Checklist for Energy Simulation Input Data How to use this checklist This checklist serves as a reference guide and cookbook for collecting input data required for an energy simulation of a generic building. It is aimed at a broad range of users and thusly requires no previous experience or background in energy simulations. The document is divided into three chapters: Checklist, Glossary, and Appendix. The checklist chapter is sectioned into functional groups such as building structure, building envelope, building systems, etc… However the checklist is NOT intended to be completed sequentially, on the contrary if for any lack of data or if inapplicable, the user is recommended to proceed with other entries in the checklist. Throughout the checklist the user will find boldfaced keywords. This indicates that an explanation and a short description of the highlighted keyword is provided in the Glossary chapter. Moreover the short description in the Glossary chapter might often contain a reference to one of the appendices. In the Appendix chapter the user will stumble upon visual and graphical aid such as schematic examples, charts, and drawings to help describe the specified requirement. Map key: 1 BOLD -> lookup in Glossary chapter * highly recommended but optional -> Checklist Assignment Building Plans Layout drawings Section drawings Façade drawings *IFC files Site Specification Geographic Location Shading and other peripheral objects Topographical data Building Envelope External walls Internal walls Insulation Roof Underground / basement walls Concrete Slabs Description of Thermal Bridges Infiltration data Glazing Detailed window and frame drawings Glazing Specifications Inner and outer curtain/blind specifications, control set points, and operating schedule Heating and Cooling Systems Type of central heating source Return and Supply temperatures Description of subunits, storage tanks, and distribution system Specification and set points for room heating units Specific Fan Power and Pump rating, *flow, and efficiency Operating schedule Description of storage and pipe insulation Installation capacity Description and Specification of Cooling Systems 2 Type of central cooling source Return and Supply temperatures Description of subunits, and distribution system Specification and set points of room cooling units Specific Fan Power and chiller/cooling tower rating, *flow, and efficiency Operating schedule Description of storage and pipe insulation Installation capacity Design Schema 3 Ventilation System Number and type of air handling units Specific Fan Power and total air flow Specification and efficiency of heat recovery unit Specification of Humidifier/Dehumidifier unit Air supply controller and set points Fan Operating schedule Number and Specification of exhaust fans Design Schema Zoning Functional description of each HVAC zone Occupant Capacity and Presence Schedule Electronic equipment power rating Illuminance Level Building Facilities Electrical rating and operating schedule for elevators, external lighting, and other installations Installed capacity and control type of surface heaters and drain heaters Specification and efficiency of miscellaneous compressors, pumps, fans, and storage tanks Glossary Air Supply Controller ...................................... 3 The supply of air into each room can be controlled by different sensors that regularize the flow. A common controller is the CO2 sensor, which can indicate the level of occupancy present in a room and adjust the flow rate accordingly. However the AHU can also be controlled via a Passive InfraRed (PIR) sensor, or by means of a Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) sensor, or simply through a predetermined fixed schedule, etc… Therefore it is important to specify the type of air supply controller used in each room. Tip: This can be done by manual inspection, through the Building Management System, or by referring to the ventilation schematics! See Appendix A for a visual aid as to how to identify each sensor by inspection. Central Heating/Cooling Source ................ 2, 3 Each building has a central heating and cooling supply source, but those differ from one building to another. For instance a common type of heating and cooling source in Sweden is District cooling and District Heating, which supplies hot and cold water directly to the building from a nearby thermal plant or substation. Another common type of central cooling and heating system found in standalone houses are boilers and chillers. Each system behaves differently and has different efficiency and capacitive rating. Hence it is vital to accurately report on the type of central heating and cooling system located in the building. Chiller/Cooling Tower .................................... 3 A chiller is a machine that makes use of refrigerants to lower the environment temperature through vapour-compression or absorption cycles. Chillers can be very complex and include multiple secondary cycles, however we are mostly interested in the overall rated power and the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the whole system. You can locate this easily on the metal plated tag placed on the chiller through manual 4 inspection, or by looking up the technical specifications directly from the manufacturer, you can also attain a general idea concerning the chiller performance by inspecting the cooling schematics if they exist. A cooling tower on the other hand resembles essentially an evaporator, where water is circulated with an overhead fan to cool the water temperature to "near wet-bulb" through evaporation. Similarly for our interest we require only the Specific Fan Power and the Coefficient of Performance (COP), which again can be looked up in the technical specifications provided by the supplier/manufacturer. Control Type ................................................... 