2013 End of Year Case Study - Goldfields Local Learning

Goldfields LLEN Case Study 2013
Youth Partnerships, a Victorian Government initiative was launched in June 2011 to design and test new
ways for services to collaborate locally to support vulnerable young people aged 10-18 years.
A City of Greater Bendigo Youth Partnerships Project was funded; it is within the Goldfields LLEN.
The City of Greater Bendigo had undertaken significant work as a funded Better Youth Services trial site
during 2009-2011. Community consultations, facilitated by consultants were conducted and a cross sectoral
youth agencies steering committee established; the Goldfields LLEN was a key member. It recommended:
 Place based governance &
 The Integration of youth services.
Youth Partnerships in the City of Greater Bendigo honoured these recommendations with a commitment
from organisational partners servicing the youth sector. Major partners included CEOs and Directors from:
 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
 Department of Human Services
 Catholic Education Sandhurst
 City of Greater Bendigo
 St Luke’s Anglicare &
 Goldfields LLEN.
Goldfields LLEN role with Youth Partnerships
The Goldfields LLEN was nominated as lead partner by the Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development’s Regional Director of the North West Region, for the period June 2011 until June 2014.
Tasks and responsibilities
 Management of selection processes and a panel member to recruit a consultant and a project
worker in 2011 to support the implementation of the two recommendations
Leadership and management of project worker .5 EFT, May 2012-April 2013
Liaising with selected consultant Greg Cook including editing various materials and reports
Responsible for authoring and the timely submission of quarterly Milestone Reports and financial
accountability including the payment of salaries and consultancies, 2012-2013
Co-author and co-presenter (with CEO of Catholic Education Sandhurst) to the Loddon Mallee Youth
Partnerships Governance Board November meeting 2013, to report on progress with the City of
Greater Bendigo’s Youth Partnerships; the Goldfields LLEN EO is also a member of the Board
Presentation to Goldfields LLEN Committee of Management December meeting to report on the City
of Greater Bendigo’s Youth Partnerships Project; goal one, Goldfields LLEN Strategic Plan 2012/2013.
The First Quarter – model overleaf
 Responsible for personal invitations to CEOs and Directors, to achieve broad representational
membership to ensure the capacity existed for local services to respond with effectiveness and
efficacy to meet the complex needs of the community
Participant at the five governance workshops spanning a 12 month period; a member of the
governance group The First Quarter; an executive member and the provision of secretariat support.
The Youth Coordination Group – model overleaf
 Participant at the two youth workshops in 2013; a member of the Youth Coordination Group; an
executive member and the provision of secretariat support.
Progress and analysis
Governance model
The model illustrates three levels of governance. It was developed by The First Quarter, the leadership
group, during a series of workshops facilitated by consultant Greg Cook from CLM. Whilst the original scope
of Youth Partnerships was focussed on vulnerable young people, at the first workshop, early in 2012 the
group of CEOs and Directors from agencies (below), decided to move out of scope to cover the first quarter
of a citizen’s life, hence the name The First Quarter. Consequently it was agreed three coordination groups
would be established to support and operationalise the strategic directions of The First Quarter.
The First Quarter has developed and endorsed a Memorandum Of Understanding; Terms Of Reference;
selected an Independent Chair; endorsed a Secretariat (Goldfields LLEN EO) and held three meetings in 2013
with a half day workshop planned for mid February 2014. It plans to meet four times a year. It has
nominated two members as Executive Sponsors to support each of the three coordination groups.
The Early Years and Youth Coordination Groups are established. The Young Adult Coordination Group will be
established in 2014. The Goldfields LLEN is a member of the Youth Coordination Group and its Executive.
Two workshops, facilitated by Greg Cook were held during 2013 and a December inaugural meeting. A
Memorandum of Understanding and Terms Of Reference have been developed. Youth Coordination Group
members are senior managers, nominated by their CEOs and Directors from The First Quarter; they are
authorised to make decisions.
Relational concentric circle model
The model emerged from the final Youth Partnerships governance workshop in March 2013 to illustate
relationships and connections between The First Quarter and the Early Years, Youth and Young Adults
Coordination Groups.
Strategic Directions provide a focus for The First Quarter and the coordination groups:
 Reducing vulnerability of families and their children
 Optimising progress with an emphasis on the early years
 Transitions across all stages of pre-education, education and training into employment
 Improving cconomic and social outcomes.
