
3rd Year Spanish (Spanish 5/6) Profa. Daniels
(360) 802-7707/ Room 141
Hablar otra lengua es entrar en otro mundo y otro parte del alma.
(To speak another language is to enter another world and another part of the soul.)
Course Description & Objectives
In 3rd year Spanish, students will continue mastering the Spanish language. Students will build additional
vocabulary and their understanding of communicative grammar. The students will participate and work toward
building proficiency in the five areas of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture. Speaking
activities and skills will become a heightened priority in this course.
In order to successfully complete this class, the student will:
 Work in pairs and groups with her/his peers
 Communicate in Spanish as often as possible
 Build vocabulary and an understanding of Spanish grammar
 Learn about and appreciate Spanish speaking culture
Use of Spanish & Course Challenge
Students should expect to be challenged at a much higher level than in previous Spanish courses—third year
Spanish is excellent preparation for the College Spanish course. Sections of the class are taught in Spanish and
students are expected to communicate in Spanish to the best of their ability. Student use of Spanish in class
activities will regularly be factored into grade.
Spanish Class Supplies
Students are expected to come to class prepared. Materials are available in the classroom for projects and
vocabulary cards – however students need to have materials at home to complete projects after class.
Supplies you need access to at home:
 Small box of crayons and/or colored pencils
 Glue stick (liquid glue NOT RECCOMENDED for vocab cards)
 Scissors
 Single-whole punch
 Highlighters
 Small set of markers
3” Ring for vocabulary cards
o Spanish club has vocab rings available for purchase -- $1 each!
Grading/Course Elements
20% Participation & Use of Spanish
Participation is essential in learning a language because, for the majority of students, class is the only
opportunity students have to listen to and practice speaking Spanish with other students who are at the same
language level. It is vital that students are engaged in class, speaking, listening and learning during class
time. Each unit students will be given a participation grade based on the combination of oral participation and
cooperation—the majority of these points will be kept on the seating chart and students are welcome to check
their points throughout the chapter. Additional participation grades will be given for in-class activities such as:
skits, partner-activities, work with music and film, and listening activities. In-class participation activities
cannot be made-up if a student is absent. Attendance & participation are KEY COMPONENTS to student
success in this course.
50% Tests & Quizzes
Students will be frequently assessed through quizzes and unit tests. These will include both oral and written
assessments of language acquisition skills focusing on comprehension, fluency, grammar, and use of
25% Homework, Vocab Cards, Projects
Homework will be assigned most every day. This will be checked in class daily by use of a homework
calendar system. The stamped homework calendars will be collected when they are filled. It is the student’s
responsibility to keep his/her stamped calendar in a safe place and not lose it; without it, the students will not
receive any homework points. Occasionally work will be turned-in for teacher-grading. Please turn-in all work
for grading to the basket for your class period.
5% Culture Credit
Part of learning another language is also learning about the cultures where that language is spoken. We will be
learning about the origins of Spanish, where it is spoken and about different cultures in the Spanish-speaking
world. Students will be responsible for attending or participating in functions related to the Spanish-speaking
world or for listening, viewing, or reading about the Spanish-speaking world. Students will keep a portfolio of
cultural assignments each semester. Culture credit is always due 2 WEEKS before end of semester but can be
turned in at any time before that. Students have all semester to complete this work and if they are absent on the
deadline and do not make arrangements to have their worked dropped off they will receive a ZERO. No late
culture credit will be accepted.
Extra Credit
Throughout the course students will have the opportunity to earn pesos. Students may earn pesos for
volunteering to speak or perform in front of the class, for helping out another student, for working quietly or
efficiently, and in numerous other positive situations. I will always be on the look-out to distribute pesos to
deserving students. Students can then use the pesos for extra credit points. Occasionally I will offer extra-
credit questions on quizzes/tests and also extra credit homework assignments. I offer extra credit
opportunities TO ALL STUDENTS EQUALLY. I will not make arrangements for one specific
student to earn extra credit.
Grading Scale
**EHS Standard Grade Scale is used for this course.**
Classroom Policies:
 Be on time to class.
 Sit in your assigned seat.
 Cell phones are put away in backpacks/pockets unless they are being used for an
activity in class and teacher has granted permission for their use.
Treat each other and the classroom with respect at all times.
Please do not talk while I am talking or other students are speaking/ presenting.
Participate to your fullest ability. There is no “opting-out” of activities.
Be prepared for class.
This includes having your: pencil, pen, paper, current
handouts/notes, vocabulary cards, supplies, and completed assignments.
Doing work for other classes during Spanish time is not tolerated without teacher
permission. The same rule applies for games or other items, which are not for the Spanish
classroom (such as: magazines, yearbooks, rubix cubes, legos, GI Joes, game consoles
Sometimes class will extend beyond the bell – please wait for teacher to dismiss you.
Do not line up at the door. Students are dismissed from their seats.
Loss of participation points – this will lower your participation grade.
Loss of classroom privileges
Parental Contact
Referral to Administrator
Homework Policies
 Homework and projects must be your own work unless it is a cooperative assignment.
Any copied or plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade and will be reported to an
administrator. Beware of online plagiarism (i.e. Google Translate). It is easy to spot and
carries the same consequences.
 Homework is due at the beginning of the class and must be complete to receive credit.
You will not receive a stamp if your work is incomplete, you did not follow instructions, or if
I see you “rushing to finish” your work as I am checking it off.
o Students will receive “late work passes” at the start of each quarter to use to turn
in late work.
Late work passes can be used on “stamped-assignments,”
vocabulary cards, and review packets. The completed work must be submitted
with the pass attached. When a late-work pass is used students will receive fullcredit on the assignment. Occasionally, students will have opportunities to earn
additional late work passes as classroom rewards! At the end of the semester
remaining passes can be turned in for extra credit.
 It is the student’s responsibility to check the ABSENT BINDER to get copies of missed
handouts as well as to review the notes of what activities they may have missed. The
notes in the binder will keep you up to date on whether we had a quiz or if anything was
turned in.
 After reviewing the absent binder if you have further questions, you may come in
OUTSIDE OF CLASS (CORE or after school) with questions or needs relating to make-up
work. Student has the number of days they are excused absent to make up homework.
 Presentations/Skits and major projects will have set due dates and are due on the
established day—late work will have substantial deductions. Late work passes will not be
accepted for these items. If a student plans to be absent or has an unexpected
absence on a presentation/project due date they must make arrangements to have the
work brought in to school, emailed, etc.
Culture Credit will not be accepted late. Late work passes cannot be used on Culture
Credit. All of the dates for culture credit will be identified to the students at the start of
the school year and students will have the opportunity to turn in that work all semester up
to the deadline. Nothing will be accepted after the deadline.
Test & Quiz Policies
 If you are absent on a quiz or test day, it is your responsibility to arrange a make-up time
with me as soon you return to school. The best time to make up a quiz or test is at CORE
or after school. A maximum of 5 school days after the quiz/test was given will be
allowed to make-up a quiz or test. After this time, the quiz/test will be handed back to
the class and the student will not be able to make-up.
 Your test will be marked “missing” with a “zero” grade until it is made up.
 Students may not have access to cellphones during a quiz or a test. Students are also
not allowed to leave the room during a quiz or test. Please use restroom before class on
a test day.
 During tests, talking or looking at other students' tests will cause an immediate zero. Be
sure to bring a book or other class work to keep you busy until all have finished. The
classroom is silent until all are done.
 Write clearly. If it can't be read, it is marked incorrect. Be sure to print if your writing is