SUBJECT (Week 13) Date: 9 - 13 Nov 2015 Room 45 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 5 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 4 & 6 B-Read Math Triumphs Math Intervention Period 3 DO NOW ACTIVITY Use your flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary being used in this math lesson. Make the Story Problem organizer and highlight a problem you wish to share with the class. Use flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary that you are presently using in this Science lesson. Make flash cards that show how to subtract fractions with like denominators. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE SWBAT evaluate expressions involving whole-numbers, variables, and exponents using the academic vocabulary: variable, algebra, algebraic expression, and coefficient. Students will know that most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries when rocks break and move along faults using academic vocabulary: earthquake, elastic strain, and focus. Students will subtract simple fractions with like denominators using the academic vocabulary: common denominator and like fractions. STANDARDS By the end of the week, students will be able to evaluate an algebraic expression for a given situation, using up to three variables. By the end of the week, students will know that earthquakes are sudden motions along breaks in the crust called faults; and that volcanoes and fissures are locations where magma reaches the surface. By the end of the week, students will be able to solve problems involving subtraction of positive fractions and explain why a particular operation was used for a given situation. ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can you represent a situation using variables? Why is it important to know where geologic events occur at plate boundaries that affect people who lives and property? How do you subtract fractions with like denominators? HOMEWORK Do problems 1 – 43, page 51 to 52. Do Evaluate Expression worksheet, problems 1 to 27. Do CPM Section 5.1 and 5.2, pages 211 to 234. Copy Week 13 Academic vocabulary. Make the foldable on page 243. Copy the Target your Reading on page 245 and answer all questions. Copy and answer questions 1 to 8, page 251. Copy Week 13 Academic vocabulary. Copy and answer questions 1 to 37, pages 13 to 17. Do Examples 1 and 2 Your Turn on pages 11 and 12. TEST Your test will be problems 1 to 27 on the Evaluate Expression worksheet. Your test will be on Brain Pop “Earthquakes”. There are 10 questions. Your test will be Chapter 3 Progress Check 1, problems 1 to 16, page 18. SPECIAL EVENTS November 11th is Veterans Day. No School. Extra credit: Draw all four models on page 247 or make one model. We will be in the Science lab to do the Air racers on Tuesday.