Restaurant Food and Beverage Service Program Skills Assessment Document
Course Code #500012 CIP Code #12.0503
This document identifies knowledge and skills a student should be able to do after completing this course or a program that contains this course. A crosswalk has been completed between the course of study, the AAFCS Pre-Professional Assessment(s), and the NOCTI Assessment(s) listed below.
A Benchmark is a standard by which something can be measured or judged. It is the overall behavior the student should know and be able to do at the end of the course. Benchmarks mirror Course of Study Content Standards.
A Competency is the fundamental knowledge, ability, or expertise in a specific subject area or skill set. This skill set provides the specific content knowledge and skills to reach the specified benchmark(s). Competencies are based on content standards included in the unit and/or competencies identified in the Skill Assessment document.
A COS number is the number of the content standard from the course of study. All content knowledge or skills related to content standards in the course of study are in black print and must be taught.
The teacher determines which approved assessment listed below will be administered as an end-of-course or after the student completes this course and an additional course(s) in the program as a program assessment.
AAFCS Pre-Professional Assessment competencies are in green print .
If the students are being assessed using the AAFCS assessment, all content knowledge and skills in both green print and black print must be taught.
NOCTI – Culinary Arts Prep Cook Level 1 Assessment competencies are in red print . If the students are being assessed using the NOCTI – Culinary Arts Prep
Cook Level 1 assessment, all content knowledge and skills in both red print and black print must be taught.
NOCTI – Culinary Arts Cook Level 2 Assessment competencies are in brown print . If the students are being assessed using the NOCTI – Culinary Arts Cook
Level 2 assessment, all content knowledge and skills in purple print , red print , and black print must be taught.
NOCTI – Commercial Foods Assessment competencies are in blue print . If the students are being assessed using the NOCTI – Commercial Foods assessment, all content knowledge and skills in blue print and black print must be taught.
NOCTI – Hospitality Management – Food and Beverage Assessment competencies are in pink print . If the students are being assessed using the NOCTI –
Hospitality Management – Food and Beverage assessment, all content knowledge and skills in pink print and black print must be taught.
NOCTI – Restaurant, Food and Beverage Services Assessment competencies are in orange print . If the students are being assessed using the NOCTI –
Restaurant, Food and Beverage Services assessment, all content knowledge and skills in orange print and black print must be taught.
*Note: All NOCTI Assessment competencies are divided into sections. The section names are located at the end of each competency.
ServSafe competencies assessment may be used. If the ServSafe assessment is used, the teacher will need to follow the ServSafe Manager Book, 6 th Edition and teach all content knowledge and skills in black print. (ServSafe Food Handler is not an approved credential.)
American Culinary Federation (ACF) assessment may be used. If the ACF assessment is use, the teacher will need to use the online course and complete the
Food Safety Certification course for 30 continuing education hours and teach all content knowledge and skills in black print.
ProStart Restaurant and Foodservice Professional Year 1 and ProStart Restaurant and Foodservice Professional Year 2 may be used.
To earn the ProStart
National COA (Certificate of Achievement), t he teacher must teach and follow the ProStart Guidelines and teach all content knowledge and skills in black print. T he student must pass the National Restaurant Association’s Year 1 and Year 2 exams , and complete 400 hours of mentored work experience .
Directions: Below is a listing of the benchmarks and competencies to be taught in this course. A check (√) may be placed in the column to the right to indicate the competency has been taught.
Unit 1: Food Service and Hospitality Business Practices
Benchmark: 1. Determine personnel and fiscal management factors related to the food service and hospitality industries.
Explain personnel management factors of staffing, supervising, scheduling, setting goals, and determining policies and procedures for the food service and hospitality industries.
Examine the fiscal management procedures for budgeting, keeping records, controlling inventory, receiving food products, and purchasing in the food service and hospitality industries.
Explain liability laws regarding property management.
Identify customer service, public relations, and promotion programs as marketing strategies for the food service and hospitality industries.