4 There are several types of controllers which might be incorporated in a building. The most common of which is a PI, or Partial Integrator controller, and the bang-bang controller (also known as the simple on/off controller). These controllers dictate how the system behaves once the sensor detects an event. For instance a PI controller will insure a smooth startup and shutdown period, whilst an on/off controller will insure instant reaction time with several fluctuations. Note that usually controllers have a dead band limit, especially in the case of a bang-bang controller, to limit the flunctuations and avoid breakdowns. Curtain/Blind .................................................. 2 Curtains and blinds play a vital role in blocking solar radiation, preventing them from entering rooms and causing discomfort or unwanted heating loads. They can be placed internally, externally, or even on both sides of a window. Moreover these can be controlled either manually, or automatically based on room temperature, outdoor luminance, or by a predetermined fixed schedule. Design Schema ............................................... 3 Schematic designs are drawings provided by consultants, manufacturers, designers, or suppliers detailing in technical terms the system at hand. Refer to Appendix B for a sample schematics Dimensioning .................................................. 2 Knowing the material thickness and area is important for evaluating the heat transfer through walls and surfaces. As such it is simply not enough to specify the materials being used in the building envelope, but the dimensions of each layer is as important for simulation purposes. Drain Heaters.................................................. 4 In most Northern countries, drain heaters are installed to prevent drain blockage in case of ice forming in winter. This can utilize substantial thermal energy that need be accounted for in your simulation. Efficiency......................................................... 3 Efficiency is evaluated as useful work output divided by input power. This holds true for electrical and mechanical systems, and implies that the more efficient the system is the more useful work you attain for a given amount of input power. For thermal systems this term is often replaced by Coefficient of Performance which indicates not only the efficiency but also provides insight on the operating conditions. COP is evaluated as heating power supplied divided by the work consumed. Both efficiency and COP values can be found through the technical specifications provided by supplier/manufacturer, or simply by manual inspection of the metal plated tag on the machinery. Electronic Equipment ..................................... 3 The term electronic equipment includes all devices plugged in a room, such as computers and screens, projectors and routers, heavy machinery, phones and personal devices, etc… Tip you can use default values of electronic equipment to estimate the overall power rating per room! Exhaust Fans ................................................... 3 The number of exhaust fans may not be equivalent to the number of supply fans, even though the ventilation system is designed to be 5 balanced. This implies that we need to provide the specifications of each exhaust fan along with each supply fan specification. This specification often includes Specific Fan Power and operational schedule Façade............................................................. 2 The building Façade describes the building's exterior. This usually includes glazing, balconies, decorative structures, and envelope material. It is important for us to know the orientation of each façade of the building, as this plays a major role in infiltration, ventilation, and heating requirements of the building. Façade drawings are usually provided by architects and consulting firms. Flow ................................................................ 3 Volumetric flow may refer to air flow or liquid flow rates. It is often very difficult to measure these in building systems, as they require non intrusive methods such as ultrasonic and magnetic flow measurements in case of fluid flow, which can be quite expensive to deploy, and airflow meters in the case of gas flow measurements, which are often unreliable. Frame .............................................................. 2 Window frame plays an important role in determining heat dissipation as well as infiltration rate. Since the frame material differs from that of the glazing, it will have a different heat transmission rate. Functional Description ................................... 3 Describing the activity that takes place in each zone is an important task. This dictates generic schedules, ventilation and heating/cooling set points, as well as number of occupants. Geographic ..................................................... 2 The longitude and latitude of the building helps determine the correct adjusted weather data file to use as well as the wind profile. Note Google maps is your friend! Glazing ............................................................ 