ECON 103 1002: Principles of Macroeconomics






Instructor: Nick Bergan e-mail:

Office hours: None scheduled. Feel free to ask questions by e-mail.

Response Time: All emails will be responded within 12 hours. All of your work is due by

Saturday night and your work will be graded within 24 hours of the due date of all of your work.

Course Description:

This course deals with macroeconomic theory and will include the discussion of topics such as supply and demand, taxation, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and fiscal and monetary policy. Additional topics of particular interest to the class will be covered if time permits.

Course Objectives:

#1. Describe and discuss the basics of economics: opportunity costs and production curves, supply and demand, public sector and national income.

#2. Identify the major problems of macroeconomics: opportunity costs and production curves, supply and demand, public sector and national income.

#3. Identify and understand policies of Keynes, monetarists, and supply-siders to the basic problems of above.

#4. Discuss financial markets and international trade and finance.

#5. Find and interpret pertinent data.

#6. Solve homework problems using underlying mathematical theories.

Transferability: This course is designed to apply toward a WNC degree and/or transfer to other schools within the Nevada System of Higher Education, depending on the degree chosen and other courses completed. It may transfer to colleges and universities outside Nevada. For

information about how this course can transfer and apply to a specific program of study, please contact a counselor.


Recommended : MATH 095 or higher


Principles of Macroeconomics, v. 2.0

By: Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen

Version: 2.0 other versions

Pub Date: November 2012 eISBN: 978-1-4533-5157-4

Pages: 560

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Provide your students with the following link to your course page. Students will have the option to purchase their textbook in multiple digital formats, including the All Access Pass, or select a print book.

Please note: If you have just customized a book for use in this adoption, this link will take at least 20 minutes to become active while your book publishes.

Alternatively, students can search for your course right from


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Download our bookstore order form and give it to your department administrator or bookstore.


Check out the supplements for your book.


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If you still can't find the answer to your question, we are help – contact us via email at

or give us a call at 877-257-9243. We are available Mon – Fri from 9AM to 5PM EST.


Student Services Website:

Student Outreach:

Disability Support Services:

Susan Trist,

Coordinator Phone: 775-445-3268 ext.


Susan Trist

Western Nevada College

Bristlecone Building 103

2201 West College Parkway

Carson City, NV 89703 Phone: 775-445-3268

If you have a disability for which you will need to request accommodations, please contact the

Disability Support Services office (Bristlecone building, Room 103) at 445-3266 or 445-3275 as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

Academic Skills Center:

Student Handbook:

Complete List of All College Policies:

Minimum Technical Skills and Computer Requirements

To complete this course, you will need regular access to a computer from which you can get to the

Internet and use email. In order to ensure that your course functions properly, you MUST run the For your computer to work correctly with WNC Online's software (Moodle 2.1) you will need to have Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or Firefox 3.6 or later. You will also need the latest java runtime installed. Please review this site for support for WNC

Support Blog: This will ensure you have all of the required components.


If any student needs help, please ask me for help as I am more than willing to provide any assistance. Also, there are resources available for students at WNC:

Academic Skills Center:

Students Outreach:

Disability Support Services:

If any student is having issues with viewing any documents in the course, viewing the videos, or need transcripts to any of the videos, please contact the following department:

Susan Trist,

Coordinator Phone: 775-445-3268 ext.


Susan Trist

Western Nevada College

Bristlecone Building 103

2201 West College Parkway

Carson City, NV 89703 Phone: 775-445-3268


After all points have been tabulated, anyone meeting the criteria below will receive no less than the grade indicated.

The following is the itemized description of all graded assessments:

Assignment Name Description

Discussions &


Points assigned for timeliness, completeness, quality and thoroughness as described under Participation.

Students are expected to participate in all 7

Discussion Forums


350 pts (7 discussions, 50 pts each)

Quizzes Each quiz will consist of multiple-choice and true/false 10 questions. There will be a total of 8 quizzes in the course. You will have 25 minutes to complete it.

400 pts(8 quizzes, 50 pts each)

Online Final Exam Students provide answers to multiple-choice questions, consisting of 25 questions. Each question is worth 12 points each. You will have a total of 75 minutes to complete.

250 pts

A 93-100% C+ 77-79% D- 60-62%

A- 90-92% C 73-76% F 0-59%

B+ 87-89% C- 70-72%

B 83-86% D+ 67-69%

B- 80-82% D 63-66%

Do not expect, nor should you ask for, extra credit assignments.

As a point of clarification, I do not "give" grades to students. I evaluate the quality of student work and, based on the above criteria, assign the grades that have been earned. If you "must" earn a particular grade in the class, keep this in mind and work toward that goal throughout the entire semester. Do not try to negotiate a higher grade at the end of the semester--I will not give you a grade that you did not earn.

