Math 117, Monday Jan 5, 2015: 9 am: Get out a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Answer/write the following. Part I: (1) Your full name (first and last); and SIGNATURE; (2) Preferred email address (if you don't tend to check your panther email); (3) Preferred phone number (yes I call people who don't show for exams); (4) (a) the last math course you took, & from where (high school, matc, uwm, etc.), & when; (b) Have you used ALEKS before? (5) any concerns about this course? TURN THE PAGE OVER ---> Please find the email that I sent you, (alternatively go to: Open the syllabus attachment, and read it. Part II: You can find the following information in the syllabus. After you read the syllabus, answer the following questions. (6) What’s my name? (7) What’s my email address? (8) How many exams will we take in this course, and on what dates? (9) Do you get points for attendance? Explain. (10) How many hours per day (Jan 5 -- 22) should you plan to spend on this course? (11) Suppose Sam gets grades: 85% paper problems average; 90% exam 1, 86% exam 2, 84% final exam; 97% aleks hw, and 93% aleks pie mastery by the end of the course. What grade does Sam get in this class? You will get points for doing this (it counts as today's 'in-class activity' and this is how I am taking attendance). 10 am: What to do next: (1) Read the handout on ALEKS access; (2) Sign up for ALEKS (if you don't already have an account), and sign up for this course (see the course code and instructions in the handout). You'll either need a credit card you can put $36 on, or use the financial aid access code. Then work in Aleks: do the tutorial, take the initial assessment (take your time and try to get questions you may know correct), then start working on the current Objective in 'MyPie'. I'll walk around and answer questions!!!! (Don't leave yet!). HW: Read Chapter 1 in your book. Work on ALEKS, the Objective over Chp 1 is due tomorrow at 11:59 pm. (Tomorrow in class I'll discuss the parts of Chp 1 that ALEKS tells me students are struggling with). Math 117 UWinterim Tuesday Jan 6, 2015 Announcements: syllabus review Paper Problem of the Day: Page 7: Read about The Greek’s Approximation of the Earth’s Circumference, try to understand it, then write out an answer with words (complete sentences) and calculations to answer the following question: HOW did the ancient Greeks know that the sun rays hit the earth at Alexandria at an angle of 7.5 degrees from vertical, at noon on the solstice? Instructions: Write up your answer individually but add your other group members’ names just for my reference. Then work on ALeks, try to finish objective 1 before you leave class today (ask me questions if you get stuck!). Objective 1 is due tonight. Objective 2 is due thurs night but if everyone finishes by Wednesday night we’ll take exam 1 early, then vote on whether to skip class Friday or work ahead and possibly end the course early!!!! Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Wednesday, Jan 7 Announcements: Here’s the basic plan for the term: [1/7] Today: try to finish Chp 2. Chp 2 Aleks is due tomorrow night, try to finish it today. If you didn’t already, READ CHP 2 (and chp 1 before the exam!) If you aren’t confidant, work in the review tab on chp1&2 problems. 9-? am: work in aleks on chp 2 ? am: 15 min in-class activity on chp 2 Rest of class, continue to work on chp 2 [1/8] Thurs: work on Chp 3 (in class). You may want to start by READING chp 3. [1/9] Fri: 9-10 am Exam 1 on Chp 1 and 2. 10-11 (-12:30) work on Chp 3. [1/11] Sunday night aleks chp 3 is due. Ahead: [1/12] Mon: chp 4. Be sure to READ Chp 4. [1/13] Tue: chp 4 (try to start chp 5) Tue night: chp 4 due [1/14] Wed: 9-10 am Exam 2 on Chps 3 and 4. 10-11 (-12:30) work on chp 5 (be sure to READ chp 5) [1/15] Thurs: chp 5 Thurs night: chp 5, part 1 due [1/16] Fri: finish chp 5 and start Chp 6 & 7 [1/18] Sunday night: chp 5, part 2 due [1/19] Mon: no classes (MLK). I recommend you READ chp 6 & 7 and work in aleks. [1/20] Tue: 9-10 am: exam 3 on Chp 5 10-11 (-12:30): work on chp 6 & 7 Tue night: Obj Chp 6 & 7 due [1/21] Wed: review [1/22] Thurs: 9-11 am Final exam – comprehensive Thurs night: Pie Mastery objective due Chp 1/2 Tips: Format of exam: This exam will be in Aleks. It will open at 9 am Friday but you’ll need a password to enter and it is set that you must work it on campus. HOWEVER you will write out complete problem statements and solutions on paper, and that’s what I’ll grade (so you can have partial credit). What to memorize? Sector/arc proportionality and similar triangles (1.1, 1.2) Basic definitions of trig functions (sin = opp/hyp, etc.) for angles 0 to 90 degrees 2 pi rad = 360 degrees The 30-60-90 triangle and the 45-45-90 triangle sidelengths Draw the unit circle, sweep out an angle T, draw the point where it hits the unit circle (the ‘terminal point’), call that point (x,y). Then sin(T) = y and cos(T) = x. In-class activity: go to your ‘review’ tab, pick a chp 2 topic listed, click on it to see an example problem. Do not click ‘explain’. On a sheet of paper, write the problem and write out a solution as if you were writing an example for a textbook --- supply a complete explanation! Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Thursday, Jan 8 Hopefully you followed my advice and focused on chp1+chp 2 yesterday, read the book, and mostly finished the aleks objective that is due tonight. Today I’d like everyone to have finished the objective 2 before they leave class today. Today I prefer people focus on chp 3. Start by reading it (if you didn’t already), then work on the objective. We’ll do an in class activity between 9:30 and 10 today. Tomorrow Exam 1 is 9-10 am then we’ll work on the chp 3 objective in class. Since it is due Sunday, today and tomorrow are your only ‘in person’ chances to ask me questions about it. -----------------Activity: Go to the ‘Review’ tab. Get a piece of paper and a pen. No calculator, no book, no notes. Write out the problem and solution for the following two topics (click on a topic to get a sample problem): -----‘Trigonometric functions and special angles: Problem Type 1’ -----‘Finding trigonometric ratios from a point on the unit circle’ Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Friday Jan 9 9-10:15am: The exam in ALEKS opens up at 9:15 am. No book, no notes, no calculator except the one provided in aleks. You will have 1 hour, there are 8 questions (some are very short). PLEASE SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES!!! Please write out all of your questions and their complete solutions. Do enter your answers in ALEKS but don’t worry about whether you got them right in aleks. Your exam grade will be exclusively determined by me, I will grade your papers and assign grades with partial credit. I recommend you start each problem on a separate sheet of paper so you can have plenty of space and it’s easier for me to follow your work. BE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON EVERY PAGE ________________________________________ 10:15 am: Time to turn to chp 3, Aleks Obj 3 on chp 3 is due Sunday night. In-class activity (open book/notes/neighbor): Write out on paper complete answers to the following questions: (READ 3.1 FIRST) (1) Explain how to remember the x-intercepts for the graph of y = cos(x) by thinking of the unit circle (hint: draw a pic!) (2) Explain how to remember the vertical asymptotes of T(x)=tan(x) by thinking of the unit circle (again, draw a pic or use the one from above). Before you leave, make sure you fully understand how to graph a function of the form y= k + A trig(Bx+C). [3.1, 3.2, 3.3] Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Monday Jan 12 Announcements: We’ll vote on a possible schedule change. Hi all. Many people have struggled with Chp 3 over the weekend. I am considering doing some re-arranging of exams and objectives, to avoid another sunday due date and help us all get through this next week and a half. I may also consider dropping each student's lowest scored objective. So have heart, if you had trouble finishing this weekend, come to class tomorrow and we'll decide together what to do next. If everyone is present and I present an alternative plan and no one objects, I can make changes to the syllabus. Here's what I'm thinking of doing, we'll vote on this tomorrow morning: If several people don't finish the Chp 3 Objective, I can delay the due date of Chp 3 until Monday night. This will open it back up to everyone, but anyone who has finished can just continue on with Chp 4. Then I would add a few of the Chp 5, part 1 topics to the Chp 4 objective and have it due Wednesday this week (rather than Tues). Then we would have our Chps 3 and 4 test in class this Thursday (rather than wednesday), and the second hour of class we'd continue to work on chp 5. We'd continue to work on chp 5 on friday, and the rest of Chp 5 would probably be due on Friday night, to encourage you to have it mostly done by the time you leave class on friday. [Having an objective due sunday did not work, most people spend very little time in aleks after class on friday until tonight around 5 pm, then had trouble. ] OR: I could keep the Chp5, part 2 objective due on Sunday 1/18 and have office hours in the union on Sunday 12-4???? During the long weekend, I'd recommend you spend some time in the ALEKS review tab, and on starting chps 6+7. The Chp 6+7 objective would be due Tues Jan 20 as planned, but there wouldn't be a test on Tues Jan 20, we'd just work on 6+7 in class. Wed Jan 21 we'd review, the Pie Mastery objective would be open, Thurs Jan 22 we'd have our final, which would be basically a one-hour Exam 3 on Chps 5, 6, 7, and then a one hour comprehensive final, and the pie mastery objective would be due Thursday night. So the changes are: --I've removed a total of 9 topics from chps 4, 5, 6 and 7 to make it easier to finish these objectives. Chp 6+7 is now only 9 (not 11) topics. --There will only be 2 exams and a final (not 3 exams and a final), and the second exam will be this Thursday, Jan 15 on Chps 3 and 4. --The Chp 3 objective due date is delayed until tonight (Monday 1/12). Try to finish before you leave class today (monday) if possible! --The Chp 5, part 1 objective has been removed and split up, some added to the Chp 4 objective (so there will be a 12 topic chp 4 + part of chp 5 objective), whose due date has been delayed by one day, due wednesday of this week; and the rest added to the Chp 5, part 2 objective (it will be 12 topics total), whose due date will remain on Sunday and I’ll have office hours Sunday in the union: 10—2, in the area between the grind and the food court). Chp 6+7 still due tues 1/20, no test that day, Pie mastery opens up on aleks, Final is Thursday 1/22: more questions on chps 5, 6, 7 but a few on chps 1, 2, 3, 4. Please let me know if you have any questions. In-class activity: Write out the solution to an aleks problem that you got correct today, put your name on it and hand it in. Chp 3 or 4, whatever you’re working on. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Tuesday Jan 13 Announcements: Chp 4 + a little 5 (the topics on inverses are chp 5) is due on aleks tomorrow (Wednesday) night. Exam 2 on Chps 3 and 4 is Thursday. You do not need to memorize the Half-angle, Double-angle, and sum/difference identities. You can write them on a ‘note sheet’ (nothing else though) and use that during the exam. (You do need to memorize ‘fundamental id’ section 4.1, like Pythagorean, etc.) Drop deadline: Apparently the drop deadline was stated as Jan 9 in PAWS but Jan 14 in the published calendar. I talked to my department chair and he talked with the registrar, and we will do paperwork drop forms for any students who want to drop tomorrow. I’ll have to sign it, I’ll have to walk it over to my department chair who has to sign it, then the student has to go pick it up from the math office (4th floor ems) and walk it over to Mellencamp (sorry). I’ll bring some forms to class tomorrow just in case. My advice to you is to keep trying and hang in there, but legally yes you can drop tomorrow. In-class activity: Get into teams of 2. You only need 1 computer. Find a topic from chp 4 that one of you has mastered but the other hasn’t. Work through 1-2 problems on the topic in the aleks account of the student who hasn’t mastered the topic, the one who has acts a peer tutor, the one who is working on it will write out a solution, and the one who knows how to do it will make sure the written solution is correct, BOTH names go on the paper and you get the same grade. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Wednesday Jan 14 Today: try to finish the objective ‘Chp 4+a little 5’ before you leave, it is due tonight at midnight. AND the Chp 3+4 exam is tomorrow during class. I’ll write the following identities on the board: half angle, double angle, sum and difference. Memorize the ‘fundamental identities’ from sec 4.1 (reciprocal, quotient, Pythagorean, negatives). Update: Sunday 10-2 in union I’ll be in the big computer cluster area (by the Wisconsin room – nearish food court) In-class activity: Write out on a blank sheet of paper ALL of the trig identities from Chp 4. BUT PLEASE this is supposed to help you learn them so please don’t just blindly copy, look at what you’re writing. I’ll quickly check it, give you a score, and hand it back before you go today so you can use it to study. ALL: fundamental (4.1), sum and difference, half-angle, double angle Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Thursday Jan 15 9:15 am: Exam 2 over chps 3 and 4: in Aleks but write out your solutions, I’ll grade it for partial credit. (one hour). Use the following identities: Test: Don’t worry about your aleks score. I will look at your solutions, determine partial credit, and actually go in and adjust the aleks score. Chp 5, part 2 due Sunday, so READ / SKIM CHP 5 . TRY TO GET THROUGH IT MOSTLY TODAY AND TOMORROW. I WILL HAVE OFFICE HOURS ON SUNDAY 10-2 IN UNION. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Friday Jan 16 Today: Try to get most of the way through Chp 5, part 2 (12 topics). It is due Sunday night. I will have office hours in the union Sunday 10 am – 2pm. No class Monday. But then Chp 6 + 7 ( 9 topics) is due Tuesday night, So if you wait until Tues to look at 6+7, you won’t make it through in time. So my advice is to get most of the way through chp 5 today/tomorrow, start reading chp 6, then come get help from me Sunday on any topics of 5 you’re stuck on, then work on chp 6+7, so you can be mostly done by end of class Tuesday. Wednesday we’ll review, the final ‘pie’ objective is open. Thursday is the final in class, the pie objective is due Thurs at 11:59 pm. BE SURE TO CHECK when your account expires. If you haven’t purchased aleks you’ll need to do that soon! Chp 5 in-class activity: Barnett section 5.3 # 58: Explain the difference between evaluating the expression tan-1(-5.377) and solving the equation tan x = -5.377. I encourage you to work with a neighbor on this, write several sentences and draw some pictures. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Tuesday Jan 20 HOME STRETCH!!!! Chp 6 + 7 is due tonight. In-class activity: Write out a solution to the Aleks topic: Solving a word problem using the law of cosines. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Wednesday Jan 21 Today: review! Fill in any missing pieces of your Pi, and work in the review tab. As stated in the syllabus, the % Pie Mastery affects your grade! In order to get a grade of : You need Pie Mastery of: A 100% B 90% C 80% D 70% Note the Pie Mastery objective is due tomorrow at 11:59 pm (so you could go work on it after the exam to improve your grade!). “In-class activity” (due Thursday if you aren’t in class today): Do section 7.1 # 3, 4, 19, and 20. Exam Format: 14 questions = 1 question from each of chps 1—7, then 7 questions chosen evenly from the Chp 5+6+7 topics. All on aleks like before, and I’ll provide the formulas for: Half and double angle, sum and difference, and law of cosines. Math 117 UWinterim 2015: Thursday Jan 22, 9:15—12:15: Final Exam.