2-1 - CountryDale6thGrade

Mrs. J. Vink
414-525-7010 (the 10 is the room number)
Mrs. P. Snead
414-525-7009 (the 9 is the room number)
6th Grade Newsletter
February 1, 2013
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students: Jack for taking 1st place in the schoolwide Geo Bee, Karan took 2nd place in the district spelling bee and now moves on to the
regionals. Also, the 6th grade Battle of the Books winners are: Grace, Jordan, and Ellie. On
Monday, February 18th there will be a showdown between the 3 teams (4th, 5th, and 6th) to
determine who will participate in the state competition on either Tuesday or Wednesday,
February 19th or 20th. Good Luck.
Making Meaning-Reading (Mrs. Snead)
Determining important ideas will be the next comprehension focus. A short story “Abdul, Age
17, Afghan” from New Kids in Town: Oral Histories of Immigrant Teens will be read and discussed.
Please remember students should be reading appropriate leveled books at home for at least 180
minutes a week and recording the time on their reading log. Please help monitor that this is
completed. This reading log needs to be signed to verify they have read the allotted minutes.
Therefore, please return this reading log on Monday (2/4).
Vocabulary (Mrs. Snead)
Students will be introduced to new vocabulary words each week. Information is best retained
if it is applied to daily life. See if you can incorporate these words into your families’ conversations:
vulnerable, storm, and surreptitiously.
Being a Writer (Mrs. Vink)
Students will continue to hear examples of persuasive essays in class and thinking about author
audience and purpose, writing their opinion on various topics of their choice, and respecting the
opinions of others. We will also begin analyzing essay openings and conclusions.
Spelling/Grammar (Mrs. Vink)
Unit #5 preview words: train, fresh, drive, lead, and break. Students will be looking at various
suffixes during this lesson. They should also continue reviewing the prefix, suffix and root
flashcards they were given on Tuesday. Our first prefix/suffix/root quiz is scheduled for Friday
(2/15). Also, if your child has not completed the Parts of Speech quizzes, they should also be
reviewing for this quiz as well. Parts of Speech quizzes next week are scheduled for Monday (2/4)
and Friday (2/8) during recess.
Social Studies (Mrs. Vink)
Students will begin the week by learning about their own polis (city-state) and sharing some of the
key ideas with their classmates. We will also be discussing the Trojan War and Homer's epic poem,
the Odyssey, to get students thinking about of the Greek gods/goddess. Our week will end by
reading and discussing articles called, "Education in Ancient Greece" and "Early Greek History".
Math (Mrs. Vink/Mrs.Snead)
Chapter 8 will continue to be the focus. The lessons include using the distributive property
to simplify algebraic expressions, multiple representations of equivalent expressions, and combining
like terms with algebraic expressions. There will be a quiz the following week.
Island 4 Unit 6 should be completed. Is your child on track? In case you encounter any
problem with the program, the Carnegie Customer Service number is 1-877-401-2527.
Math Facts
There are still a small handful of students need to practice their basic math facts. Please
include this whenever possible. These particular students will be retested at the end of third
Science (Mrs. Snead)
The Learning Set study guide that was handed out this past Tuesday will be due on Monday
(2/4). This test will be on Wednesday (2/6). Writing explanations will conclude the week. The
online textbook can be accessed at http://ebook.its-about-time.com/student or go to the wiki site.
The username is Mrs.Snead (it is case sensitive and note the “.” after Mrs.) and the password is
Wiki Site for 6th Grade Camp
All information for the 6th grade camp is found on our 6th grade Country Dale Wiki site. It
can be accessed at: http://countrydale6thgrade.wikispaces.com/Any necessary information and forms
are found on this link. The Parent Survey was sent home on January 4th. If
you have not
already returned it to school PLEASE do so on Monday.
Country Dale's School Hours
School class times are 9:10 am - 3:55 pm.
Students are not to arrive at school before
8:55 am. If students do arrive prior to this time, they will remain outdoors and
unsupervised. Students may enter the building at 9:00 and classes begin at 9:10.
Sunny Side
“I learned not to let compliments go to my head, nor criticisms my heart.”
John Hope Bryant, who went from being homeless to founding Operation HOPE, America’s
first nonprofit banking organization
February 1 - Report cards go home
February 21 - No School, staff development
February 22 - No School