2 Glazing is an important aspect of the façade. It's specifications and properties determines how much solar energy is transmitted and absorbed by the building. See Appendix C for an example of glazing specifications and properties. Heat Recovery Unit ........................................ 3 Heat recovery unit in an air handling system comes in many forms. It can be an exchange thermal wheel where return air with higher temperature is mixed with cool supply air, or it can take the form of a non mixing heat exchanger such as a run around coil system. Humidifier Unit ............................................... 3 A humidifier is sometime necessary in an air handling unit to bring the relative humidity of the supply air to an appropriate level, avoiding dry air or a very humid environment. However the process of adding in or removing moisture from the supply air requires cooling and/or heating of the supply air. This can lead to significant energy consumption, and as such must be modeled properly in your simulation. HVAC Zone ...................................................... 3 An HVAC zone can include several geometrically connected rooms. It describes all rooms which entail the same inlet supply air from the ventilation system. For instance a single HVAC zone in extreme cases can include the whole house, as is the case when there is but a single supply inlet. IFC ................................................................... 2 IFC stands for Industry Foundation Classes, and is a type of neutral file format that encumbers descriptive information of each zone along with its geometric data. This tuple of information allows the energy simulator not only to model the geometric zones, but also setup the system set points, and other information that can speed up modeling. Tip: Most CAD software can export drawings in IFC format! Illuminance Level............................................ 3 Luminance inside each zone is vital in modeling, as it needs to ascertain a standardized level. Infiltration....................................................... 2 Infiltration is often one of the most difficult to measure. Some buildings undergo proper 6 pressurized testing and therefore infiltration data would be readily available, however a common alternative is to inspect opening seals using an air flow meter. Installation Capacity ...................................... 3 Installation capacity is often the result of sizing activities, as such it sets the limits of the building's system that can be justifiably tested in an energy simulation. For instance to find whether a heating room unit is sufficient for maintaining thermal comfort in a selected room, installation capacity of the whole system must first be made known. Insulation ........................................................ 2 Insulation is perhaps one of the most influencing factors in a building's energy demand. Thus accurately determining the thickness and material specifications of the envelope, pipes, and storage tank insulation is vital to any simulation. Layout ............................................................. 2 Layout drawings facilitate the sectioning of each zone in your model. These are often available and supplied by the architects. Refer to Appendix D for a sample of a Layout drawing. Materials ........................................................ 2 Building materials not only define the heat transfer rate of the envelope, but also denotes how the building reacts and transitions from one state to another. It is vital to properly capture the material properties and dimensions used throughout the building. Refer to Appendix E for a sample on how to report on material specifications. Occupant Capacity ......................................... 3 Occupants are a source of humidity, heat, as well as CO2 emissions. Hence it is important to determine the designed occupancy capacity of each zone to properly size ventilation and cooling/heating loads. Operating Schedule .................................... 2, 3 Building systems can attain different operating schedules, it is therefore important to note each up-to-date system schedule. This can be done by inspecting the control schematic, through manual inspection, or by consulting maintenance and operations. Peripheral ....................................................... 2 Peripheral objects, those casting shadows on the building, can contribute to solar shading, wind blocking, as well as air preheating. Thus do not forget to include close structures in the vicinity of your building model. Pipe Insulation ................................................ 3 Pipe heat losses can become a significant factor in reducing energy consumption. You can account for this in your model by going through manual inspection of the current status of piping insulation. Presence Schedule.......................................... 3 Occupancy presence scheduling can have a dramatic impact on energy loads of a building. However it is often difficult to capture the stochastic nature of this presence. In energy simulations you are able to input probabilistic curves as your best guestimates, or a predetermined fixed schedule. Tip: It is advisable to add holiday schedules separate from weekdays, as these tend to be very different! Pump Rating ................................................... 3 Pump power and efficiency is often a key parameter in the performance of a mechanical system. This is often the case in buildings where pumps are not properly sized, or operating in suboptimal conditions. It is therefore important to take note of the current operating schedule of these pump, as well as the performance criteria. Return/Supply Temperature...................... 