Analyze basic management skills necessary for success. (Leadership qualities, Culinary professional organizations, Conflict resolution, Problem solving, Delegating, Managing teams, Motivating others) 2.A.1, 2.A.2, 2.A.3, 2.A.4, 2.A.5, 2.A.6, 2.A.7
Apply effective communication skills. (Active listening techniques, Record keeping, Verbal and non-verbal communication) 2.B.1,
2.B.2, 2.B.3
Evaluate procedures of purchasing, receiving, issuing, storing and inventory management. (Purchasing, Receiving, Use of stored food, Types of inventory, Par stock, Re-ordering) 2.C.1, 2.C.2, 2.C.3, 2.C.4, 2.C.5, 2.C.6
Determine effective methods of controlling costs of labor, production and food service facilities. (Labor costs and factors influencing
1.k labor costs, Types of work schedules in foodservice operations, Uniform System of Accounts for Restaurants, Types of insurances for foodservice facilities, Calculating cost per serving) 2.D.1, 2.D.2, 2.D.3, 2.D.4, 2.D.5
Analyze ethical issues and implications. (Work ethic, Code of ethics, Ethical issues in the workplace, Employee theft, Civil Rights
Act, Liquor sales and laws) 3.A.1, 3.A.2, 3.A.3, 3.A.4, 3.A.5, 3.A.6
Evaluate organizational policies and procedures. (Fair Labor Standards Act, Legitimate condition of employment, Policies and procedures manual) 3.B.1, 3.B.2, 3.B.3
Analyze risk management and legal liability. (Laws affecting foodservice industry, Governmental regulations, Zoning boards and procedures, Licenses and inspections, Minimum wage) 3.C.1, 3.C.2, 3.C.3, 3.C.4, 3.C.5
Understand strategies to manage multiple roles and responsibilities. (Managing stress, Managing time, Proper nutrition basics,
Family and Medical Leave Act) 4.D.1, 4.D.2, 4.D.3, 4.D.4
Demonstrate effective customer service skills necessary for success. (Front-of-house positions and tasks, Traits of a successful culinarian, Professionalism, Customer feedback (i.e., obtaining, purpose of and use) 5.A.1, 5.A.2, 5.A.3, 5.A.4
1.l Understand food cost analysis and controls. (Invoices, Costing recipes, Controlling labor costs, Food cost percentage, Controlling food costs, Determining menu price) 6.F.1, 6.F.2, 6.F.3, 6.F.4, 6.F.5, 6.F.6
1.m Take physical inventory. (Receiving and Storage)
Exhibit understanding of professional behavior, appearance, and interviewing skills. (Management and Employment Skills)
Display knowledge of various job profiles and chain of command. (Management and Employment Skills)
Display understanding of basic customer service principles. (Customer Service)
Demonstrate appropriate table settings, service, and clearing. (Customer Service)
Calculation of guest check, including taxes and gratuity. (Customer Service)
Understand menu items and ingredients, take and place guest orders. (Customer Service)
Describe the culinary career ladder, opportunities, and clusters. (Culinary Career Overview)
1.w Demonstrate understanding of purchasing, receiving, and storage of perishable and non-perishable items. (Purchasing and
Management Skills)
Identify professional organizations and regulatory governmental agencies. (Culinary Career Overview)
Identify current industry practices as they relate to culinary careers. (Culinary Career Overview)
Perform food and menu cost analysis. (Purchasing and Management Skills)
Display familiarity with basic computer and inventory management systems. (Purchasing and Management Skills)
Identify and describe basic management documents (requisitions, schedules, invoices, etc.). (Purchasing and Management Skills)
Describe the principles of providing good customer relations, including greeting and appropriate service, and basic sales techniques.
