Nutrition Essential Nutrients



The science of food and how the body uses it in health and disease

Essential Nutrients

 Must be obtained from the diet

 Necessary for energy or for the building and maintenance of tissues

 Relied upon for the regulation of body functions

Energy-Providing Nutrients

Energy Measurements

 Energy is expressed in ‘kilocalories’

 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories

 Kilocalorie = Calorie (note capital ‘C’)

 1 kilocalorie = heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of water 1°C

 Average person requires approx. 2000 calories per day

Calorie Densities of Various Energy Sources






 Found in every living cell

 Act as structural components for:


 Composed of chains of amino acids

 20 commonly recognized amino acids

 Nine essential (can not be synthesized) amino acids

 Individual sources of protein are ‘complete’ if they supply all nine essential amino acids

 ‘Incomplete’ protein sources include those foods that do not contain all nine essential amino acids

 Usually from plant sources such as grains, beans, peas, and nuts

 Foods must be combined to get all amino acids (rice and beans for example)

 Protein consumed in excess of needs is stored as fat

 Inadequate protein consumption can lead to muscle wasting


 Also known as lipids

 Concentrated source of energy

 Fat serves to:

 Fats in food are mostly triglycerides

 Include a glycerol (an alcohol) and three fatty acid molecules

Fats can be classified as:











 Based on the degree of saturation or number of double bonds that exist between carbon atoms

 No double bonds = saturated

 One double bond = monounsaturated

 Two or more double bonds = polyunsaturated

Saturated Fats

 Food usually contains more than one type of fat

 The dominant fat determines the characteristics of the fat

Unsaturated Fats

 Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats usually come from plant sources

 liquid at room temperature (oil)

 More desirable, not linked to cardiovascular disease

 appears to lower blood cholesterol

 Also shown to reduce the risk of heart disease



 Processed plant oils can be high in saturated fat

 Tropical oils (such as palm oil and coconut oil) used in processed foods are high in saturated fats

 Hydrogenated fats and oils are created from unsaturated fats are used to prevent spoiling and to add texture


 Elevated intake of saturated fats may increase blood cholesterol levels

 Increased blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels have been implicated in the development of heart disease


 Three groups based on the number of saccharides

 Monosaccharides and disaccharides are considered sugars

 Polysaccharides are considered starches


 Simplest sugar

 Include

 Glucose makes up the blood sugar (the brain, nervous system are fueled by glucose exclusively)

 Glucose found in

 Fructose found in


 Two monosaccharides

 One monosaccharide is always glucose,

 e.g., lactose = glucose + galactose

 Many ‘hidden’ sugars in food

 Primary concern related to sugar consumption is dental cavities



 Found in vegetables, fruit, grains

 Complex carbohydrates composed of chains of many sugars

 Starches often contain many vitamins, minerals, water, protein

 Carbohydrates consumed in excess of storage capacity as glycogen are stored as fat

 An important component of the diet for athletes competing in events of long duration


 Serve as coenzymes in chemical reactions

 ‘Organic’ because they contain carbon atoms

 Required in small amounts

 Necessary for:


 Two classifications:

 Based on the ability to dissolve in either water or fat tissue

Water-soluble Vitamins

 Not stored

 Include vitamin C and B-complex vitamins

 Dissolve quickly in water, so overcooking fruits and vegetables in water will result in the vitamins being lost to the water

Fat-soluble Vitamins

 In excess, these vitamins are stored in fat tissue

 Over-consumption of these vitamins (especially A and D) can result in toxicity


 Formed from vitamins

 Aid in preserving healthy cells


 Include vitamins E, C, beta carotene (from vitamin A)


 Numerous functions in the body

 ‘Inorganic’ because they do not contain carbon atoms

 Necessary for:


Structural elements (teeth, hormones, muscles)


Regulation of body functions (muscle contractions, blood clotting, heart function)


Aid in the growth and maintenance of body tissues


Catalytic action in energy release

 Approximately 17-21 identified essential minerals

 major minerals are found in relatively large amounts in the body

 Trace elements are needed in small amounts

Vitamins and Minerals

 Needed in small amounts

 Essential component to good health

 Consumption of too little/too much can have detrimental effects

 To ensure adequate intake, eat a balanced diet with variety


 Large component of our bodies and food

 Important for:

 Body water is lost through:


 Excessive water loss through:


 Need approx. 1mL of water for every Calorie burned

 8 cups of fluid per day

 More if you are active or live in a warm climate

 Weakness or fatigue can be a sign of dehydration

 Fibre: plant substances that cannot be digested by the body

 Adds bulk to feces to facilitate elimination

 A large intake of fibre can lead to intestinal gas

 Rich sources include:

 Other sources include:

 Soluble fibre

 Insoluble fibre

Recommended Nutrient Intakes

 RNI’s

 Designed to meet the needs of virtually the entire healthy population

 RNI’s exceed the requirements of most people

 Allow for a margin of safety, taking into account individual variation

 Expressed as a daily requirement

 Should be regarded as an average recommended intake over a period of days or weeks

Recommended Daily Intakes

 RDI’s

 A reference standard for nutrition labeling purposes

 RDI’s represent the highest RNI that exists for a nutrient for a particular age group

 Expressed as the percentage of RDI of the nutrient on labels

 Two RDI’s - one for children (<2 yrs), one for adults (>2 yrs)


Nutrition Recommendations for Canadians

 Eight recommendations made by Health and Welfare Canada

 Outline desirable characteristics of the Canadian diet

 Recommendations are intended for educators and health professionals

 User-friendly version includes 5 general statements to consider when choosing what to eat


Enjoy a variety of foods


Emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, vegetables, and fruits


Choose lower-fat dairy products, leaner meats, and foods prepared with

little or no fat


Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight by enjoying regular

physical activity and healthy eating


Limit salt, alcohol, and caffeine

Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating

 Translates nutrient recommendations into a food group plan

 A guide to ensure a balanced intake of essential nutrients

 Meets the needs of all Canadians four years of age and older

 Aimed at the general population

Food Groups

Food Servings

 Amount of food needed each day from the food groups varies according to:

 A range of servings is given in order to include the energy needs of all individuals

 For example, a sedentary woman may require the lower number of servings, while an active male may choose the higher number of servings

Directional Statements within Canada’s Food Guide

 Enjoy a variety of foods from each food group every day

 Choose lower-fat foods more often

 Choose whole grain and enriched products more often

 Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often

 Choose lower-fat milk products more often

 Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans, and lentils more often

