ECE Add a Degree Info Sheet

EE and EE:Systems
Add a Degree (Dual Degree) Info
How to apply for Add a Degree (Dual Degree) in EE or EE:Systems:
1. Complete the Rackham Application for Add a Degree (Dual Degree):
2. Attach:
• A brief Statement of Purpose
If you are in the PhD program in another department, attach a letter of recommendation from
your research advisor. (If in MS program in another department, no letter of rec is required.)
U-M transcript (need not be official)
3. Meet with an EE or EE:S academic advisor to complete the Master's Plan of Study and a Rackham
Dual Degree Election Form 6010.
4. Get the approval signature of your home department on page 6 of the Add A Degree Application.
5. Submit all materials to ECE Grad Coordinator. Applications for dual degrees are only processed during
the academic months (September through May).