Western Nevada College (WNC) ECON 103: Principles of

Western Nevada College (WNC)
ECON 103: Principles of Macroeconomics
Class #81878, Section 1001
Monday, Wednesday: 4:00 – 5:15 PM
Instructor: Paul Etchegoyhen, M.B.A.
Phone: (775) 267-1110
E – mail: Paul.Etchegoyhen@wnc.edu
Term: Fall 2014
Carson City Campus, Reynolds Building: Room 113
Course Description: Introduces the study of the determination of levels of national income, employment
and prices, and basic causes for fluctuations of these levels.
Course Objectives: This course introduces the study of the determination of levels of national income,
employment and prices, and basic causes for fluctuations of these levels.
Describe and discuss the basics of economics: opportunity costs and production curves, supply and
demand, public sector and national income.
Explain the major problems of macroeconomics: opportunity costs, and production curves, supply and
demand, public sector and national income.
Illustrate policies of Keynes, monetarists, and supply-siders, to the basic problems of above.
Discuss financial markets and international trade and finance.
Find and interpret pertinent data.
Solve problems using underlying mathematical theories.
Methods of Instruction: lectures, reading assignments, individual and cooperative projects, case review
and analysis, research, other.
Required Textbook: Mankiw, N. Gregory, Brief Principles of Macroeconomics 7th Edition, South-Western,
Cengage Learning.
Assessment and Grading Policy: Attendance is expected, and if you cannot attend class notify the
There are ten quizzes that count for 25 points of the total grade.
There are two projects that count for 25 points of the total grade.
There are two exams, Midterm 25 points and Final 25 points, that count for 50 points of the total grade.
The grade will then be determined by the maximum total of 100 points as follows:
90 – 100 points = A, 80 – 89 points = B, 70 – 79 points = C, 60 – 69 points = D, less than 60 points = F.
It is the responsibility of the student to drop the class by October 23rd, 2014 to receive a “W”, if you do
not want a grade to be assigned.
Refer to the “WNC Fall 2014 Schedule”, and the current “WNC Bylaws and Policy Manual”, for rules
and other relevant information.
If you require an accommodation contact WNC Disability Support Services (DSS).
All cell phones must be turned off during class.
Instructor reserves the right to change the course syllabus contents if necessary, and you will be
ECON 103: Principles of Macroeconomics
Class #81878, Section 1001
Monday, Wednesday: 4:00 – 5:15 PM
Instructor: Paul Etchegoyhen
E -Mail: Paul.Etchegoyhen@wnc.edu
Term: Fall 2014
Carson City Campus: Reynolds Building, Room 113
Schedule and Assignments:
Week 1: 8-25, 8-27, (Ch. 1, Ten Principles of Economics and Ch. 2, Thinking Like an Economist), Quiz.
Week 2: 9-1, (Labor Day holiday), 9-3, (Ch. 3, Interdependence and the Gains from Trade), Quiz.
Week 3: 9-8, 9-10, (Ch. 4, The Market Forces of Supply and Demand), Quiz.
Week 4: 9-15, 9-17, (Ch. 5, Measuring a Nation’s Income), Quiz.
Week 5: 9-22, 9-24, (Ch. 6, Measuring the Cost of Living), Quiz.
Week 6: 9-29, 10-1, (Ch.7, 8, Production and Growth; Saving, Investment, and the Financial System).
Week 7: 10-6, (Review Ch. 1-8 for exam), (Date: 10-8, Midterm Exam).
Week 8: 10-13, 10-15 (Ch. 9, The Basic Tools of Finance), Quiz.
Week 9: 10-20, 10-22 (Ch. 10, Unemployment), (Last day to drop class and receive a “W”, 10-23).
Week 10: 10-27, 10-29, (Ch. 11, The Monetary System) Quiz. (10-31, Nevada Day holiday).
Week 11: 11-3, 11-5, (Ch. 12, Money Growth and Inflation), Quiz.
Week 12: 11-10, 11-12, (Ch.13, Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts), Quiz.
Week 13: 11-17, 11-19, (Ch. 14, A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy), Quiz.
Week 14: 11-24, (Ch. 15, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply), (11-26, 27, 28,Thanksgiving holiday)
Week 15: 12-1, (Ch. 16, The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand),
(Ch. 17, The Short Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment),
(12-3, Review for exam).
Week 16: (Date: 12-8, Final Exam).