Any academic dishonesty on any assignment may result in the student receiving a failing grade (F) for the course. It is the student's responsibility to know what constitutes academic dishonesty and, if in doubt, he or she should consult with the instructor, the student handbook, or the WNC catalog.

Examples of academic dishonesty in this class include looking at other students' work during a quiz or exam, allowing others to see your quiz or exam before it is completed and/or submitted, wearing a hat or headphones during a quiz or exam, etc. No cell phones may be used during a test or quiz.

All incidents of suspected academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students. Audio or video recording of the class is not permitted .

It is your responsibility to seek assistance if you are having difficulty. Therefore, if you do not understand a portion of the material, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification (whether in class, by email). If you do not do well on a test or assignment, it is your responsibility to determine what went wrong and to discover what corrective actions can be taken. I will assist as much as is reasonably possible, but you must take the initiative. If you do not take the initiative, you are sending the message that you are unwilling to correct the problem. I cannot help anyone who does not want help.

Final Exam

The final exam will be 25 multiple-choice questions as you will have 100 minutes to complete it.

No technological related excuses are accepted in the course for any reason, it is your responsibility to make sure that you complete all your work on time to get full points. It is your responsibility to complete your final exam by Saturday, May 4 at 11:59pm to receive points. You only get one attempt to take the test. When you are taking any assessment, any technological issue that does not allow you to complete the assessment will result in a grade of a 0. This is the same policy that applies to all students, so do not email me any excuses to why you cannot complete the assessments. You will need to ensure that you have a secure internet connection and that you are active during the assessment as you need to click every one minute. All students are held to the same policies in the course, so if you cannot finish the assessment for any reason, you will receive the score you earned at that point. No exceptions to this rule, so make sure to plan early and be careful when taking any assessment.

Late Work: No LATE work will be accepted for any reason. Since I have given you the information for all the assignments and tests, it is your responsibility to complete them and turn them in on the respective due date. Make sure you are fully aware of the course calendar because that will show you exact due dates for all respective assignments, tests, and quizzes. If you have

any questions, please feel free to e-mail me concerning any of these due dates but leave ample time so that you are able to complete them. If you do not turn in the assignment on the respective due date by the instructor then it will result in a 0 for the assignment. I am very strict on this policy and there will be no exceptions to this rule. All assignment must be turned in at the discretion of the calendar because that is your contract with me stating that you understand when everything in the course is due. Make sure you check the online calendar each day to keep up with all assignment posting because you are required to complete all assignments, tests, quizzes on the respective time. Make sure you leave enough time to finish all assignments, tests, quizzes before the time period because I will not give an extension to people that wait until the last minute of any assignment, test, and quiz time frame. No excuses will be made for any assignments. If you miss a test or quiz, you will receive a "0", which can severely affect your grade and your performance in the class. When you are taking any assessment, any technological issue that does not allow you to complete the assessment will result in a penalty of 20%. No exceptions to this rule, so make sure to take your assessment on a secure internet connection.

Technical difficulties do not excuse late or incomplete work. Make sure you have a backup computer (library?) should your system fail.




In certain weeks, you will be graded on how you participate within the discussion boards with your fellow classmates and instructor. You will be graded in participation with your interaction with your fellow classmates and instructor in the weeks listed in the course outlined below with each week counting as 50 points. There are no make-up assignments for threaded discussions, you must complete within that week to receive credit. The dates of the discussion threads are located in the course outline and the specific weeks, make sure that you follow this because there are no-make ups for the discussion threads as you have an entire week to complete the discussion thread. If you do not participate within the discussion boards during those weeks, you will receive a 0, with no exceptions. I have outlined the minimum standards to receive points in the discussion board.

To achieve the minimum posting requirements in this ECON103, you should:

Post a response to the discussion question/article.

Respond to at least two different students.

Threads are worth 50 points/week. The TDA Grading rubric is:



I recommend that you write 3-4 paragraphs for your response to the article/discussion question and 1-2 paragraphs response to your fellow classmates. I also recommend that you are using economic terms in your evaluation and responses as this are a good way to achieve maximum points. Each post should be "value added." In other words, your posts should further the thread topics; show that you have learned something from our readings, or outside research; bring anecdotal, life experiences to the threaded issues; ask relevant and forward moving questions; or otherwise promote the course objectives for the week. Posts like "I agree," or "Great post" are nice, good-will posts--but do not count as a graded post.