The half day workshop in mid February 2014 will determine greater clarity and content to support the work
of the coordination groups. The Youth Coordination Group has a workshop planned for late February to
activate the directions from The First Quarter.
The City of Greater Bendigo Youth Partnerships has made significant progress. Reflections follow
The First Quarter
It is the first time some organisations and sectors have been part of in an intact leadership group
composed of CEOs and Directors with a commitment to work together to problem solve and
generate solutions to support a young citizen, 0-25 years; (supported by five workshops over
a 12 month period, to build group dynamics aided by Greg Cook, a skilled facilitator from CLM)
The inclusive representational membership ensures that the capacity exists for local services to
respond with effectiveness and efficacy to meet the complex needs of the community
A signed Memorandum Of Understanding commits the CEOs and Directors to a long term
The importance of The First Quarter nominating senior managers as members of the respective
coordination groups with delegated decision-making responsibility will support alignment between
each group
The importance of The First Quarter nominating two Executive Sponsors to each of the coordination
groups for support and alignment demonstrates the importance The First Quarter attributes to the
governance model
The First Quarter Governance model demonstrates to government that it could align with and
become the future place-based governance model with its accompanying structures, spanning the
years 0 – 25.
The Youth Coordination Group
It is significant to have senior managers nominated by their respective CEOs and Director as
members of the Youth Coordination Group with delegated decision-making powers
As above with The First Quarter’s membership, it is the first time some organisations/sectors have
been part of in an intact group, composed of senior mangers with a commitment to work together
to problem solve and generate solutions to support vulnerable young people (supported by two
workshops, to build group dynamics aided by Greg Cook, a skilled facilitator from CLM)
The selection of an Independent Chair holding a senior mangement position in a Bendigo based
organisation, but not from a service sector organisation
Formalised partnerships and productive relationships with a shared vision and goals for vulnerable
young people across education, health, justice, government and service providers provides the
foundations for integrated services for vulnerable young people
A sustainable cross sector place-based governance structure to guide youth planning with a signed
Memorandum Of Understanding demonstrates commitment to a long term partnership
As the group shapes its directions, guided by The First Quarter, improved service coordination and
flexibility of youth services at the local level will improve outcomes for vulnerable young people in
the City Of Greater Bendigo
The inclusive representational membership ensures that the capacity exists for local services to
respond with effectiveness and efficacy to the complex needs of the community and its young
Assessment of the Goldfields LLEN’s role
A social network analysis was administered in 2012 and 2013 by consultant firm, I and J Management
Services, as part of an external evaluation for the City of Greater Bendigo Youth Partnerships. The method,
network analysis and mapping, provide a picture of a network and the strength of links between partners.
The Goldfields LLEN (Executive Officer) in the role of lead partner was interviewed as well as partners
involved in the Project. A Report, Youth Partnerships Loddon Mallee Social Network Analysis, was published.
From the 13 stakeholders interviewed the following Network map was drawn.
Loddon Mallee
Strategic Network Map
(all interviewees)
Goldfields LLEN
City of Greater Bendigo
Reasonably important
13 interviewees
Very important
Accompanying comments from interviewees (peer feedback to the GLLEN) included:
 The energetic work of the GLLEN… in animating conversation and keeping people involved through
regular meetings and briefings with stakeholders was noted
The core team from the GLLEN and DEECD working on this project are regarded with high esteem
and seen as highly credentialed for this work. One stakeholder commented that there is every
reason to be confident in the project team
High quality staff is driving the project and are held in high regard for their ability to achieve good
outcomes. In particular, the leadership role of the GLLEN (a highly successful organisation in Bendigo
over the last few years) is working to form strong partnerships in the region.
Next steps in 2014
The Goldfields LLEN will continue to incorporate Youth Partnerships in the Strategic Plan.
Goal One
Through the lens of Youth Partnerships, improve service and program coordination with the delivery of
cohesive and coherent services to young people aged 10 – 18 with an emphasis on:
Supporting local governance structures, The First Quarter & the Youth Coordination Group in the City
of Greater Bendigo to support the implementation of improved services for vulnerable young people
The Executive Officer in the role of partnership broker will continue to be an active member of both groups,
contributing data from the Environmental Scan, advice, executive committee and secretariat support.
Anne Brosnan, Executive Officer, Goldfields LLEN