biol 100 1006: General Biology For Non

Biol 100 Syllabus
Western Nevada College Course Syllabus Biology 100 – General Biology for Non-Science Majors Online
(revised 6-16-14)
Instructor: Holly O’Toole, Biology Professor
E-mail: (Links to an external site.)
Phone: 775-423-8330 ext. 2231
Office: #3 Piñon, Fallon Campus WNC
Office Hours
2-4 pm
8-9 pm
2-4 pm
Virtual OH 2-3
By appointment
By appointment
Virtual Office Hours will be held 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm each Wednesday, excluding holidays.
To join Virtual Office Hours click the Conferences link in the left menu bar. To join a Conference click the Biol
100 Virtual Office Hour to enter the Conference. Note: You cannot join a conference until the instructor has
started the conference.
WNC Online, WNC email, Office Hours and phone. Make sure that your email and phone number on file
with WNC-Online is accurate. I cannot contact you if this information is incorrect.
Required Text and Books: Please be advised that the Sagan and Bryson book are often available for
check out at your public or school library.
Concepts of Biology. ISBN: 1-938168-11-9. This is an Openstax College free book. Go
the website (Links to an external site.) and download
a copy for free, read online, or order a printed copy.
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. ISBN: 0-7679-0817-1.
The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan. ISBN: 0-
If additional reading is assigned during the semester I will post the reading material.
VIDEO LINKS EMBEDDED IN THE POWER POINT LECTURES.Please be advised that these videos may
be free, available for check out at your public or school library, available on Netflix, or rentable from
Amazon for very low prices. So search for the best price or convenience.
BBC Planet Earth Video DVD Series (available on Netflix, some episodes may be
bought for online viewing through Amazon for $1.99) (week 13)
NOVA World in the Balance DVD (available on Netflix) (week 14)
Manufactured Landscapes DVD (can be rented on Amazon for $2.99) (available on
Netflix) (week 14)
NOVA Cracking the Code of Life. It is available to view for free on the NOVA website.
Prerequisites: MATH 120, MATH 126 or higher or consent of instructor
Course Description: This course will cover the fundamental concepts and theories of life science. Major topics
include cellular/molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Includes 4 online
laboratory experiences. The course is designed for non-science majors.
Course Credits: 3
Course Objectives: Students who successfully complete BIOL 100 will: Gain factual knowledge (terminology,
classifications, methods, trends) about General Biology for Non-Science Majors. Learn fundamental principles,
generalizations, or theories of General Biology for Non-Science Majors. Learn to apply course material (to
improve thinking, problem-solving, and decisions) in General Biology for Non-Science Majors. Develop specific
skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to General
Biology for Non-Science Majors. Acquire an interest in learning more by asking questions and seeking answers
about General Biology for Non-Science Majors.
General Education Student Learning Outcome: Students who successfully complete BIOL 100 satisfy the
general education learning outcome of understanding the methods of science and the role of science and
technology in the modern world, have problem solving, creative, and critical thinking skills, have effective and
efficient learning skills, including the location and evaluation of information
Disability Statement: Qualified, self-identified students with documented disabilities have the right to free
accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at WNC. For assistance contact Disability
Support Services on the Carson Campus in the Bristlecone Bld. Room 103 or call 775-445-3267 or 775-4453266.
Transfer Information Courses with numbers 100 to 299: This course is designed to apply toward a WNC
degree and/or transfer to other schools within the Nevada System of Higher Education, depending on the
degree chosen and other courses completed. It may transfer to colleges and universities outside Nevada. For
information about how this course can transfer and apply to your program of study, please contact a counselor.
Student Evaluation of Performance: Your final course grades will be weighed based on the following:
Quizzes : 30%
Midterm: 15%
Final Exam: 15%
Lab: 15%
Reading Assignments & Discussion Postings: 25%
90-100% A
80-89 % B
Instructors no longer have the ability to give students a “W” for the course should they fail to complete
it. Accordingly, if you feel you will not pass the course, you must drop the course no later than Monday, October
28 to receive a “W”. If you drop the course at any time after this date and do not pass the course, I am required
to issue the grade of an “F”. No late assignment will be accepted for full credit and any credit earned for late
work is at the discretion of the instructor.
My Policy on Academic Integrity: You are expected to do your own work in this class. I do not tolerate ANY
form of academic dishonesty. The college’s academic integrity policy can be found at the following link.
Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade for the class and be immediately
removed from the course. In addition, students allowing a classmate to plagiarize their own work will also fail
and be immediately removed. Please don’t try it. It is not worth it.