INTIAL POST(30 total points): For each initial post, you need to evaluate/analyze the discussion question using appropriate economic terminology in your work in at least 3-4 paragraphs. It is important to make sure you are using proper sources and use of the economic terminology as this is what you are being graded on. When evaluating the article, make sure that you are not summarizing the article, but extending the analysis of the article through the use of the terminology found in the text. You need to label your initial post as the following in the discussion thread with the following subject. LAST NAME. INITIAL POST. For example,


PEER RESPONSES(10 total points each, 20 total points): You will be responding to 2 students or to any of my questions that I post. For each peer response, you need to respond with at least a one paragraph response doing the same routine as you did for the initial post. It is important to make sure that with your development with your peer response that you are extending your analysis.


Class, some of the weeks, we will have a discussion board that is not graded that will be covering the ancillary materials that I have posted in the course. In this discussion board, you will focus on what you learned the posted ancillary materials and what you learned from it. This is a great way to interact with your peers to make sure that can learn the material in a different way.


Asynchronous discussion enhances learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences with the class. You develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process, plus broaden your classmates’ understanding of the course content. Use the following feedback to improve the quality of your discussion contributions .


Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent







Participates not at all.

Posts no assignment.

Posts no followup responses to others.

Participates 1-2 times on the same day.

Posts adequate assignment with superficial thought and preparation; doesn’t address all aspects of the task.

Posts shallow contribution to discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees); does not enrich discussion.

Participates 3-4 times but postings not distributed throughout week.

Posts well developed assignment that addresses all aspects of the task; lacks full development of concepts.

Elaborates on an existing posting with further comment or observation.

Participates 4-5 times throughout the week.

Posts well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the task.

Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts.



References &


Clarity &


Posts information that is off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to discussion.

Includes no references or supporting experience.

Posts long, unorganized or rude content that may contain multiple errors or may be inappropriate.

Repeats but does not add substantive information to the discussion.

Uses personal experience, but no references to readings or research.

Communicates in friendly, courteous and helpful manner with some errors in clarity or mechanics.

Posts information that is factually correct; lacks full development of concept or thought.

Incorporates some references from literature and personal experience.

Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity or mechanics errors.

Posts factually correct, reflective and substantive contribution; advances discussion.

Uses references to literature, readings, or personal experience to support comments.

Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors.

Examples of postings that demonstrate higher levels of thinking:

 “Some common themes I see between your experiences and our textbook are….” (analysis)

 “These newer trends are significant if we consider the relationship between ….” (synthesis)

 “The body of literature should be assessed by these standards ….” (evaluation)

Each post should be "value added." In other words, your posts should further the thread topics; show that you have learned something from our readings, or outside research; bring anecdotal, life experiences to the threaded issues; ask relevant and forward moving questions; or otherwise

promote the course objectives for the week. Posts like "I agree," or "Great post" are nice, goodwill posts--but do not count as a graded post.

Class Schedule: This is the class schedule, with due dates for assignments, tests, and extra credit, etc. You can do and turn in the assignments early, including doing the tests . DO



Instructions on How to Meet the Course Objectives

All materials listed below are required and part of your overall grade in the course. Each of the weekly learning objectives will be met from the readings each week and required work. Also, do not only use the power point presentations for your work. Please focus on reading the chapter and outlining the course objectives within the chapter while you are reading. Also, please review the chapter summaries each week to review the course concepts. When reading, please make sure to note the learning objectives as this is what your assignments will be covering.

Ancillary Materials

All of the ancillary materials, videos, ppts, practice quizzes in the course are helpful for you to review and will allow you to be able to understand the course objectives.

Please review the course objectives that will be met in the respective module listed below.


Module 1 (8/26-

· Read Chps 1(required)


· Discussion Board #1(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,5

Module 2 (9/1-


· Read Chps 2(required)

· Quiz #1(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,6

Module 3 (9/8-


· Read Chps 3(required)

· Discussion Board #2(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,5

Module 4 (9/15-

· Read Chps 4(required)


· Discussion Board #3(required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1

Module 5 (9/22-

· Read Chps 5(required)


· Quiz #2(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #2,5,6

Module 6 (9/29-

· Read Chps 6(required)


· Quiz #3(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #2,5

Module 7 (10/6-

· Read Chps 7(required)


· Quiz #4(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #2,6


· Quiz #5(required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #3


· Discussion Board #4(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #3,5

Module 10


Read Chps 10(required)

· Quiz #6(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #3,4,5,6


· Discussion Board #5(required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #4,5

Module 12


Read Chps 12(required)

· Discussion Board #6(required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #4,5,6

Module Read Chps 13(required)


Quiz #7(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,4,5

Module Read Chps 14(required)


Discussion Board #7(required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,2,5,6

Module 15(12/1 Read Chps 15,16(required)


Quiz #8(required)

Optional Discussion Board(not required)

Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,2,3,4,5,6

Module 16(12/8 Final Exam(required)


Course Learning Objective Being Met: #1,2,3,4,5,6
