Communications Portal - South Sudan NGO Forum

Tearfund South Sudan
Jonglei State-Uror County Nutrition Programme
Project: Emergency response to life-threatening malnutrition in Jonglei, South Sudan
Terms of Reference for: IYCF TOT Training for Nutrition Staff.
February 2015
1. Background:
Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency established in 1969, currently operating in
around 50 countries, through both partner work and direct operations. Tearfund has been providing
an operational response to conflict-related complex and natural disasters since 1994, working in
Mozambique, Latin America, Albania, Burundi, South Sudan, North Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone,
Afghanistan, northern Kenya, Kosovo, Serbia, DRC, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Darfur and
Tearfund’s operational response in Southern Sudan started in 1998, in response to the famine in the
Bahr el Ghazal region. Tearfund has more than 16 years of experience implementing nutrition projects
across South Sudan, and also have had programmes in household food security, primary health care,
community health education, water and sanitation. These projects have targeted the most vulnerable
members of the community including displaced persons, widows and children. Tearfund has also been
working with local partners in Sudan, on all sides of the conflict, since 1972.
Tearfund is a signatory to the “Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief” and has been a certified compliant member of the
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) since 18th June 2008. Tearfund implements and has
been involved in the development of the “Code of Good practice in the Management and Support of
Aid Personnel” and the SPHERE standards. Tearfund has received regular support from OFDA in the
past for WASH activities.
2. Project Background:
The 12 months’ Emergency response to life-threatening malnutrition in Jonglei, South Sudan, nutrition
project forms part of, and is coherent with, Tearfund’s corporate mandate to respond where the need
is greatest and its integrated strategy for the country. It complements Tearfund’s overarching goal for
interventions, which is: “To reduce chronic and acute vulnerability of conflict and disaster affected
communities across South Sudan.”. Tearfund has been working in South Sudan supporting partner
organisations in relief and development since 1978. Since 1998, Tearfund has directly implemented a
range of emergency and recovery projects. Tearfund aims to achieve its goal by providing “integrated
recovery and emergency support to vulnerable communities while contributing to building local
capacities (community, local NGO, partner) and complimenting government services in Tearfund core
sectors across South Sudan as and where possible in the current operating environment”. Nutrition
sits within the Tearfund South Sudan Strategic sectoral focus with advisory support primarily provided
through the Advisor role, with some liaising with HQ. This programme design has been based upon
priorities identified by the nutrition cluster and is aligned with the IPC classifications and the
subsequent priority areas for nutrition interventions.
In Uror county, Jonglei Tearfund carries out Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and NFI work which is
integrated to target the populations where these malnutrition trends exist and seek to address the
various root causes of the malnutrition cycle (from safe water to poor food production). Tearfund
works in close collaboration with other agencies on the ground, such as MSF Holland and CARE
(covering health interventions) to provide a holistic relief to communities. Programmes are designed
to provide integrated recovery and emergency support to vulnerable communities, while contributing
to building local capacities (community, local NGO, Partner) and complementing Government services
in Tearfund core sectors. The integration includes targeting of multi-sector activities in the same
locations to alleviate the suffering by addressing identified needs. Tearfund’s primary sectors of
engagement in South Sudan are WASH, Food Security and Nutrition.
To address the high malnutrition rates in the project area the sub sector activities include:
1) For IYCF and BCC
a) TOT Training: this is to ensure exclusive breastfeeding for 6 complete months through
breastfeeding support groups. The CNVs to lead the women groups and act as TOTs in
the communities in capacity building in activities such as breastfeeding, hygiene and
sanitation, Immunization, nutrition, ANC/PNC services.
b) Complimentary feeding Support: Ensure that houselholdswith <2 children are linked to
WFP distribution mechanisms and CARE food security interventions in the area.
2) For Management of moderate Acute malnutrition (MAM)
a) Start 3 community outreach activities Centres to provide service to the catchment
population in the area
b) Screening for <5 and PLWs 4 times a week .This will be conducted by the FCs staff, the
extension workers and CNVs(100% of all U5 children).Identified MAM cases will be
admitted to the programme (based on the admission and discharged criteria
3) Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
a) Conduct OTP treatment of the identified cases (in the catchment area) at the outreach
The project is planned to benefit 25,000 (11,000 female and 14,000 Male) beneficiaries in Uror County
(the TF operational area) in Jonglei Sate.
To achieve this objective this project sought deliver on three interrelated sub sectors:
1) Infant and Young Child Feeding and Behaviour Change (IYCF):
IYCF in emergencies concerns the protection and support of optimal feeding for infants and young
children and therefore is an integral part to prevention activities carried out at community level.