2, 3 The supply temperature and return temperature can be utilized to determine overall heat/cooling power delivered to the building. It is often easy to access this information through measurement or through consulting your source supplier. Room Heating Units ....................................... 3 Room heat units come in different types and forms. They can work through radiative, 7 convective, conductive, or combination of the latter three. Each type has it's own efficiency and heats the room in a different manner, thus it is important to note not only the heating power but also the type of heating supplied into each room. Refer to Appendix G for visual aid in determining types of room heating units. Section ............................................................ 2 Section drawings reveal material layering as well as joint and structural information useful to us in the modeling phase. Refer to Appendix D for a sample Section Drawing. Set Point ..................................................... 2, 3 Set points for building systems and controls are often manually configured but poorly managed and updated throughout the life cycle of the building. Nonetheless these set points dictate the performance of nearly every system, whether it be ventilation or cooling/heating, and it is therefore crucial to have accurate representations of these set points in the simulation process. Shading ........................................................... 2 Aside from blinds and curtains, some buildings contain shading in the form of balcony fins and awnings. These greatly reduce the solar load in rooms and thusly needed to be considered in an energy simulation. Refer to Appendix F for a visual aid of typical types of awnings. Slabs................................................................ 2 What is usual referred to as concrete slabs, often play a dominant role in thermal bridges and material properties. Moreover some buildings integrate slabs in concrete as a means of cooling. Refer to Appendix J for a sample on how to calculate overall material property with presence of concrete slabs. Specific Fan Power ......................................... 3 Specific Fan Power is a term to quantify the energy efficiency of a fan which is evaluated as electrical power input in relation to the volumetric air flow through the fan. This in turn implies that SFP is not constant for any given fan, but will vary in accordance to the pressure difference and the across volumetric air flow. Storage ........................................................ 2, 3 Storage thermal tanks are often used to provide large buildings with instant hot water, especially on peak demand. However if ill maintained these storage tanks might become a major leak source of energy, and as such proper insulation, accurate predictive operational scheduling, and reasonable set points and capacity are vital for achieving optimal energy performance. Subunits ...................................................... 2, 3 In larger buildings it is often the case that subunits are installed to reheat, store and/or redistribute heating/cooling load onto each room. In many such cases, these subunits become bottlenecks in the building system as it is tedious and costly to maintain each subunit. Hence they might become a source of large discrepancy between your modeled simulation and reality. To properly account for this factor you need to take into account the current specifications and performance of each subunit. Surface Heaters .............................................. 4 Surface heaters are usually utilized to defrost pavings and slopes as a safety requirement, and as such are also a significant source of energy consumption. Thermal Bridges.............................................. 2 Thermal Bridges act as highways for thermal transmittance from the building to the outside environment. However it is quite difficult at times to evaluate the effect of thermal bridges. 8 However section drawings and a few thumb rules can help you guestimate this effect in your model. Refer to Appendix J for a sample on how to compute overall U-value of a Thermal Bridge Topographical................................................. 2 The geographical location of the building helps reveal the topography of the surrounding area. This is vital for an energy simulation as to determine the proper elevation of peripheral obstacles and shades. Tip: You can easily grab a topographical map from Google maps using longitude and latitude data of the building! Type of AHU ................................................... 3 Air handling units are composed of several subunit components and can come in many number of combinations of the latter subunits. For instance a typical AHU is often composed of an inlet fan, heat recovery unit with/without air mixing unit, heating/cooling coil, De/humidifier, outlet vent, and finally an exhaust fan and exhaust vent. Underground/Basement ................................ 