Study Guide

Nutrition Study Guide
History of Food:
-The original need for food was for survival only
-Humans spent time searching for food (Hunting, fishing, scavenging)
-Today food is used during social occasions, fellowship and friendships, or as an escape
Acquired Experiences With Food:
-Most people select the types of food they eat with little thought
-Our family is the strongest factor in determining what food we eat (We eat what they eat and like)
-Other factors are: Friends, ethnic background, advertisements, and $
Essential Nutrients:
-Proteins: The building blocks of the body and are extremely important when you are considering
exercise to build muscle
-Most important function:
-Foods in the meat groups are the main dietary source of protein
-Complete protein:
-Incomplete Protein:
-Serve as the main fuel (Energy) for our body
-Obtained by consuming:
The body uses carbohydrates before fats and proteins
3 types of carbs:
Starch: Bread, potatoes, rice, cereals
-Take longer to digest (Good nutrients)
Sugar: soft drinks, candy, pastries, cookies
-Quicker to digest (No nutrients)
Fiber: whole grains, fruits, veggies
-Helps move waste through the body
-Fat stores twice as much energy as protein or carbs
-Fats carry vitamins A, D, e, k
-The main factor the determines the healthfulness of fat is the amount and type of cholesterol it
-Saturated Fats:
-Unsaturated fats:
-Cholesterol: wax like fatty substance that helps to build cells (Good for you in healthy amounts)
-Your body absorbs minerals when you eat plants or animals that have eaten plants
-There are 20 essential minerals present in the body that are used in body functions
-Minerals are important in regulating various body functions
-In general, those who eat a sound diet do not need a mineral supplement
-Vitamins are organic, chemical substances found in very small amounts in food
-You only need small amount of vitamins for normal growth and maintenance of the body
-Fat-soluble Vitamins:
-Water-soluble vitamins:
-Water is essential for your body and makes up about 65% of your weight
-Water is the primary component of blood and tissue fluids
-Water carries dissolved waste products from the body, helps digest food, and carries nutrients
throughout the body
cup of water for every
minutes of exercise
-Everyone should drink
quarts of water each day (64 Ounces)
MyPlate Tips:
-1: Balance calories
-2: Enjoy your food, but eat less
-3: Avoid oversize portions
-4: Foods to eat more often: veggies, fruits, whole grains, and fat free dairy products
-5: Make over half of your plate fruits and veggies
-6: Switch to fat free or low fat milk
-7: Make half your grains whole grains
-8: Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt
-9: Compare sodium in foods
-10: Drink water instead of sugary drinks