(Customer and Table Service) Perform guest check, cash register operations, and POS (point of service). (Customer and Table Service) Describe standards of service. (Introduction to the Hospitality Industry)
1.dd Describe the function of human resources in the hospitality industry. (Introduction to the Hospitality Industry) Demonstrate effective communication and telephone techniques. (Guest Relations and Concierge)
1.ff Handle guest complaints. (Guest Relations and Concierge) Explain fee and pricing categories. (Guest Relations and Concierge)
1.hh Provide guest information services (concierge service). (Guest Relations and Concierge)
1.ii Explain functions of the marketing department. (Marketing and Sales)
1.jj Describe the hotel as a product. (Marketing and Sales)
1.kk Describe the elements of a marketing strategy. (Marketing and Sales)
1.ll Target the market audience. (Marketing and Sales) Describe and process financial transactions. (Opening and Settling Financial Transactions)
1.nn Describe night audit procedures. (Opening and Settling Financial Transactions)
1.oo Operate POS (point of sale) system and/or cash register. (Opening and Settling Financial Transactions)
1.pp Demonstrate knowledge of travel/tourism-related geography. (Travel and Tourism)
1.qq Accommodate different needs of travelers. (Travel and Tourism)
1.rr Demonstrate the use of technology in the travel industry. (Travel and Tourism) Describe rights of the innkeeper and guests. (Legal and Ethical Responsibilities) Describe hotel legal responsibilities and issues. (Legal and Ethical Responsibilities)
1.uu Demonstrate knowledge of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements. (Legal and Ethical Responsibilities)
1.vv Describe the size and scope of the food service industry. (Restaurant Management)
1.ww Purchase food and beverage items. (Restaurant Management)
1.xx Describe the basic elements of restaurant layout and design. (Restaurant Management)
1.yy Demonstrate knowledge of hospitality and tourism management (e.g., no-shows, overbooking). (General Hospitality and Tourism
Technical Skills)
1.zz Apply marketing strategies and techniques within a hospitality and tourism context. (General Hospitality and Tourism Technical
Skills) Apply customer service techniques in a hospitality and tourism context. (General Hospitality and Tourism Technical Skills)
1.bbb Identify elements of geography and climate that affect the hospitality and tourism industry. (General Hospitality and Tourism
Technical Skills)
1.ccc Identify various types of food service operations and career options. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
1.ddd Provide effective customer and table service. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
1.eee Describe the relationship of roles and responsibilities among hospitality and tourism professionals. (Systems)
1.fff Apply appropriate laws, regulations, industry standards to hospitality and tourism situations. (Ethics and Legal Responsibilities)
1.ggg Identify ethical issues and demonstrate ethical behavior in hospitality and tourism situations. (Ethics and Legal Responsibilities)
1.hhh Locate, organize, reference written information to communicate with coworkers and clients. (Communication)
1.iii Develop and deliver formal and informal presentations using media to engage/inform diverse audiences. (Communication)
1.jjj Apply listening skills; interpret verbal and nonverbal behaviors to communicate with coworkers/clients. (Communication)
Benchmark: 2. Create a business plan for a food service establishment.
2.a Develop a business plan for a food service establishment.
Differentiate between the different types and styles of food service. (Types of restaurants, Types of service, Independent vs. chain restaurants, Franchises) 5.B.1, 5.B.2, 5.B.3, 5.B.4
Apply reading skills in a hospitality and tourism career environment. (Academic Foundations)
Apply writing skills in a hospitality and tourism career environment. (Academic Foundations)
Apply mathematical skills in a hospitality and tourism career environment. (Academic Foundations)
Apply knowledge of economics in a hospitality and tourism career environment. (Academic Foundations)
Interpret and use tables, charts, and figures. (Communication)
Use word processing, presentation, and email applications to prepare communications. (Information Technology)
Use spreadsheet and database applications to manage and communicate data and information. (Information Technology)
Benchmark: 3. Describe the importance of planning, coordinating, and supervising production in the food laboratory.
Explain the importance of planning, coordinating, and supervising production in the food laboratory.
Demonstrate roles and duties in food production and service careers. (Role of chef, Role of general manager, Role of banquet chef,
Other food preparation and service careers) 4.B.1, 4.B.2, 4.B.3, 4.B.4
Demonstrate knowledge of dining room duties, including a POS system. (Customer Service) 3.c
Use problem solving and critical thinking to locate information about problems and determine causes. (Problem Solving, Critical
Thinking, and Decision making)
Use problem solving and critical thinking; determine root causes of problems; evaluate solutions. (Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Decision making)
Exhibit leadership qualities to improve the quality of work and the work environment. (Leadership and Teamwork)
3.g Work effectively in a team environment to improve the quality of work and the work environment. (Leadership and Teamwork)
Benchmark: 4. Identify credentialing requirements for the food service and hospitality industries.
Research the various credentialing requirements for the food service and hospitality industries.
