Africa Study Guide C39 Africa is the world’s _________________ largest continent. C39 _________________ River is located in Northeast Africa & is the longest river in the world C39 __________________ River is located in West Africa C38-39The Sahara Desert isolated ______________ from the rest of the continent and is the ___________desert in Africa 3000 B.C. -Bantu T141 Who were the Bantus? T141 What did they spread throughout Africa? 400 B.C. Berbers cross the Sahara Desert T129/CB40 The Berbers an African tribe, lived in _________________. In 400 B.C. the Berber people of North Africa found ways to cross the Sahara to West Africa T129/CB40 How did the Sahara trade develop? CB42 What was the benefit of using a camel to cross the desert? 400s-1200s Empire of Ghana CB40 Located in _______________Africa along the ___________ River CB40 Advantage of location CB40 What were the two primary items traded? Where did each item come from? CB40 How did Ghana gain wealth & power? CB41 Why did traders have no choice but to pay taxes to Ghana’s kings? CB40 Explain how trade along the Niger River worked T130 Who brought Islam to Ghana/Africa? 1200s-1450s Empire of Mali T132 Located in ___________________ Africa along the _______________ River CB43 Mali took control of the ____________ CB43 Major Rulers _______________ & _______________ Sundiata conquers an Empire T131 What did Sundiata do for the people of Mali? T131 Sundiata took control of ____________& ____________. Mali built its wealth & power on ___________________ Mansa Musa expands Mali T138 Mansa Musa was a devout ___________. However, he allowed his subjects to ______________________ Mansa Musa attracted the attention of many nations with his famous pilgrimage, or trip, to Mecca/Makkah. T138 Describe Mansa Musa’s journey to and from Mecca: C43 What did Mansa Musa do when he returned from his journey? How did this effect Timbuktu? T137 Who is Ibn Battuta? What did he spend most of his life doing? T131 What was the primary reason Mali declined? T134 What was similar about the governments of Mali & Ghana? 1000-1600 Empire of Songhai C45 Location: C45/T131-132 Achievements of Sunni Ali: C45/T139 Achievements of Askia Muhammad (particularly for the religion of Islam): 700-1450 Empire of Zimbabwe C45 Location: T132chart Goods Traded: C45 Key facts: Islam in Africa – Read over the information on pg 47 in your comp book! A Muslim place of worship is known as a _____________ Timbuktu was a very important city to each empire that gained control of it. Overtime, Timbuktu became both an important city for trade and of________ learning. (which religion) The Slave Trade C48 What caused the slave trade to increase in Africa? T143European Slave Trade Portugal’s use of the slave trade- Europeans use of the slave trade- There will be several document based questions such as maps, charts, and excerpts like the one below