/ACT scores due to Northwest Vista College by April 18, 2016.
SAT score requirements: Critical Reading+ Math=1070 with 500+ on each section
ACT score requirements: 23 Composite with 19 on English and Math sections
Without these minimum scores, students will have the to take the Texas Success Initiative
(TSI) Exam in mid Spring at CHS or at Northwest Vista College to reach college readiness
standards for admission into dual credit.
Deadline to Submit Retest results: June 10, 2016
Dual Credit Admission Requirements
5. After you get your Banner ID Go to www.Alamo.edu to get your ACES login
6. Log in to your ACES student account ACES Login, Go FAAR & Test Prep
Instructions and complete the following by March 25, 2016 :
GO FAAAR Module (all new dual credit students)
Test Prep Module (if you need to take the TSI). Print off proof of completion with your
name and turn in to the CHS Counseling office
Current students need not reapply or complete modules, but do need to submit a new
parent consent form.
Final Notes
•Sign up for the dual credit classes you want to take during CHS class preregistration
•Turn in a completed parent consent form after submitting Apply Texas application
•All new dual credit students must complete the GO FAAAR module
•Students who need to take the TSI must complete the Test Prep Module
•Once you log in to ACES, all of Alamo Colleges communication will go directly to your ACES email
account, so check this regularly.
Join us on Remind101!
We will be sending out reminders about requirements and deadlines
through Remind101. To sign up, text the following message to the number
(210) 441-6167