Understand career opportunities in hospitality, tourism, and recreation. (Job shadowing and internships, Career planning (i.e., career plans, career ladder, etc.), Types of foodservice positions, Evaluating job offers, Benefits of membership in professional and trade associations) 4.A.1, 4.A.2, 4.A.3, 4.A.4, 4.A.5
Evaluate effective work behaviors and personal qualities. (Accepting authority, Cover letter and résumé development, Interviewing skills, Portfolio development) 4.C.1, 4.C.2, 4.C.3, 4.C.4
4.d Analyze impact on hospitality and tourism systems based on influences such as changes in technology, etc. (Systems)
4.e Demonstrate employability skills related to a career in hospitality and tourism careers. (Employability and Career Development)
4.f Pursue career development skills to advance in hospitality and tourism careers. (Employability and Career Development)
Unit 2: Safety, Health, and Environment
Benchmark: 5. Outline compliance requirements for sanitation and health inspections, including proper appearance and hygiene, use of protective gloves and clothing, correct food handling techniques, and correct use of knives and kitchen equipment.
Explain the importance of complying with requirements for sanitation and health inspections including proper appearance and hygiene.
Practice proper use of protective gloves and clothing.
Practice correct food handling techniques.
Demonstrate the correct use of knives and kitchen equipment.
Analyze food and beverage safety and sanitation procedures. (Types of contaminants, Types of contamination/poisoning (i.e.,
Botulinum toxin; E. coli 0157:H7; Listeriosis poisoning; Toxoplasmosis illness; Foodborne botulism; Perfringens poisoning;
Salmonellosis infection; Staphyloccocal poisoning; Parasites), Foodborne illnesses, Proper use of insecticides, Safe food handling practices and procedures (i.e., avoiding cross-contamination; thawing foods, etc), HACCP, Proper chef attire for safety and sanitation, Temperature of foods, Fish toxins) 1.B.1, 1.B.2, 1.B.3, 1.B.4, 1.B.5, 1.B.6, 1.B.7, 1.B.8, 1.B.9
Understand the selection, use, storage and maintenance of tools and equipment. (Types of cooking tools and equipment, Proper use of cooking tools and equipment, Knives and knife safety) 6.E.1, 6.E.2, 6.E.3
Use and sanitize equipment (mixing, storage, cleaning). (Large and Small Equipment)
Display knowledge of cleaning and sanitizing methods. (Sanitation and Safety)
Maintain principles of nationally recognized sanitation protocols (i.e., ServSafe®, CPFM, ACF). (Sanitation and Safety)
Understand OSHA regulations. (Sanitation and Safety)
Use and safely maintain hand tools. (Sanitation and Safety)
Maintain safe kitchen and surroundings. (Sanitation and Safety)
5.m Exhibit knowledge of HACCP policies and procedures. (Receiving and Storage)
5.n Identify sources of food contamination and methods of prevention. (Sanitation)
Apply appropriate personal hygiene in the workplace, including handwashing. (Sanitation)
Identify microorganisms and other pathogens that cause contamination . (Sanitation)
Apply appropriate time and temperature food preparation and storage standards, including HACCP principles and procedures .
Apply current food safety principles and practices supported by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation and other accredited food safety certification entities. (Sanitation)
Explain safety regulations as required in hospitality industry. (Safety and Security)
Demonstrate knowledge of OSHA regulations and standards. (Safety and Security)
Practice personal hygiene. (Safety and Security)
5.v Explain procedures for health, safety, and sanitation. (Restaurant Management)
5.w Explain procedures for kitchen and restaurant sanitation. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
5.x Identify and practice appropriate safety and health procedures for hospitality and tourism occupations. (Safety, Health, and
Benchmark: 6. Explain procedures for maintaining a safe work area, including first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), types of fires and containment procedures, fire evacuation procedures, proper lifting and carrying procedures, electric and mechanical hazards, and procedures for reporting accidents.
Assess the procedures for maintaining a safe work area.
Demonstrate first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills.
Evaluate various types of fires and containment procedures.
Practice proper lifting and carrying procedures.
Propose methods for preventing electric and mechanical hazards.
Utilize proper procedures for reporting accidents.
