7th Grade Syllabus 15-16

Temecula Preparatory School
A H e r i t a g e o f V i r t u e, W i s d o m a n d K n o w l ed g e
Seventh Grade English Syllabus
Mission Statement: "Temecula Preparatory School inspires students to become virtuous
citizens, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners through a classical education and understanding
of human virtue."
Teacher: Mrs. Fuller
Location: Room 45
Contact Information: Phone- (951) 926-6776 ext. 1045
Email- jfuller@temeculaprep.com
Course Description: English 7 is a course that emphasizes literary analysis and writing. The
content of the course focuses upon the study of various classical titles whose plots revolve
around the time period of 1600-1850. The integration of novels relevant to seventh grade
historical studies will further enhance analytic and critical thinking skills as connections are
made to themes evident throughout past and present history. The course involves vocabulary
building, extensive weekly reading assignments, and formal essay writing. This course will
develop essential literary conventions including plot analysis, character development, and
evaluation of major literary themes. This course will also develop foundations for essential
writing conventions including MLA formatting, organization, and style.
Required Texts: This year, seventh grade students will continue to study and contemplate
classic literature in depth. For this reason, each student is highly encouraged to have their own
individual copy. Having their own personal books allow the students to annotate and highlight
various sections of each book they use. This promotes further understanding of the text in
accordance with our classical standards. If purchasing is not an option due to financial hardship,
please see your teacher to discuss alternatives. The following selections will be read this school
year in the following order:
 Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
 Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
 Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
 Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
 The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
3 5 7 7 7 Ab e lia S tr ee t  W in c he st er, C A 9 2 5 9 6  ( 9 5 1 ) 9 2 6 -6 7 7 6
ww w. t e mec u lap r ep .co m i n fo @ te me c ul ap rep . co m
Temecula Preparatory School
A H e r i t a g e o f V i r t u e, W i s d o m a n d K n o w l ed g e
Course Objectives: In this course students will learn how to analyze and communicate in
English more effectively. We will work toward the goal of better reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and critical thinking skills. Students will read and analyze plot, character, theme, and
conventions of literary selections through discussion, writing prompts, and quizzes. Students
will be more prepared to make use of elevated vocabulary based upon foundational
comprehension of the text. Students will meet these objectives through various activities
including but not limited to journaling, reading, writing, worksheets, presenting, and group
Grades will be derived from the following breakdown of percentages:
10% Classwork/ Participation
20% Homework
10% Vocabulary Tests
20% Writing Assignments
20% Projects/ Presentations/Tests and Quizzes
20% Semester Final
Total: 100%
Grading Scale:
A+ = 100%
A = 93-99%
A- = 90-92%
B+ = 88-89%
B = 83-87%
B- = 80-82%
= 78-79%
= 73-77%
= 70-72%
= 69 & below
Parents may view progress reports online at www.accessmystudent.com/temeculaprep. It is
the parents’ responsibility to view reports on Aeries, as grades will be updated regularly.
Classroom Conduct:
All school rules are located in the TPS Student-Parent Handbook and must be obeyed at all
times while in class. Classroom expectations include:
 Respect others and their property
 Respect the dress code
 Come prepared everyday (homework and supplies)
 Be attentive and alert
 No food, gum, or drinks (other than water) are allowed during class
 Be polite – allow everyone the chance to speak and be heard
3 5 7 7 7 Ab e lia S tr ee t  W in c he st er, C A 9 2 5 9 6  ( 9 5 1 ) 9 2 6 -6 7 7 6
ww w. t e mec u lap r ep .co m i n fo @ te me c ul ap rep . co m
Temecula Preparatory School
A H e r i t a g e o f V i r t u e, W i s d o m a n d K n o w l ed g e
 Class discussions are an important part of this course. When you are absent you are
missing a lot of valuable information for related assignments. Come to class each day
ready to learn.
 It is your responsibility to give as much advance notice as possible of extended absences
in order to obtain the current assignments.
 In the event of an absence, assignments are expected the day of your return. Likewise, if
you miss a test and/or quiz, you will be expected to make it up when you return to
school. You are responsible for requesting the test/quiz.
 It is your duty to obtain any missed homework assignments due to an absence.
 For each day of absence, you will receive one day to make up said missed assignments.
For example, if you are absent for three days, you will have three days to make up any
missed assignments or tests.
Per the Temecula Preparatory School Student and Parent Handbook, seventh grade students
will receive up to ninety (90) minutes of homework per evening five (5) days a week.
Additionally, seventh grade students will receive up to sixty (60) minutes per evening of reading
and/or study time seven days a week.
Late Work:
Late work will not be accepted in the class*. It is your responsibility to be sure all assignments
are turned in the day they are due. Extracurricular activities, computer and/or printer problems
are not acceptable reasons for not having your homework or assignments.
*Major writing assignments or projects that are turned in after the due date will drop
one letter grade daily.
The best way to communicate with me is via email. I check my emails periodically throughout
the day and can readily respond to emails more quickly than voicemails. I can be reached at
jfuller@temeculaprep.com. My class website is also updated regularly with assignments and
I am also available to meet by appointment for extra help, feedback, or to address specific
questions. The best way to ensure that I am available when you need me is to set up an
appointment so I can reserve some time for you. My open office hours are every Monday from
2:30 – 3:30 PM.
I am looking forward to a successful academic year!
3 5 7 7 7 Ab e lia S tr ee t  W in c he st er, C A 9 2 5 9 6  ( 9 5 1 ) 9 2 6 -6 7 7 6
ww w. t e mec u lap r ep .co m i n fo @ te me c ul ap rep . co m
Temecula Preparatory School
A H e r i t a g e o f V i r t u e, W i s d o m a n d K n o w l ed g e
Parent/Student Syllabus Agreement
I have read and reviewed Mrs. Fuller’s syllabus for seventh grade English. I understand and will
abide by all rules and expectations as laid out by the attached syllabus.
Student signature ___________________________________________________
I/We have read and reviewed Mrs. Fuller’s syllabus for seventh grade English. I/We understand
and have discussed with our student Mrs. Fuller’s expectations.
Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________
Primary Contact: (please print names and check the primary contact)
o ____________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________
Contact information:
Home: ___________________________
Work: ____________________________
Cell: ______________________________
Email: ____________________________
3 5 7 7 7 Ab e lia S tr ee t  W in c he st er, C A 9 2 5 9 6  ( 9 5 1 ) 9 2 6 -6 7 7 6
ww w. t e mec u lap r ep .co m i n fo @ te me c ul ap rep . co m