Child Development 3 Unit 8 Plan

Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Child Development 3
Unit 8 Plan
Feb. 20 - 24
CD topic
Professional Relations – More on Careers
Shared Reading
Module 4 – Lesson 1
pp. 134-139
Unit 8, esp. Comp VI
pp. 441-455
Itty Bitty Bookworm – Shared Reading – Tuesday process – story + poem
Internet – info search on ECE jobs; info search on NAEYC
Learner Web – continue Accuplacer practice
Work/school Compare/contrast – two columns – traits/characteristics of EC professional //
traits/characteristics of “babysitter” [ELTM p. 134] – small groups, then compare
College prep
Apply to SPC
Financial aid info – Gregory Reid
LSS Family Support Services – esp. good for debt problems
Observation – shared reading (WWYC-OG pp. 169-170)
Interaction – shared reading
Reflection – positions in your center; which enjoy most? why?
From ELTM: Personal reflection – Write a 1-2 page biography/goal statement –
What experiences brought you to where you are today in your education/career
and what are your professional goals for the future?
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
2/20 - holiday
2/22 – 1pm – Presentation – Second Harvest – Food Support Programs
Shared Reading – Monday process – practice with library or science books
Assign CDA reading
(Assign volunteer assignment)
ELTM lecture IV-1 – Professional Relations – Introduction
ELTM p. 134 – EC professional vs. babysitter characteristics – small group activity
2/24 – 2pm – Presentation – Financial Aid, Greggory Reid, SPC
Assign essay
Song - same
Discuss CDA reading
Shared Reading – Tuesday process – teach/model/practice – review book + poem
Computer – 30 minutes – learn Word; LW – finish CD assignment; LW – Accuplacer
prep; email – attachments, etc.
Collect essays
Computer – 1 hour – job search exercise; flash drive; other
Shared Reading – Thursday process – sentence strips
Review/preview key terms, concepts, rules for CPR training
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
 print Accuplacer diagnostic reports per student
 calendar – Wed. or Fri. – early to class, LaVonne finish Accup. Diag.; after class – Wendy
 Clint reply – use D2L ID, no need to apply online?
 Karen reply – FastTRAC financial/other support for new Cohort Fall 2012?
MN Childcare Registry?
Tour SPC
Tour CHS CCC compare/contrast to your volunteer setting; decide together what to
compare/contrast (important elements), 1-2 pages, writing expectations
Critical Thinking Report, similar to CDEV1200 requirement
TABE reading test
FastTRAC for fall – steps, support, etc.
Self-evaluate on document organization and classroom expectations again
Apply for financial aid
Register for fall; SPC new student orientation
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
CDA Reading – Unit 8
Professionalism A
Read Essentials for CDAs… pages 397-410. Think about the topics before you start. What are some
ways you can build positive relationships with others to provide quality care for children? How can you
use community resources? What kinds of communication are you responsible for?
Take notes using a method that works well for you. Use the Vocabulary grid to record and learn new
words from the reading. Then answer the 8 questions on p. 407-410. Be ready to discuss in class.
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
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Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
6. -
7. -
8. -
9. List at least 8 types of documents you may need to keep organized if running an early childhood
10. When a new volunteer comes into your program, the most professional approach to including
them in the program is to
a. give them lots of freedom to interact with the kids – respect that they know what
they’re doing.
b. write out plans and expectations for the volunteer – even though this takes extra time.
c. split up into different areas to be efficient – there shouldn’t be a need to observe the
volunteer once you’ve laid out the expectations.
d. answer any questions the volunteer has at the end of the day – only if problems have
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Volunteer Assignment
Child Development 3
Unit 8 – Shared Reading
1. Preparation
Before you go, review the “Most Mondays” methods in the Shared Reading approach to engaging
children with books. Practice reading a book with this Shared Reading approach.
2. Observation
Use the attached “Evaluation of a Storyteller” [from Working with Young Children, Observation
Guide, pp. 169-179]. Observe a teacher reading to a group of children and complete the evaluation.
3. Interaction
During choice time, find a time to read with one or more children. Have the child(ren) help choose a
book they want to read with you. Use the Shared Reading approach to engage the children in the
story. Describe the experience here. What book did you read? Why do you think they chose that
book? Where did you read? How did you approach reading the book with the children?
4. Reflection
Go back to the “Most Mondays” guidelines and reflect on your reading experience. What did you do
well? When did the children seem to be especially enjoying the book? Why?
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Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Anything you forgot to do? What would you strive to do better next time?
What did you learn from this experience?
