Leeds University Business School Degrees of Separation? Just what are our students doing on Facebook? Directors of Learning and Teaching Forum September 2007 Leeds University Introduction Business School •“You’ve been poked” •100 hours for every 10 credits of study •How many hours a week on the net in virtual networking? Leeds University Issues forSchool educators Business • Impressions and identity theft •Leeds Uni Freshers O7 http://leedsac.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2260046304 •Appears to be a page for advertising club promotions •But includes the University’s term dates cut and paste from campus web Leeds University First impressions Business School • University of Leeds group •http://leedsac.facebook.com/networks/?nk=16779195 •Has over 26,000 members •Up and coming events: Sep 15 Phil's gona be 21! @ Our House Tomorrow at 3:00 pm until Tue Sep 18 at 6:00 am - (13 attendees) 22nd Piss up! @ Otley Road... Tomorrow at 4:00 pm until Sun Sep 16 at 5:00 am - (14 attendees) Leeds University Some we School like Business •I go to probably the best university in the world..ever! (leeds chapter) •A group for Leeds students who love Leeds uni and everything about Leeds uni life! •http://leedsac.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204179247 •Fans of the Roger Stevens Building – the 8th Wonder of the Architectural World •I Go to the University of Leeds – the Proper One Leeds University Some we School don’t Business •Group: Why is Leeds so Utterly Useless? •Topic: What could you buy that actually works for the amount of money Leeds takes each year? •Message: Last time i checked Leeds had 27,000 students. If we think that the average fiscal contribution per student is +/- £4,000 a year, we can then add foreign students who pay a lot more. that works out at about a whopping £100,000000. What could you buy that works for that amout of money? i'll start: 500,000000 vimto bars 5555.5 Sq/m of real estate on Chelsea Embankment Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •Creating groups within them •Leeds University Careers Centre •Leeds Alumni Group Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •An alternative VLE? •Some student created groups •Some students looking for participants in surveys and projects •Witty names (e.g., Evolution Scholars: A Group for the Naturally Selected) but not much evidence of academic content •And rather a lot of slating of members of staff Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •Encourage teamworking? •Gain an insight into how students work? •lets pass second year management..learning together •http://leedsac.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2336186440 Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •A resource for mentoring •But looking at content there is a danger that some students are acting as quasi-lecturers Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •Communicating with students •Level 1 Biology Discussion •http://leedsac.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2219796256 •A group where you can discuss/post any comments or problems you have to do with the course. Then Daryl and Emma, your student reps, will feed it back to the committee and try and sort out any problems you may have. Ways which we might use Leedsin University virtual networking Business School sites •Infiltrating sites? •This is what some recruiters and a lot of club owners do. •Or should we avoid altogether? Leeds University The University’s Business SchoolPosition Social Networking Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook and MySpace, and blogs are becoming increasingly useful tools. Leeds University Union and even some Schools make frequent use of these for communication purposes. Students are, however, requested to used such sites carefully. Neither the University nor LUU would in any way wish to inhibit freedom of expression, but students are reminded that any libellous, defamatory or personally abusive comments about other students or about staff or the posting of images of individuals without their consent could be viewed as bullying/harassment, and could have legal/disciplinary implications. (Taught Students Guide) Leeds University The University’s Business SchoolPosition The University will not in any way seek to monitor the use of such sites, but if issues of concern are raised by individuals, it has a duty of care to investigate and take appropriate action. In the first instance, this would typically be a request to remove or amend the relevant text or images. However, if this request does not lead to a resolution, the University reserves the right to take action under the General University Disciplinary Regulations. The individuals concerned might also initiate legal action independently of the University. (Taught Students Guide)