Egg Lab Rubric - Final Grade (90 Points)

Name:_____________________________________ Date:_____________ Class:___________
Egg Lab Rubric - Final Grade (90 Points)
Hypothesis: (4 points)
● Hypothesis is stated in an “if, then” statement
● Hypothesis is made for both egg in water and egg in corn syrup
● Hypothesis is made for both eggs BEFORE the switch
Materials: (6 points)
● Materials written in list form
● Includes all materials used in lab
Procedure: (15 points)
● Procedure is written in list form and includes all steps
● Written in present tense, with proper commands for each step.
Data/ Observations (Total- 24 points)
Written Observations: (12 points)
● Describes in depth what each egg looked liked each time observations were made
● Includes written observations for before the eggs were placed in solutions, after 24 hours in a
solution AND after switching the eggs.
● Presented in table form
Drawings: (12 points)
● Includes ALL drawings when eggs were initially in solutions and 2 days of observations.
● Drawings are neat, labeled and on a separate sheet of paper
Analysis/ Conclusion: (35 Points)
● Restates hypothesis and EXPLAINS if it is correct or not.
● Includes scientific explanation of what happened to eggs in both solutions over time (use of vocabulary
● In the explanation the following is present:
○ Correct explanation of which liquid was hypotonic, which was hypertonic
○ What the liquid on top of the corn syrup was, how it got there
○ Explains in depth why an unshelled egg was used in the lab
○ Discusses which part of the egg controlled the water’s movement in and out of the egg.
● Written in paragraph form
Miscellaneous: (6 points)
Lab is organized in proper lab format
Lab is typed
Grammar and spelling are superior