Analyze workplace safety conditions. (Safety training, OSHA, Right-to-know requirements, Types of fires, Fire triangle, Treatment of burns, Types of hazards (biological, physical, chemical, natural), Lifting procedures, Four-step PASS technique, Preventing and treating cuts in the kitchen) 1.A.1, 1.A.2, 1.A.3, 1.A.4, 1.A.5, 1.A.6, 1.A.7, 1.A.8, 1.A.9, 1.A.10
Understand sustainability processes. (Environmental protection laws, Energy Star System, Energy saving tips for appliances) 1.C.1,
1.C.2, 1.C.3
Exhibit understanding of accidents and injuries (major causes, prevention). (Sanitation and Safety)
Describe fire extinguishers and fire safety procedures. (Sanitation and Safety)
Demonstrate understanding of accident prevention and fire safety. (Safety)
Recognize and describe proper first-aid procedures, including the Heimlich maneuver, CPR, and location and appropriate uses of
AED (Automated External Defibrillator). (Safety)
6.m Maintain guest and employee security procedures in a hotel. (Safety and Security)
6.n Demonstrate emergency and first-aid knowledge and procedures for hospitality and tourism occupations. (Safety, Health, and
Unit 3: Menus
Benchmark: 7. Design various menus based on supply and demand, including the use of cycle and computer based menu skills.
Create cycle and computer based menus utilizing the supply and demand concept.
Summarize types of technology utilized in food service operations. (Point of sale (POS) systems, Computer use and applications in restaurants) 5.C.1, 5.C.2
Explain the concept of supply and demand. (Marketing and Sales)
Describe the importance of suggestive selling and upgrading. (Marketing and Sales)
7.e Prepare and promote sales. (Marketing and Sales)
Benchmark: 8. Demonstrate cost control measures when setting menu prices for food.
Reconstruct menu prices demonstrating cost control measures.
Apply menu planning principles and techniques based on standardized recipes. (Types of menus, Calculating menu price using mark-up method, Calculating menu item costs, Calculating menu price) 6.A.1, 6.A.2, 6.A.3, 6.A.4
Compare costs, weights, and prices. (Receiving and Storage)
Calculate food costs for recipes. (Recipes and Culinary Math)
Benchmark: 9. Identify factors to be considered when planning menus, including current food trends, nutritional information, and availability of seasonal and regional foods.
Determine factors to consider when planning menus, including current food trends, nutritional information, and availability of seasonal and regional foods.
Calculate as purchased (AP) and edible portion (EP) amounts of foods to be included on menu.
Apply nutrition principles during menu development and food preparation. (Nutrients (i.e., vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water), Use of dietary reference intakes (DRI), Current government nutrition guidelines (MyPlate formerly
MyPyramid), Percent Daily Value on Nutrition Facts Panel, Healthy food choices) 6.B.1, 6.B.2, 6.B.3, 6.B.4, 6.B.5
Develop specialized menus (local, regional, ethnic, organic, restrictive diet, etc.). (Menu Design and Nutrition)
Plan and design various types of menus, considering nutrition, cost, and diet requirements. (Menu Design and Nutrition)
Demonstrate understanding of the food guide pyramid. (Menu Design and Nutrition)
Display familiarity with the “truth in menu” guideline. (Menu Design and Nutrition)
Plan, prepare, and cost menus. (Restaurant Management)
Plan, prepare, and cost menus. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
Unit 4: Food Preparation
Benchmark: 10. Define food preparation and service terms, including kitchen brigade titles, salamander, lowboy, hot station, and china cap.
10.a Use food preparation and service terms, including kitchen brigade titles, salamander, lowboy, hot station, and china cap.
10.b Summarize food preparation methods and techniques. (Proper cooking techniques, Types of cooking methods, Knife skills, Sauces,
Mise en place) 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.A.3, 7.A.4, 7.A.5
10.c Display understanding of cooking terminology. (Recipes)
10.d Identify and distinguish knife types and related terminology. (Knife Skills)
10.e Identify kitchen equipment. (Large and Small Equipment)
10.f Identify fruits and vegetables. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
10.g Identify cuts of meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. (Meats, Poultry, and Seafood)
10.h Identify quality and grade of fruits and vegetables. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
10.i Identify and define general culinary terms. (Culinary Career Overview)
10.j Define and demonstrate various cooking methods. (Culinary Techniques)
10.k Define “front of the house” terminology. (Customer and Table Service)
10.L Display an understanding of hospitality terminology. (Introduction to the Hospitality Industry)
10.m Define and categorize hotel organization and hotel segmentation. (Introduction to the Hospitality Industry)
10.n Describe techniques for food preparation. (Restaurant Management)
10.o Identify and describe the correct use of restaurant equipment. (Restaurant Management)
10.p Describe different types of service. (Food and Beverage Service)
10.q Describe the positions and responsibilities of restaurant employees. (Food and Beverage Service)
10.r Describe room service procedures. (Food and Beverage Service)
10.s Define types of restaurants (themed, casual, fast food, etc.). (Food and Beverage Service)
10.t Describe techniques for food preparation. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
10.u Identify and describe the correct use of restaurant tools and equipment. (Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services)
Benchmark: 11. Apply basic industrial cooking techniques, including using scales; determining recipe yields; applying mise-en-place; using spices and herbs; and utilizing dry, moist, and combination heat methods.