2 Underground/Basement refers to walls of the building that are in contact with soil/ground which often takes on a constant temperature profile. Moreover these facilities often have different heating/cooling and ventilation requirements, which implies they ought to be considered and reported separately from other rooms and facilities. Appendix A – Common Air Supply Controllers CO2 sensor takes measurement of CO2 emissions in a room with units of ppm (particle per million). Normal background level is around 250-400 ppm. CO2 levels >5,000 ppm indicate toxicity levels. Figure 1. CO2 sensor VOC sensor takes measurements of organic gas chemicals that Have high vapour pressure at room temperature, such as paints/coatings, benzene, and aromatic compounds. These measurements also attain ppm units, with varying toxicity levels for each compound. Figure 2. Volatile Organic Compounds sensor PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensors are used for presence monitoring. Their output signal is often a binary 1/0 value taken at specific time intervals. Figure 3. Passive InfraRed sensor with 110 deg scope A Thermostat sensor is often a simple bimetallic wire strip which can be used not only as a controller but also as a set point for room Heating/Cooling Figure 4. Room Temperature Thermostats 9 Appendix B – Schematics & Technical Drawings Air Handling Unit schematic example: Figure 5. Air Handling Unit Schema From this sample you can see a typical Air Hanling Unit, where supply air is controlled via a damper as seen here: Figure 6. Damper and controller Tip: the sensor reading ST21 can help conclude the airflow schedule on the supply side of this AHU. While the signal to the controller STXX (following the dashed line, representing wired extension) is connected to a main switsh: Figure 7. on/off switch 10 Tip: The switch implies that we have a simple bang-bang or on/off controller for the AHU, it also shows the signal leading to the DUC or PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) represented by the letter I. signal I is connected in turn to a switch SO11, implying a schedule based controller for the AHU fans. After the damper we find a filter on the supply air, along with a manometer (pressure meter) as seen here: Figure 8. Air filter and manometer The filter causes a pressure drop in the ventilation duct, where further down the line the supply air is mixed and preheated in the heat exchanger seen here: Figure 9. Economizer with controlled flow dampers and temperature sensor The heat exchange and mixing is controlled via the two latter dampers on the supply side through the STXXX controller. After which the supply air is further heated by a hot water heat exchanger seen here: 11 Figure 10. Pre-heater water to air This causes the supply air to release its moisture content and as a result have a lower relative humidity, as well as heats the cold air to the required set point temperature if necessary. Furthermore a cooling exchanger via cold water is placed afterwards in order to regulate the air supply temperature, seen here: Figure 11. Pre-cooler water to air Finally on the supply side we find a centrifugal fan with a three stage switch and a fuse box, fired up by a switch along the same line as the primary switch for the AHU, as seen here: Figure 12. Centrifugal fan with a three way switch and fuse box Tip: The three stage switch on the centrifugal fan implies that the air supply controller is a step controller and is thusly a CAV system (Constant Air Volume). We also find a temperature air supply sensor as well as a smoke detector (in the case of fire) down the line, represented here as: 12 Figure 13. Temperature and smoke detection sensor Tip: The sensor measurements from GT11 is the actual air supply temperature to the room! Also GT11 regulates the heat recovery, heating, and cooling of the supply air via DUC signal RI shown above. The same configuration is also seen in the air return line with an exhaust fan at the end of the line represented by FFXX. In summary the typical required information to input in your simulation in this example is the position of the dampers with respect to time, the type of economizer (heat exchanger) in the heat recovery unit as well as its efficiency, the percent of air mixing and recirculation, the set point temperatures and capacity of the pre-heater and pre-cooler units (including defrosting settings), the set point temperature of the air supply sensor (for both night set point and maximum set point), the fans’ operation schedules and controller type and specifications (VAV or CAV), and finally power consumption and return temperature. 13 Central heating system schematics, an example: 14 Figure 14. Central Heating System consisting of a primary base load gas boiler circuit and a secondary peak load solar thermal circuit. The schematic reveals two gas boilers in series, connected to a heat storage tank in a closed loop. The flow is driven by two parallel pumps and managed by a separate controller. Furthermore the closed loop has an expansion valve to ensure pressure release in case of high pressure build up along with an air separator. Moreover there is a secondary renewable heating system plugged to the same heat storage tank. The closed solar heating system is managed by a separate controller and has two circulations (one flow to the solar collectors, and another flow towards the storage tank). There is a cross-flow heat exchanger to deliver the heat from the working media to the water in the heat storage tank, along with another expansion tank to ensure safe pressure requirements in the closed circulation loop. On the distribution side, we have two parallel pumps utilized to ensure high volume flow at a constant pressure head for the building. While the storage tank itself is regulated via a water thermostat as seen above. To model this in your simulation you will have to report on the following parameters: set points of the gas