5. Information-gathering (optional)
What paid positions exist at your site? What are the specific job titles? What are the qualifications
for each? What is the pay rate? How often do the positions come open? Where do they post
Which position(s) would you enjoy the most? Why? Any positions you wouldn’t want? Why?
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Child Development 3
Career Exploration
1. Go to . Read several job postings and summarize the information here.
Job Title
Education/Training Required
Experience Required
Primary Responsibilities
Other Notes
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Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
2. Answer these questions about the information you gathered.
a. Do you qualify for any of the positions now? If so, which one(s)?
b. Would any of the positions interest you if you were qualified? If so, which ones, and why?
c. What did you discover in this exercise?
d. What further questions do you have based on this activity?
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
3. Go to Search for each position and answer the questions.
a. Child Care Worker
i. What is the average wage?
Is this above or below the state average for all jobs?
ii. Is this a growing job area?
iii. What is the percent growth?
Read more about Outlook for this job area and write key information here:
iv. What education/training is required?
v. What are a few examples of job titles for this type of position?
b. Preschool Teacher
i. What is the average wage?
Is this above or below the state average for all jobs?
ii. Is this a growing job area?
iii. What is the percent growth?
Read more about Outlook for this job area and write key information here:
iv. What education/training is required?
v. What are a few examples of job titles for this type of position?
4. Explore anything else that interests you on this website. Jot notes here to share with the class and / or for your own use.
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Child Development 3
Unit 8 Writing Assignment
Instructions: Write a 1-2 page biography/goal statement. What experiences have brought you
to where you are today in your life, and what are your professional goals for the future?
At least 1 page, not more than 2.
Typed, 12-point font, double-spaced
Due _____________________
Use the writing process
Writing process
1. Pre-writing – Use the space below to jot down all of your ideas in response to the
writing assignment. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling or organization. Just do a
free-writing “brain dump” / “brainstorm” in words, pictures, symbols, etc.
2. Outline – Organize your ideas in a way that will make sense to your reader. Use the
space below for this process.
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12
Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Introduction paragraph – Give your main idea, what you will talk about in the paper
3 paragraphs – each with an intro sentence on the topic of the paragraph, followed by details
that support the topic sentence
Paragraphs could be chronological – e.g., my early years, my young adult years, recent/current
Paragraphs could be topical – why I want to work in early childhood; obstacles I’ve overcome;
goals for my future
Paragraphs could be organized in other ways – you decide
1st paragraph
Topic sentence:
2nd paragraph
Topic sentence:
3rd paragraph
Topic sentence:
Conclusion – Wrap up everything you’ve written about (don’t introduce new ideas here); give a
summary and conclusion in response to the essay topic
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Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
3. First draft – Write the paper based on your outline. Write it out as “fluently” (smoothly,
quickly) as possible. Don’t worry about every detail at this point. Get the ideas down in
solid sentences and paragraphs.
4. Revise/Edit – Put the first draft aside and let it sit awhile. Then go back to it.
a. Revise = Check for grammar, spelling, complete sentences, indented paragraphs, etc.
Make all necessary corrections.
b. Edit = Check that the ideas are clear and well-organized. Read it as if you’re
someone else reading it for the first time. Often you’ll find that there was
something in your brain you forgot to put down on paper. Add it. Cut out things
that are off topic.
c. You can also ask someone else to revise/edit. Be sure it is your writing, but getting
feedback from a friend, family member, co-worker or classmate is a good idea.
5. Final draft – Type the final version of your paper.
a. You must find computer access and make time to type the paper in time to turn it in.
b. Use spell-check to fix any remaining spelling errors.
c. Pay attention to any indicators of grammatical errors in Word.
d. Turn in your final draft.
I will evaluate your paper on the following:
a. Technical aspects – correct length, correct spelling and grammar, etc.
b. Organization – the information is organized in a way that I can tell you created an
outline before writing
c. On-topic – the essay is on the topic assigned and fully responds to both parts of the
d. Clear ideas – I understand your meaning.
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Child Development 3_Plan & Materials_Unit 8
Feedback on Writing Assignment – Biography/Goal Statement
Turned in on time
Used the writing process – turned
in pre-write and outline
Fit basic requirements – 1-2 pages,
12 pt font, double spaced
Follows the suggested outline –
intro, 3 paragraphs, conclusion
Is “on topic” – responds to the
assignment questions
Ideas are clear – I understand your
Paragraphs are well organized –
topic sentence and supporting
Sentences are complete
Grammar is correct
Spelling is correct
Comments on content:
Key strengths:
Key areas for improvement:
Elizabeth Andress_St. Paul ABE_2/21/12