11.a Perform basic industrial cooking techniques.
11.b Utilize various types of commercial food industry scales.
11.c Predict recipe yields.
11.d Demonstrate mise-en-place.
11.e Implement the use of spices and herbs; and the use of dry, moist, and combination heat methods with basic industrial cooking techniques.
11.f Apply appropriate weighing and measurement skills and tools. (Measuring techniques, Common measures, Formulas for calculating the conversion factor (i.e., increasing or decreasing yield)) 6.C.1, 6.C.2, 6.C.3
11.g Execute a recipe using correct conversions and menu terminology. (Reading and following a recipe, Mixing techniques, Equivalent measures, Substitutions, Standardized recipes) 6.D.1, 6.D.2, 6.D.3, 6.D.4, 6.D.5
11.h Establish mise en place (identify ingredients, weights and measures, pan sizes, assembling herbs, spices, and seasonings).
11.i Demonstrate knife sharpening skills and proper knife care. (Knife Skills)
11.j Demonstrate basic knife cuts. (Knife Skills)
11.k Use measuring devices. (Large and Small Equipment)
11.l Prepare fruits and vegetables for cooking. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
11.m Identify and prepare pasta, grains, and legumes. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
11.n Determine proper degrees of doneness. (Meats, Poultry, and Seafood)
11.o Demonstrate understanding of modern kitchen organization (brigade). (Culinary Career Overview)
11.p Apply professionalism and adhere to industry standards. (Culinary Career Overview)
11.q Identify methods of flavor development, including herbs and spices. (Culinary Techniques)
11.r Demonstrate knife skills. (Culinary Techniques)
11.s Demonstrate an understanding of weights, measures, and equivalencies. (Recipes and Culinary Math)
11.t Identify small hand tools, utensils, and small and large equipment. (Culinary Equipment)
11.u Exhibit appropriate selection, use, and care of small hand tools and utensils. (Culinary Equipment)
11.v Exhibit appropriate operation, care, and maintenance of small and large equipment. (Culinary Equipment)
Benchmark: 12. Evaluate quality of food products, including taste, texture, aroma, and appearance.
12.a Judge the quality of food products by taste, texture, aroma, and appearance.
Benchmark: 13. Prepare grade manager, main entrees, stocks, soups, sauces, gravies, and baked products and desserts.
13.a Prepare salads, emulsified salad dressings, hors d’oeuvres, and closed, open-faced, grilled, and fried sandwiches as a grade manager.
13.b Prepare egg dishes, milk products, cheese, fruit, vegetables, pasta, grains, cereals, rice, legumes, vegetarian items, beef, poultry, seafood, and game dishes as a main entrée.
13.c Prepare various stocks including bouquet garni, mirepoix, sachet de piece, white, brown, fish, and vegetable.
13.d Prepare various types of soups including clear, thick, and specialty.
13.e Prepare sauces including espagnole, béchamel, roux, tomato, hollandaise, and velouté.
13.f Prepare gravies including reconstituted broken sauces.
13.g Prepare baked products and desserts including pancakes, crêpes, waffles, yeast products, cookies, cakes, glazed icings, pies, pastries, meringues, custards, chiffon fillings, candies, poached fruits, mousses, soufflés, pastry creams, and Bavarian creams.