boilers along with performance criteria and efficiencies, the operating schedules of the pumps in each of the two heat systems, the controller type and set points of each heating system, a description on the piping and storage tank insulation, and the water thermostat set point and controller type along with the thermal efficiency of the tank itself (noting down the supply and return temperatures on the storage tank), the type and specifications of the solar collectors (see Appendix C for Glazing properties). Tip: Refer to the Control & Instrumentation schematics for a proper representation of scheduling and control type. The control schema usually contains a narrative describing the controller actions, for instance in the latter example we have from the control schematics the following description: Figure 15. Control Schematics narration 15 Appendix C – Glazing & Frames When reporting on glazing properties and specifications we need to know the following: Figure 16. Solar radiation distribution across glazing This diagram shows the total Incident radiation received at the outer surface of the glazing, this data is not required to be reported upon, instead it is simulated in the model. However to realize the properties of the glazing itself, you need to report of the Solar Reflectance (SR), Solar Absorbance, and Solar Transmission (ST). Alternatively you can report on the total Solar Shading Coefficient (g) along with one of the latter three parameters. Note that this is usually done for both light spectrums (the near infrared “NIR” and the visible), since those two spectrums constitute an accumulative 95% of all energy in the incident radiation. Below is an example of this: Table 1. Glazing properties and specifications This shows the product configuration, for instance (6X-16Ar-Y4) implying a 6mm of glazing type X along with a 16 mm Argon gap and a 4 mm glazing type Y. Common configuration can be seen below, along with the frame structure: 16 Figure 17. Glazing configuration along with frame The figure shows from left to right: the two single, one double, one single and one double, one double and one single, one tripple glazing configuration respectively. More over each single glazing can have a low-e (low emmissivity coating) on either side (inner/outer). Furthermore the type of configuration is displayed in the second column in order to separate between for example a two single glazing configuration and a one double glazing configuration. Furthermore the total U-value of the overall configuration is given in the third column, along with the total Light Transmittance (Solar Transmittance in visible spectrum as a percentage value) and the Solar Shading Coefficient. This information should be enough for our modeling purposes, however if a more detailed glazing model is required, one can utilize each singleton U-value, Light transmittance, Light Reflectance (Solar reflectance in visible spectrum), R index (fraction index going from air into glazing), Solar Transmittance, and glazing density given in the table above. It is important to note here that the overall U-value of the configuration does NOT include that of the frame. The frame attains a separate heat transmittance property, and can act as a thermal bridge (see Appendix K). Therefore don’t forget to report also on the frame material properties. 17 Appendix D – Layout & Section Drawings Section and Layout drawings contain valuable information that need to be obtained for simulation modelling, however they come in many forms. Below is an example of a section drawing of an apartment’s wall. Figure 18. Wall section drawing This shows the materials including insulation between the inner and outer walls. Moreover we can see the material dimensioning through all neighbouring walls, floors, and the roof. Note that a section drawing can also include the whole building such as the figure presented below: Figure 19. Section drawing of an apartment In this section drawing we are interested in the wall separation throughout the apartment and the dimensioning of the apartment façade. 18 Furthermore section drawings of whole buildings can also be used to superimpose other relevant information such as air flow diagrams similar to the figure below: Figure 20. Air flow diagram with HVAC Zones Note that this section air flow diagram contains no material information, but it reveals HVAC zoning details as well as inlet air distribution (denoted by left hand values: XX / ) and exhaust air outlets (denoted by right hand values: / XX or sometimes by negative numbers). You can also visualize the different box compartments of the Air Handling Units and distribution network. Layout drawings on the other hand not only contain important geometric zoning and dimensioning information, but can also reveal other data required for simulation such as in the site layout drawing below: Figure 21. Site layout drawing 19 Notice here that we can deduce the orientation of the building itself, due to the inclusion of a reference North orientation in the lower right corner of the graph. Furthermore peripheral buildings and shadings are also clearly visible in this layout. 