Congressional Committees STANDING COMMITTEES COMMITTEE CHAIRS • What is a standing committee? • What is a committee chairman? • What role do standing committees play? • Why is being named as committee chairman a very strategic post? • What standing committees are more prominent and influential in the House? • What do committee chairmen have a major say in? • The Senate? • What does the House Rules Committee do? • • CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES • What is the “seniority rule?” • List and explain 2 criticisms of the seniority system. • List and explain 2 defenses of the seniority system. What is the result of most bills in the committees to which they are referred? Why is the House Rules Committee so powerful? SELECT COMMITTEES JOINT AND CONFERENCE COMMITTEES • Why are “select committees” set up? • How are members of select committees chosen? • What is a joint committee? • CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES • Provide AND explain an example of a joint committee. Describe an example of how a select committee conducted an investigation and the findings and result of that investigation. • What is the purpose of conference committees? STANDING COMMITTEES • • • • • • • COMMITTEE CHAIRS What is a standing committee? • What is a committee chairman? • permanent committees to which bills of a • Members who head the standing committees specific subject will be sent to • Why is being named as committee chairman a very What role do standing committees play? strategic post? • each bill gets the most thorough consideration • Most of the work in Congress is done in the when in committee committees What standing committees are more prominent and • What do committee chairmen have a major say in? influential in the House? • They have a say in what bills are • Rules considered, whether to hold public • Ways and Means hearings, and what witnesses are to be • Appropriations called • Armed Services CONGRESSIONAL • What is the “seniority rule?” The Senate? • An unwritten rule that the most COMMITTEES • Foreign Relations important positions in Congress • Appropriations are held by those with the most • Finance experience • Judiciary • List and explain 2 criticisms of the seniority system. What does the House Rules Committee do? • The system ignores ability – younger members • It controls the flow of bills to the floor of the with more knowledge on a subject might not House and sets the conditions for their get a chance consideration • Committee chairs often come from “safe” What is the result of most bills in the committees to districts – “safe” districts create a person that which they are referred? might be out of touch with current public • Most bills die in the committees to which they opinion are referred • List and explain 2 defenses of the seniority system. Why is the House Rules Committee so powerful? • Committee chairs are powerful and • It can speed, delay, or prevent House action on experienced – they know how to get work done a measure • Encourages people to stay on a committee – create expertise SELECT COMMITTEES JOINT AND CONFERENCE COMMITTEES • Why are “select committees” set up? • Committees that are established for a specific reason • How are members of select committees chosen? • Members of these committees are chosen by the Speaker of the House and the president of the Senate • Describe an example of how a select committee conducted an investigation and the findings and result of that investigation. • • • • • What is a joint committee? • A committee composed of members from both the House of Reps. and the Senate Provide AND explain an example of a joint committee. • Joint Committee on Taxation – studies the U.S. tax system and presents it finding to the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES Senate Watergate Committee Investigated “illegal, improper, and unethical activities were engaged in by any persons … in the election of 1972.” Formed a link in the events of Watergate that led to the resignation of President Nixon • What is the purpose of conference committees? • A temporary committee established to iron out the differences in a bill that both the House and the Senate will accept