MA programs in SE

SERNOC workshop:
Learning for and through social
Mid Sweden University
Masters’ programs in social entrepreneurship
Curriculum, pedagogy and action learning
Linda Lundgaard Andersen, professor, phd
Director, Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Roskilde University
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITETSCENTER – Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning
Module 1:
Social entrepreneurship in a societal
 theoretical and methodological approaches to social
entrepreneurship, international differences and its position in the
welfare society.
theory development of social entrepreneurship interpreted in the
light of traditional understandings of entrepreneurship and
community work.
The social actors motives for a value based, social and humanistic
research within social economy and social capital and European
and American approaches to social entrepreneurship
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY – Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Module 2:
Organisational development, evaluation and
management within civil society
 how organisational development, evaluation and management are
important components in social entrepreneurship
structure, development and functions of civil society, and how this
influences the organisational development and structure,
management conditions and interplay with the other sectors.
social entrepreneurship takes its point of departure in the logics of
civil society and rationales on market conditions – and which
consequences this may have.
strategic thinking and planning, competence development and
learning, different forms fro evaluation are a part of SE – and how
these aspects are influenced by various actors.
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY – Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Module 3:
Users, professionals and volunteers in
social entrepreneurship
 how different actors influence and form – and are influenced and
formed by – social entrepreneurship in the crossover between civil
society, the private and public sector.
how users, volunteers and professionals can be understood,
sociologically, culturally, subjectively and in a life story perspective
how users (clients), volunteers and actors can be understood in an
historical and international perspective
the importance of cross sector partnerships seen from an actor
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY – Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Module 4:
Innovation within social entrepreneurship: challenges in new
partnerships between the actors from the private, public and civil
 Social entrepreneurships economic and political role in the solution
of tasks within the social, health and cultural areas in cooperation
with the private and public sector.
 new ways of governance and administration, new forms of
cooperation and decision processes in which an ethical dimension is
 Innovation management related to strategic planning and
management in social entrepreneurship by involving new theories
 The role of the third sector in the European welfare states.
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY – Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Pedagogy and learning
 4 thematic courses
 Theory of Science, methodology
 Students work: Project work including the
Master thesis
Refleksive teams
Action learning: consultants
Studytrip – collaborative learning
ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY – Center for Social Entrepreneurship