An Honor Code is inherent in ethical societal behavior: “I will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those
who do”. Come to me if students are violating that code.
Proctored Exams:
This class includes two proctored exams: the midterm exam should be taken during week 8 and the final
exam during week 16. You will need to schedule your own exam, no later than week 6 for the midterm
exam, and no later than week 14 for the final exam. The exams are password protected and only
proctors will be able to release them for you. Further information is in the Getting Started Module under
Biol 100 Proctoring Exam Info.
1. The open-note quizzes will be based on the posted lecture, assigned videos and embedded power point
videos, online discussion, and readings. The quizzes will not be cumulative, but information from
previous material may be needed to answer questions. The quizzes are weekly, timed and may only be
attempted once.
2. Each quiz is due Sunday at midnight at the end of the week they are assigned. To clarify, if it is the
Week 1 Quiz, then the quiz is due Sunday at midnight with Week 2 beginning on Monday.
3. If you miss a quiz, there is no opportunity to make it up. There are no provisions made for missing a quiz,
therefore, zero points will be averaged into the grade for quizzes missed. Makeup quizzes may be
permitted, at the discretion of the instructor, when clear, documented reasons relating to technical failures
are provided Make up quizzes will not be given for full credit.
4. Quiz questions may consist of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in, matching, and short answer. Points may be
deducted for multiple grammatical errors.
Reading Assignments: Reading assignments are listed on the objective sheet for each week. Reading
assignments are due Sunday at midnight at the end of the week they are assigned. To clarify, if the
reading assignment is for Week 1, then the homework is due Sunday at midnight with Week 2 beginning
on Monday. For full credit: meet the objectives of the assignment, show original thought, and use
college level writing skills. All work must be legible and neat or it will not be accepted. Reading Assignments
will be submitted electronically through the Assignment Module. On the final, cite your sources. No late
assignments will be accepted for full credit and any credit earned for late work is at the discretion of the
Discussion Postings: Participation in the Discussions is calculated in the Reading Assignments Grading
Category. Your first posting should be an introduction about yourself. The postings must be substantive and not
simply say, “I agree”. To receive credit, you need to participate in the discussion board a total of once per
week. Each week I will post a discussion thread concerning a current topic in Biology. The grade for
discussions will be posted on the grades page.
Each posting that meets the above criteria will receive 10 points. The maximum for this category is 160
points. You can post more than 16 times, but the maximum will still only be 160 points.
There is also a discussion thread for peer to peer help with course navigation and module objectives. Please
utilize this for a more successful online experience.
Be sure to follow proper Netiquette when posting in the Discussion Boards:
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Lab: There will be four online laboratory procedures: Cells & Microscope, Mendelian Genetics,
Karyotyping, and Conservation Ecology. This information will be included on the appropriate objective
sheet. This information will be accessible during the flow of the course. This information will be a link on the
module for the week that contains the lab. Labs are due Sunday at midnight at the end of the week they are
Bioengineering Project: You will be creating a presentation on bioengineering. The information is available in
Module Week 10. It is due Sunday at midnight Week 12.
Study Tips and Techniques: To do well in a college course demands that your work, personal life, and
health allow for you to make your coursework a priority. If you are having difficulty understanding or
preparing for this class, please contact me.
Online Student Conduct: Behavior that does not contribute to the course learning environment is
unacceptable. I reserve the right to administratively fail or withdraw any student who presents behavioral issues
that impede the learning environment. Use of any conduct or harassment that threatens the quality of this
learning environment will result in immediate removal from the class.
My Availability: I will respond to emails within 24-48 hours, I will not be available on weekends. I will have
virtual office hours Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
Grading: I will post your grade within a week of the due date of the quiz or assignment.
Miscellaneous Housekeeping Issues:
Technical Issues: You are however expected to have some computer skills and be able to successfully
navigate through Canvas. WNC does not provide help desk support for personal student equipment.
Other help Issues:
Canvas: Use the Canvas Help located at the top of Canvas screen.
WNC Online Student FAQ:
WNC Online Student Orientation:
WNC Academic Skills Center: (Links to an external site.)
WNC Library Online Support:
Netiquette rules: When using the discussion forum, emails or any other form of communication in this course,
you are expected to treat your fellow classmates (and instructor) with the same respect and professional
courtesy that you would like to be treated. Let’s make this both an educational and fun class.
Student Support - For a list of degrees, classes, and registration information as well as quick access to student
services and campus resources, click on either the “New Students” link or “Current Students” link on the
college’s homepage.