All About Eggs–Building Culinary Skills Web Quest National Standards for FACS Education: 8.2 8.4 14.3 Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures. Demonstrate planning menu items based on standardized recipes. Demonstrate ability to acquire, handle, and use foods to meet nutrition and wellness needs of individuals and families across the life span. Objective: To introduce students to the selection, preparation, handling and nutritional qualities of eggs. 1. A large egg provides: ___________ calories ___________ grams protein ___________ grams total fat 2. How can you tell if an egg is raw or cooked without breaking the shell? 3. Eggs are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin ___________. 4. Eggs contain all of the proteins, mineral and vitamins needed for good health, except vitamin ________. 5. Eggs perform eight functions in recipes. Those functions are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 6. Explain the Julian date on an egg carton. What is the Julian date of today’s date? 7. What bacteria is often associated with raw eggs? Scientists estimate that about 1 in ____________ eggs are contaminated with this bacteria. 8. What is the chalaza? What does it do? 9. Identify the 5 different egg sizes and which one is the standard size used for recipes. a b c d e f 10. Common size: ___________________ Draw and label all the parts of an egg? Identify the part of the egg that contains the nutrient fat and the part supplies mostly protein.