
Directions: fill in the appropriate information below:
The majority of the work in Congress is done in _COMMITTEE __.
Define: Committee Chairmen : members who head the standing committees in each chamber
1. Chosen by: the majority party caucus
Define: Seniority Rule: party members who have been in congress the longest.
Usually hold highest posts in committees.
2. Powers Given to Committee Chairmen:
Decide when will meet
Which bills they will take up
Whether they will hold public hearings
What witnesses the committee should call
Directions: Provide a definition in your own words and explain what each committee
does. Provide an example for each committee.
1. Standing Committee
- Permanent committee that specializes in one subject and handles all the bills
relating to that subject.
Example: House Rules Committee
2. Select Committee
- Usually a temporary committee that is set up for a specific purpose, such as an
Example: Select Committee on Aging
3. Joint Committee
- Permanent or temporary committee that includes members of both houses so that
the houses do not duplicate work.
Examples: Joint Economic Committee
4. Conference Committee
- Temporary committee, works out a compromise bill when the House and the
Senate have passed different versions of the same bill.
Critical Thinking:
How does the House Rules Committee act as a “traffic cop” in the lower house?
They screen all bills before get passed on to the floor for debate.