Urban Ecosystems 1


Urban Ecosystems

Use the ppt to answer the following questions.

1. What do we mean by a niche in an ecosystem?

2. Give an example of one animal’s / plant’s niche in an urban ecosystem.

3. What niches are available on this piece of wasteland for plants to occupy? Put labels around the picture.

4. How can humans change urban ecosystems?

5. How might each of these factors influence whether vegetation succession take place?

 Slope:

 Moisture availability:

 Aspect:

 Porosity:

 Surface roughness:

 Pollution levels:

6. Define each of these terms;

 Conservation:

 Ecology:

 Sustainable development:

 Substrate:

 Primary succession:

 Secondary succession:

Structure of an Urban ecosystem – Just as in any system there are Inputs, Processes and

Outputs. Sort the features on slide 8 of the ppt into the correct column.

Inputs Ecostructure Outputs

The Colonisation Of Wastelands

What type of succession is this?


1. Find a photo of Industrial wasteland on the Internet (try this link) http://www.geograph.org.uk/search.php?i=8520703

2. Label the surfaces available for colonisation by species.

3. Use the FSC website to describe and explain succession on an abandoned industrial site.

Link here http://www.field-studies-council.org/urbaneco/urbaneco/wasteland/carpark.htm

Use these headings to help you

Stage 1-The Pioneers

Stage 2 -Oxford Ragwort / grasses and flowering plants

Stage 3 -tall herbs / perennials.

Stage 4 –woody plants

Stage 5 – scrub woodland / trees

Present your information using Word / ppt or a movie if you like!