Previously CNVs were based at the feeding centres. TF assessment and community feedback
however, has found that mothers who make the long walk to the feeding centres are more
concerned by receiving food than sustainable child care practices. Therefore, a more effective
methodology is to train trainers in the community. In an effort to make the intervention more
sustainable, support groups will be formed alongside health centres, which will enable more
coordination between the health workers and Tearfund staff. Through this OFDA grant, a Trainer
of Trainers is recruited and will empower the TOT team that will empower the mothers by giving
them the skills and knowledge to do so in a sustainable and more effective way
2) Management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM):
3 outreach centres will be established to increase gaps in coverage. Two outreach centres will be
in Modit and Karam, where currently beneficiaries can walk up to 6 hours one way to reach the
nearest feeding centre. These 2 bomas are highly populated and are convergence zones for
communities during dry season. Community members move with their animals there for water
and pasture for their animals. The location of the third outreach centre will be selected based
upon Tearfund’s Semi Qualitative Evaluation of Access & Coverage (SQUEAC) assessment,
supported by ECHO, and analysis of data on its defaulters. The location will be selected in
accordance with SPHERE standards, which states that the maximum length of time for travel to a
feeding centre is one day’s walk round trip
3) Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM): As detailed above, 3 outreach centres
will offer services for the management of MAM and SAM (one in Modit, a second in Karam, and a
third in a location to be determined by SQUEAC assessment and analysis of current data on
distances travelled).
3. Project management
Grant management and overall responsibility of implementation is handled by Tearfund project team,
headed by the Country Director and the Deputy Country Director-Programmes. The Nutrition
Advisor, based in the field provides advisory role and the needed technical support to the programme.
At field level, the Area Coordinator provides overall leadership to the programme, with the Nutrition
programme manager handling technical and managerial role, direct implementation and support to the
project team. Tearfund trained project staff ensure that the project meets acceptable standards
(Sphere, ICRC, People in Aid and HAP among others). Other team members in the field include the
community based extension workers and CNVs. It is to these workers and CNVs Tearfund requires
a curriculum developed and TOT trainings conducted.
4. The Purpose and Objectives of TOT Training Consultancy
The main purpose of the consultancy is meant to contribute to ‘improved access to and quality service
delivery to the beneficiaries through IYCF TOT capacity building for TF nutrition staff and volunteers’. This
training must be in line with the IYCF internationally recognised (MOH,WHO and UNICEF) standards.
4.1. Specific Objectives of the IYCF TOT training
Orient Master Facilitators/TOT Trainers to the UNICEF Community IYCF Counselling
Package and develop a strategic plan of action to be used in TF IYCF programing in South
Develop a training curriculum, complete with the manuals(trainer’s and participants) and
visual IEC material for IYCF to be used in all Tearfund programming in South Sudan ensuring
that IYCF issues are easily understood and utilized.
Develop Trainers capacity to plan, organize and conduct IYCF trainings and the principles of
adult learning, effective training methodologies, visual aids and counselling skills
Empower/train Tearfund staff with necessary skills and knowledge to set up and train IYCF
support groups and enable these groups to create links with feeding centres, health facilities,
community based structures and the exiting community outreach strategy
Roll out trainings on the Community IYCF Counselling package and introduce its ToT and its
impact approach
Introduce the necessary reporting forms and develop a data base that will be used to
consolidate all reporting requirements for the IYCF program
Strengthen the link that will ensure that the IYCF strategy adopted helps in addressing and
reporting upon all OFDA indicators/nutrition indicators.
The training participants will include two Tearfund Nutritionist (as overall TOT team leaders) ,one
Assistant Nutrition Officer and 8 Nutrition Extension workers;50% each of male and female. These
TOTs will then act as ‘points of referral’ by the extension workers and CNVs. The total number will
be eleven (11individuals). Must be noted that the nutritionist will attend the training so that they are
familiar with the training content and skills, and thus be better able to support and mentor the
extension workers on an ongoing basis.
The training approach will be based on principles of adult learning during all the steps of planning,
organizing, and conducting the actual training. A variety of effective training methodologies will be
applied including interactions, demonstration, practice, discussion, brainstorming, buzz groups, case
studies, role play, games, and or presentation should be used. The content of this Training of Trainers
course will be basic to every learner, will not vary with the changing technical emphasis and will be in
line with the internationally recognized/UNICEF and MOH standards. It is planned that the training
will take place at Tearfund Motot Base.
Key Outputs and Deliverables
The following are the main deliverable for this TOT training as stated in 4 above;
1) Clear work plan and schedule for TOT training developed. This should be submitted to
facilitate logistical support for the training process.
2) Clear training curriculum (with training manuals for both the trainers and the participants) and
visual Information Education and Communication (IEC) material for IYCF to be used in all
Tearfund programming
3) Actual delivery of the TOT training for staff(3 Office and 8 community based)
4) Strategic plan of action and IYCF reporting forms to be used in its IYCF programming
5) Training report not exceeding 20 pages documenting
a) the accomplishment demonstrating how the trainees will roll this out in the communities
b) Continuity ,impact and sustainability aspect
c) The recommendations for future IYCF TOT programming
d) How many TOTs have been reached through the training, how they have learned and
they will roll this out to the mothers/community to meet more sustainable child care
practices by mothers
Assignment Duration and Work Plan:
The TOT training will have two phases, firstly preparation/curriculum (including the training manuals;
trainers and participants separately). Secondly, actual training delivery, evaluation and reporting phase.
