The $10 Chemistry Lab Fee should be turned in with this form.

Greer Middle College Department of Science
Chemistry Syllabus
1 credit
Mr. Alexander George
Web Page:
Ext. 1002
Modern Chemistry, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2009.
Course Description:
This course is designed to engage students in the fundamental aspects of science (theory, observation, prediction, &
application) through the study of chemistry. Students will study the fundamental relationships of matter including, atomic
theory, phases of matter, chemical reactions, and acid/base chemistry. The goal of this course is to develop chemically-literate
students who acquire the tools they will need to be successful in future college courses.
S1 - Scientific Process
Atomic Structure
Science Impact on Society
S2 -
Phases of Matter
Organic Compounds
Students should have a separate 3-ring binder to be used ONLY for chemistry. All (1) Notes, (2) Classwork/Homework, (3)
Tests/Quizzes, and (4) Labs should be kept in the notebook. A complete, organized notebook will be a great aid in
completing projects and studying for the semester and final exams.
A scientific calculator is required for the course, but a TI-83 (or higher) calculator is recommended. Students must bring a
calculator EVERY DAY for their personal use. Calculators may not be shared for tests or quizzes.
Periodic Table
All students will need to print the periodic table handout from the webpage. This is this handout that you will be using in all
classroom activities.
Note hand-outs will NOT be given to students (unless otherwise noted). Students may take their own notes, print out the “notes
worksheets” on Mr. George’s website, or purchase the “notes worksheets” for $0.25 per set of notes. Notes should be printed
and ready to go the days they will be needed in class.
Assignments / Homework
Usually appetizer assignments will be found on the board and should be done every day during the first five minutes of class.
Appetizers will be collected randomly as a daily grade to encourage participation and help boost grades. Homework
assignments for the week can be found on the HW board and on the website’s Google calendar. It is the responsibility of the
student to check for homework. Homework is graded on completion, effort, and correctness.
Attendance Policy
Credit may be denied to students who miss more than five (5) days of a one unit course, regardless of the grade earned. (Refer
to page 12 in the student handbook for full details.)
Cell Phone Policy
All students should abide by the GMC’s cell phone policies outlined in the 2014/2015 student handbook. However, within Mr.
George’s classroom, there will be times of authorized cell phone use for listening to music, taking pictures for projects, etc.
Students may never use his or her cell phone in class without Mr. George’s explicit permission. Unauthorized use of cell phones
will result in confiscation of the phone and implementation of the school’s cell phone consequence guidelines.
93-100 = A
85-92 = B
80-84 = C
0-79 = Below Mastery
Grades will be weighted according to the following:
Lab projects = 20%
Homework = 15%
Tests/Quests = 20%
Classwork = 15%
Quizzes = 15%
Other Projects/Summaries = 15%
Make-up Work
If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain any missed notes or assignments. If there is confusion about what was
missed, please see me. Please do not ask me during class for missed assignments. You have 1 week from when you return to
turn in missing work or make-up quizzes/tests without penalty.
Late Work
I expect all work to be on time. If an assignment is not turned-in when asked for, the assignment is considered late.
All work will have an assigned due date. Make sure to use a planner and get your homework done on time! If it is not turned in
on time, the following penalty will be assigned:
Any # of late days = 80% of actual earned grade.
o Ex: A student is 3 periods late with the assignment and earned an 85%.
85 (0.8) = 68
A “68” will go in the grade book for the assignment.
*I will late assignments up until 1 week before quarter grades are due. (All assignments not turned in will receive a “0.”)
Classroom Procedures
There are certain procedures that we will follow in this class, and I expect you to follow at school. These include:
 Enter the room, sit in assigned seat, and immediately begin warm-up assignment.
 Work with laboratory partner only, unless otherwise instructed.
 Have homework, notes, and previous unchecked assignments completed and ready to go at the beginning of class.
#1: Listen to Mr. George.
This includes: focusing your attention on Mr. George and not talking during instruction.
#2: Work hard, promptly, and without complaint.
This implies: Do not copy work from fellow peers. Use your time wisely.
#3: Do your best to learn and have fun.
- This means: Engage yourself in the topics and activities of this class. Ask for help, if you don’t understand.
Office Hours
Monday = 7:30am – 7:55am
Wednesday = 3:05pm – 3:45pm
All students are welcome to come to my office hours for extra help, review, questions, and re-teaching of material. I encourage
students to be proactive in their learning by visiting me during my office hours when necessary. Students who fall below
mastery on a major assignment or in her or his cumulative grade are expected to visit me during my one of my office hours
times for assistance. Students can expect a phone call or email home when mastery is not achieved.
Lab Fee/Contract
All students must read and sign the lab safety contract before participating in lab. There is a $10 lab fee for this course to fund
lab supplies and chemicals. Parents receive one hour of service for the donation of this fee. Parents may give more than $10 if
desired and receive multiple service hours. (Ex: $40 donation = four parent service hours.)
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines outlined in the 2014-15 Chemistry syllabus and FLINN Science’s Student Lab Safety Contract.
Student Printed Name _____________________________ Signature______________________________ Date________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
The $10 Chemistry Lab Fee should be turned in with this form.
($10 Lab Fee = 1 hr. of parent service)
(More than $10 may be donated if desired to receive more service hours. Example: $30 = 3 hours of parent service.)
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines outlined in the 2014-15 Chemistry syllabus and FLINN Science’s Student Lab Safety Contract.
Student Printed Name _____________________________ Signature______________________________ Date________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
The $10 Chemistry Lab Fee should be turned in with this form.
($10 Lab Fee = 1 hr. of parent service)
(More than $10 may be donated if desired to receive more service hours. Example: $30 = 3 hours of parent service.)
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines outlined in the 2014-15 Chemistry syllabus and FLINN Science’s Student Lab Safety Contract.
Student Printed Name _____________________________ Signature______________________________ Date________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
The $10 Chemistry Lab Fee should be turned in with this form.
($10 Lab Fee = 1 hr. of parent service)
(More than $10 may be donated if desired to receive more service hours. Example: $30 = 3 hours of parent service.)
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines outlined in the 2014-15 Chemistry syllabus and FLINN Science’s Student Lab Safety Contract.
Student Printed Name _____________________________ Signature______________________________ Date________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
The $10 Chemistry Lab Fee should be turned in with this form.
($10 Lab Fee = 1 hr. of parent service)
(More than $10 may be donated if desired to receive more service hours. Example: $30 = 3 hours of parent service.)