Chapter 11: MEIOSIS The Cellular Basis of Sexual Reproduction

Chapter 11: MEIOSIS
The Cellular Basis of Sexual Reproduction
AP Biology Russell
B. Rhodes
Introduction Terms
• Fertilization = combining genes from two sources of DNA
• Zygote = egg cell DNA + DNA from sperm form first cell of embryo;
aka fertilized egg cell
• Gametes = cells produced by meiosis that are haploid
• Somatic cells = body cells
• Gametogenesis = making gametes
• Spermatogenesis
• oogenesis
11.1 Overview: Mechanisms of Meiosis
• Halving of chromosome number; so each parent contributes ½ of DNA
• Number is restored at fertilization – not meiosis
• Generates variety in ways
• Genes from two parents
• Gametes are not identical (daughter cells have variety)
• Eukaryotes that are at least diploid
• Replication is during one premeiotic interphase
• Paired chromatids from homologous chromosomes (4) participate in
crossing over (trade regions of chromosome arms)
More 11.1
Sets of chromatids move together toward the poles (don’t segregate now)
Align as tetrads (sets of 4) on metaphase plane
No DNA replication between phases I and II
Independent assortment
Segregation in meiosis II
• 4 (potentially) different gametes that are haploid
Interactions and distribution
of homologous chromosomes
• HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES – two chromosomes in a diploid cell that
have the same genes in the same order. One is the paternal chromosome
(from the sperm or pollen cell) and the other is the maternal
chromosome ( from the egg cell)
• Versions of genes on chromosomes are called ALLELES
• Gene is region of DNA that codes for a protein (or polypeptide)
• Different versions of genes are Alleles;
• so Gene = eye color and Alleles = brown and blue versions of proteins
• Meiosis separates homologous chromosomes
• Need to ensure that each gamete gets one of each of all the
chromosomes and only one.
Meiosis – short version pg 227
Meiosis - Long version pg 228-229
Other events
• Nondisjunction = homologous pairs fail to split and one gamete has
2 copies of a chromosome ( trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome)
• Sex chromosomes are XX and Xy
• X can pair with X or Y and are homologous through short region
Practice Compare and Contrast
• Mitosis and meiosis both…
• Only mitosis ….
• Only meiosis ….
• They are different because…..
Comparison pg 230
Make sure you can
compare and contrast
Mitosis and Meiosis
11.2 Overview:
Mechanisms That Enhance Genetic Variability
• 1. crossing over
• 2. independent assortment
• 3. random union of gametes
• Regions of homologous chromosomes exchange so you have different combinations of
alleles than either parent - still have same genes in same order
• Recombinants
• Remember to think 3-D
• Of pairs of chromosomes during Meiosis I
• You are getting one of each set, but combos of maternal and paternal
• Segregation happens in Meiosis II ( second division without replication to make 4 haploid
gamete cells)
• Presumably random combination of gametes from female parent and male parent (many
many sperm or pollen and only one will fertilize egg)
• …. 223 = over 8 million ….. 8 million x 8 million = 64 trillion (Closer to 70) combos from
same parents EACH offspring ….?!
• Odds of being genetically identical to a sibling that isn’t a twin 
11.3 Overview:
The Time and Place of Meiosis in Organismal Life Cycles
• 3 options for how cell spends time either diploid or haploid
• A: Animals spend most of life in diploid phase and make cells by mitosis
only do meiosis to make haploid gametes
• B: Plants and some fungi do Alternation of Generation; fertilization
produces diploid sporophytes make spores that are haploid and grow by
mitosis into gametophytes - these gametophytes produce eggs and pollen
that fuse making the diploid sporophytes….. :-?
• C: some fungi and protists fertilize making haploids then haploid cells
make gametes directly….
• PAGE 234
Meiotic Life Cycles