TERMS OF REFERENCE IMAM AND IYCF TRAINING IN SOUTH CENTRAL SOMALIA MARCH, 2014 Background Oxfam has worked with local Somali organisations to implement Humanitarian Programs in Somalia for over 40 years. Oxfam is working through local partners to rebuild sustainable livelihoods, provide Humanitarian assistance, and advocate for education for all and promote active citizenship and gender justice in Somalia. Oxfam is currently implementing a humanitarian nutrition programme in Hiraan, and Lower Juba regions of Somalia providing cash and nutrition support to children under five, pregnant and lactating mothers as well as promoting preventive approaches like IYCF(infant and young child feeding). Nutrition practitioners involved in emergency nutrition often have to deal with a wide range of needs such as prevention and treatment of moderate and severe malnutrition, promotion and support of IYCF, control and prevention of micronutrient deficiency disorders and management of nutrition information. Somalia is a country that is prone to recurrent shocks especially drought and localised floods around riverine areas. The 2011 famine coupled with previous similar disasters is a clear testament of the level of vulnerability facing livelihoods in Somalia. In addition, infrastructure and welfare standards remain some of the lowest globally while malnutrition rates remain highest in the world especially in south central Somalia.1 Due to these immense challenges, the capacity to deliver humanitarian assistance is usually very limited and often the little available is overstretched or inadequate to provide the much needed quality programme delivery Overall Objective To strengthen the capacity of the Local Organization’s technical staff and the community in the delivering of deliver Quality Nutrition programming and other life saving Nutritional interventions. 1. Specific Objectives on IMAM training: To conduct technical training to the Nurses, Auxiliary Nurses, project managers, supervisors with up to date malnutrition management Provide training on methodologies of screening, detection of malnourished child by demonstrating MUAC screening procedures, treatment and follow up. To provide training different level of management for different components of Malnutrition (severe acute malnutrition Management, Stabilization Centre management and Moderate Malnutrition management) provided Guidelines / Protocol Material in both soft copies, hard Copies to the participants. To provide training on the Management of the severely malnourished children with Medical complication. (Stabilization centre treatment). To equip the community health workers/volunteers on knowledge on importance and causes of malnutrition, Screening using MUAC, , sensitize on importance of IYCF, management of diarrhea in the house etc 2. Specific Objectives on Specific Objectives of Training of Counselors (ToC): The primary objective of training community workers (CWs) or primary health care staff as IYCF Counselors is to equip them with the knowledge, skills and tools to support mothers, fathers and other caregivers to optimally feed their infants and young children. The Facilitator Guide was developed using training methodologies and technical content appropriate for use with CWs. The content focuses on breastfeeding, complementary feeding, feeding the sick/malnourished infant and young child, and infant feeding in the contexts of HIV, CMAM and emergencies. By the end of the training, Participants will be able to: Explain why IYCF practices matter Demonstrate appropriate use of counseling skills (Listening and Learning; Building Confidence and Giving Support [practical help]) and use the set of IYCF Counseling Cards Use the IYCF 3-Step Counseling (‘assess, analyze and act’) with a mother, father or other caregiver Describe recommended feeding practices through the first two years of life Describe how to breastfeed Identify ways to prevent and resolve common breastfeeding difficulties Describe practices for feeding the sick child and the child who has acute malnutrition Qualifications Education and qualifications Post -graduate degree in nutrition or public health. Professional experience At least 5 years experience in field work and coordination with international agencies and organisation in the field of emergency nutrition intervention. Good knowledge of the NGO humanitarian community and cluster approach Knowledge of main nutrition guidelines and practices is necessary (assessment, treatment, surveys, surveillance, monitoring and prevention) Experience in provision of training is compulsory. Experience and knowledge in conducting trainings or working in south central Somalia required. Managerial and organizational Skills Good communication and interpersonal skills. Must be able to facilitate training to staff with low capacity level and ensure the information has been transmitted. Able to deliver quality with a multidisciplinary team of nutrition practitioners. Good written and oral presentation skills. Must be able to work in respect of deadlines. Must be able to organize and plan training. Technical Skills Strong capacity for training, specifically in the domain of nutrition emergency in all its components (planning, treatment and Prevention) Good understanding of nutrition programming in general and emergency nutrition response in particular. Experience in various humanitarian training contexts is essential Fluency in English is required; knowledge of Somali Language is an asset. Duration The Training will take duration of 38 (19 IYCF and 19 IMAM) days in organizing, conducting and reporting. VIII.PROPOSED BUDGET & RENUMERATION To be discussed with the prospective consultancy firm. 1. 40% of the payment will be made upon signing of the contract, 30% after submission of draft report and 30% after submission and approval of the final training report and its accompaniments spelt above. 2. Payment is subject to taxation as per the laws of Kenya- 5% for nationals and 20% for foreigners Note: This should not be taken as a full time engagement for the consultant(s) but rather time specific assignment as in the work plan above. If you believe you fit the job and person profiles please send your application to somaliajobs@oxfam.org.uk the closing date for applications is 7th March 2014