The first phase is the preparation phase where such activities as meeting the TF (and other
stakeholders), processing the Letter of Assignment to be signed between TF and the service provider,
preparation and refinement of the curriculum and training materials and designing the overall approach
of the TOT training .
The second phase is a field phase actual training delivery and evaluation of the TOT. The two major
activities in this phase are the actual delivery of the training and its evaluation as well as preparation
of the training report. The training report should explicitly demonstrate how many mothers have been
/will be reached through the training and how they have learned and applied more sustainable child
care practices
Tearfund is proposing the assignment period to be 15 days from the date of signing a Letter of
Assignment (LoA) through submission of the final report. LoA will be signed within a week after the
closure of this Expression of Interest (EOI) announcement. Further details will be discussed and agreed
up on signing LoA.
5. Training Report and Annexes
The training report shall follow the following general skeleton (with possibility for modification)
Title page with date and logos(TF and OFDA/USAID)
Location Map
Definition of acronyms
List of tables
List of figures
Table of contents
Executive summary (half a page).
Introduction and Background
Objectives of the TOT training
Delivery Methodologies
Conclusions and Recommendations
List of references
Annexes to be attached to the Report:
The following documents need to be attached to the report as separate annex each.
TOR of the TOT assignment
List of the TOT team (including very brief CVs – max 1 page)
Stakeholders/ local partners/Organizations consulted
List of individuals trained
IYCF reporting forms to be used in its IYCF programing
Training manuals(Trainers and participants)
Strategic plan of action to be used in its IYCF programing in South Sudan
Other tools and checklists used for TOT training delivery
Literatures and documents reviewed/consulted
Other relevant technical annexes
6. General Considerations
Geographical coverage: The TOT will be conducted in Motot with participants drawn from all TF
FC sites
Training Report Approval: TEARFUND Sudan reserves the right to organize a discussion and
feedback session where the consultant presents completes the training and submits the report,
manuals of the training and the annexes in 5.1 above. The consultant shall incorporate the feedbacks
from input as deemed necessary.
Report Language; the training report shall be written in English
Mode of Submission: The consultant will submit both electronic and CD/USB copies of the
Manuals and report written in Microsoft Word.
Copyright: The TOT report remains as a property of TEARFUND South Sudan. It shall not be
reproduced or distributed by any entity without a prior written consent of TEARFUND South
Timing: February 2nd March through March 23rd March2015
Competencies and composition of the Consultant team
Application for this assignment should clearly include the most important methodological
considerations that the consultant is envisioning to employ. To this end, the following should be clearly
explained in the technical proposal:
The Proposed Curriculum(as per the subject matter)
TOT Training design highlighting the overall steps to be followed
Methods the training delivery
Quality control plan from the consultant/trainer side (TEARFUND will have its own)
Some of the key variables the consultant is wishing to measure by this training (based on the
focus of this TOT training mentioned above)
 Proposed timeline for the assignment (Calendar of the activities).
The TOT training will be conducted by an experienced consultant/trainer who has a track record of
conducting successful IYCF, community outreach, BCC and other nutrition trainings. To this end, the
following team composition is preferred:
Key Skills and Experience
 Master’s degree in Public Health, Nutrition or Public Masters or PhD degree
Health Nutrition (PHN), health promotion or
related field
 Seasoned Trainer of Nutrition, especially the IYCF
and BCC component.
 Experience with social and behaviour change
communication in the rural communities
 Hands on trainer of the UNICEF approved IYCF and
other nutrition components packages
7. Application Pack
Interested applicants are invited to and send electronic copy of application Letter (Signed, stamped
and scanned) on or before March 23rd, 2015 along with the following documents:
1 page expression of interest (EOI)
Two written samples from previous consultancies
Availability for the assignment
Technical proposal not exceeding 10 pages
Detailed operational Work Plan
Financial Proposal including the cost estimates for services to be rendered including daily
consultancy fees in GBP.
Testimonials/Credentials that indicate the experience and competencies of the consultant/
consulting firm.
Detailed curriculum Vitae of the Consultant team (Including that of the Lead consultant and
Degrees of the consulting team. Other testimonials (work experience, publications & trainings
attended) of the team members will be requested before signing the letter of agreement (So
please avoid this bulk from the application pack)
Proposed Training guidelines (not exceeding 12 power point slides)
Valid and Renewed Certificate of Registration of the consultant/consulting firm with the relevant
Government Authority for the Year 2014
Tearfund Application form duly completed
Evaluation Criteria and the Rights of TEARFUND
Applications will be evaluated based on a composite index considering:
The content of the technical proposal
The proposed methodology
Cost effectiveness as reflected by the financial proposal
The related experience of the consultant
The team composition
March 2nd through March 23rd 2015
Note: TEARFUND reserves the right to dismiss this call. In addition, applicants who do not submit all the
required documents mentioned in section 3 above will not be considered for the IYCF and Community Outreach
TOT Consultancy.
Submission Address
Applications should be sent to: and Cc