20 Appendix E – Materials Of the many properties a material attains and might be used to describe it with, for our simulation purposes we are interested mainly in physical, thermal, and optical properties of the material at hand. Hence when reporting on non-glazed building materials be sure to include the following (for glazed materials refer to Appendix C): Density (), thermal conductivity (k), emissivity (ɛ), physical dimensions (LxWxH), and specific heat capacity (Cp). More often these latter parameters are enough to accurately portray the building material in an energy simulation. For windows and other glazed surfaces please refer to Appendix C on how to report their specifications and properties. Density, (kg/m3) 2240 - 2400 21 Thermal conductivity, k (W/mK) 0.3 Emissivity, ɛ (-) 0.85 Dimensions (m.m.m) X.Y.Z Specific heat (KJ/Kg.K) 0.75 Appendix G – Room Heating Units Heating elements in rooms rely on different physical phenomena to deliver their heat into the room. One such method of heat transportation is through convection. A room convector heats up the air around it, and relies on the rising advection of air to transport heat to other parts of the room. To capitalize on advection, convectors are commonly placed low to ground level and under openings and glazings. Figure 22. A common type of convector Figure 23. Common type of convector Figure 24. Floor heating diagram, also relies on convection Another type of heating element found in rooms is the radiator. A radiator relies, as its name suggests, on thermal radiative energy to transport its heat to the surrounding environment. This implies that a radiator transfers heat through electromagnetic waves throughout the room, as a result the thermal radiative energy transfer is highly dependent on the temperature difference between the radiator surface and the surrounding room, as well as on the viewing factor between the radiator and the person in the room. Due to this, the radiator often is used for local targeted heating as opposed to whole room heating. 22 Figure 25. Infrared room unit heater To model any of the latter units in a simulation, you will need to specify the main heat transfer mode (convection or radiative), as well as the maximum capacity given in Watts and the set point temperature of the device. Note: Even convectors, as those mentioned above, do in fact transmit some of their heat through thermal radiation and conduction, however what is of interest is the dominant mode of heat transfer in this classification process. 23 Appendix H – Awnings Awnings play a vital role in building shading and reducing solar loads in rooms at peak hours. It is simple enough to note down the geometric configuration of the available awnings for modelling purposes. Awning material and such can usually be neglected for simulation modelling purposes. Figure 26. Common awnings types 24 Appendix I – U-values & Slabs Concrete slabs are very commonly used in any modern type construction, and often contain metal rebars (for reinforcement and added flexibility) as well as metal T-bars and at times cooling coils, as seen in the below section drawing: Figure 27. Section drawing of a floor joint showing slabs & rebars These additional materials have an important effect on a building’s energy performance, as is the case with a thermal bridge (see Appendix K) and the case of reinforced concrete. Hence it is vital to report on the type of concrete and its respective U-value. U-value (Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient) of a material is defined as the inverse of the thermal resistance of any given material (R), which in turn is given as the material length with respect to its thermal conductivity (L/k). Therefore, for instance the thermal conductivity of Portland cement (common concrete) is around 0.3 W/m.K, as such a 10 cm thick block of concrete has a thermal resistance of 0.010/0.3 = 0.033 m2.K/W and thusly has an overall heat transfer coefficient U = 30 W/m2K. If several layers with different contact areas exist in a single configuration, you can use the following to estimate the U-value of the whole material: 1 / UA = 1 / (1/A1h1 + dx/kA + 1/A2h2) Where h is the thermal conductivity of each of the surrounding fluid media, k is the thermal conductivity of the material itself and dx is the thickness of given material, while A1 and A2 represent the surface contact area between the material and the fluid media surrounding it 25 Appendix J – Thermal Bridges Thermal bridges are often a major source of energy leaks in buildings, and as such should be properly accounted in your simulation model. The reasoning behind this is simply due to the nature of a thermal bridge acting as a highway for thermal heat transfer between the warmer building interior and the colder exterior environment, as seen below: Figure 28. Section diagram of a thermal bridge To model this effect one needs to properly evaluate and detect thermal bridges in a building, and this remains a major challenge. Thermal bridges need to be inspected by going through the section drawings and focusing on joints, intersections, balconies, and any other type of connections that are not well insulated and can act as a link to the outside environment. Once a thermal bridge is identified, you need to indicate its linear thermal conductivity () or its point thermal conductivity () depending on the geometric configuration of the thermal bridge, as shown below: Figure 29. Diagram showing the Heat transfer coefficient of the structure consisting of two line thermal bridges, and a single point thermal bridge. 26 For the example given above, to properly evaluate the overall heat transfer coefficient one needs to know the line thermal conductivity 1 and 2 as well as the point thermal conductivity value 1. Afterwards by simply adding U1A1 with 1L1, 2L2, and 1, you will obtain the heat transfer coefficient of the wall, balcony, window, and door configuration. 27