13.h Read, follow, and convert recipes. (Recipes)
13.i Prepare salads and dressings. (Cold Food Preparation)
13.j Prepare soups, appetizers, entrees, and desserts. (Cold Food Preparation)
13.k Prepare sandwiches, spreads, and fillings. (Cold Food Preparation)
13.l Prepare batters and doughs. (Bakery Products)
13.m Prepare icings, fillings, sauces, and toppings. (Bakery Products)
13.n Identify and prepare soups. (Stocks, Sauces, and Hot Soups)
13.o Prepare and store stocks and glace. (Stocks, Sauces, and Hot Soups)
13.p Demonstrate knowledge of roux and thickening agents. (Stocks, Sauces, and Hot Soups)
13.q Identify and prepare breakfast food and dairy products. (Breakfast Foods)
13.r Identify and prepare eggs. (Breakfast Foods)
13.s Fruit and vegetable preparation and cooking. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
13.t Identify and prepare potato dishes. (Fruits, Vegetables, and Starches)
13.u Prepare cookies. (Bakery Products)
13.v Prepare quick breads and cakes. (Bakery Products)
13.w Prepare yeast dough products. (Bakery Products)
13.x Prepare pies, tarts, and pastries. (Bakery Products)
13.y Prepare creams, custards, and mousse. (Bakery Products)
13.z Prepare mother (foundation) sauces. (Stocks, Sauces, and Hot Soups)
13.aa Prepare roux and thickening agents. (Stocks, Sauces, and Hot Soups) Prepare meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. (Meats, Poultry, and Seafood) Identify and prepare produce (including starches, legumes, and grains). (Culinary Techniques)
13.dd Identify and prepare stocks, soups, and sauces. (Culinary Techniques) Identify and prepare cold foods (including desserts, appetizers, salads, and salad dressings). (Culinary Techniques)
13.ff Identify and prepare meats, poultry, and seafood. (Culinary Techniques) Identify and prepare breakfast foods and dairy products (including eggs and batter foods). (Culinary Techniques)
13.hh Prepare desserts, pastry items, and baked goods. (Culinary Techniques)
13.ii Read, convert, and prepare standardized recipes using correct equipment and tools. (Recipes and Culinary Math)
13.jj Identify and prepare various beverages. (Customer and Table Service)
Benchmark: 14. Determine procedures for setting up rooms for special occasions and various styles of food.
14.a Examine procedures for setting up rooms for special occasions and various styles of food.
14.b Explain procedures for buffet preparation and maintenance. (Cold Food Preparation)
14.c Demonstrate proper table setup based on various menu and service types. (Customer and Table Service)
Benchmark: 15. Evaluate the applicability of convenience food items in various menus.
15.a Assess the applicability of convenience food items in various menus.
Benchmark: 16. Compare different methods of heat transfer in food preparation.
16.a Explain the various methods of heat transfer including convection, conduction, radiant heat, and microwave in food preparation.
Benchmark: 17. Analyze ways the nutritive value of food is altered by time, water, preparation, cooking, and storage.
17.a Evaluate ways the nutritive value of food is altered by time, water, preparation, cooking, and storage.
17.b Describe the basic food groups; make healthy food choices. (Nutritional Values)
17.c Describe healthy cooking techniques. (Nutritional Values)
17.d Describe sources of nutrients and their effects. (Nutritional Values)
Unit 5: Food Presentation
Benchmark: 18. Demonstrate effective food presentation techniques, including plating, portioning, garnishing, and packaging.
18.a Perform effective food presentation techniques.
18.b Communicate the importance of plating, portioning, garnishing, and packaging in the food industry.
18.c Describe the aspects of food presentation.
18.d Explain plating of food and the importance of portion control.
18.e Determine the rules for plate presentation.
18.f Describe the tools and techniques used in garnishing.
18.g Demonstrate how to use the various garnishing tools.
18.h Demonstrate packaging of foods for food safety and presentation.
18.i Create professional plating utilizing garnishing and food presentation techniques. (Principles for food arrangement and plating, Plate presentation, Buffet arrangement, Garnishing) 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.B.3, 7.B.4
18.j Garnish and plate menu items. (Cold Food Preparation)
18.k Exhibit knowledge of appropriate portion control. (Culinary Techniques)
Unit 6: Banquet and Catering Service
Benchmark: 19. Demonstrate procedures used to plan, prepare, and provide banquet and catering services.
19.a Explain how a banquet is booked.
19.b Determine the responsibilities of each member of the banquet staff.
19.c Compare the styles of banquet service.
19.d Explain the role of the banquet manager during the banquet.
19.e Compare the two types of catering.
19.d Describe banquet and group sales. (Marketing and Sales)
Benchmark: 20. Evaluate equipment and procedures used for packing and transporting food, utensils, and equipment for catering.
20.a Design a catering function that will be conducted off site from an industrial lab setting including a budget, outlined and developed menu, food purchasing, prepared food, packaged food, decorating, work schedule, transporting food safely, set up/clean up, and evaluation.