PAP Spanish III

¡Bienvenidos al Español 3!
Instructor: Edward Curran
Phone: 512-594-
Portable Number: 4
In all courses of Languages Other Than English, (LOTE) students will further explore the five Cs at the advanced proficiency level:
Communication (speaking, listening, reading, writing in a variety of formats--students will acquire additional vocabulary and
sophistication in their use of target language through projects, literature, intensified oral practice and the study of grammatical
constructions all within the context of a real-world setting; culture (understanding of the people, practices, products and perspectives);
connections (with other subject areas); comparisons (own culture/language with another); and communities (using language beyond the
school setting for personal and career development). This course is taught primarily in Spanish.
What we will do in Spanish 3:
 Have fun!
 Work in cooperative groups
 Speak, read, and write Spanish!
Classroom Expectations
Be honest
No negativity (Stress-free classroom)
Respect others –physically, emotionally, and culturally
Do your personal best
No cell phones or IPods unless we are using them as a resource during a lesson or activity
Materials you will need EVERY DAY:
Pencil/ Pen
Textbook - ¡Exprésate! Level 3
Small composition book that will serve as an interactive notebook and study resource
Markers or colored pencils for the various art projects we do to make Spanish fun
2 different color highlighters
Spanish / English Dictionary (recommended)
501 Spanish Verbs (recommended)
Grade Breakdown:
80-70% C
70-60% D
Major grades 80%
Minor grades 20%
All teachers at Hendrickson use online grades. You can check your grades on the school website in txMyZone under
the Students Resources tab. If you have questions about your grades, please talk to me. I want you to succeed and
will be happy to explain anything or help you.
Exams, Quizzes, Essays & Projects:
One test, one quiz and one project will be given each chapter. Tests consist of listening, writing, speaking, grammar,
and vocabulary components.
Homework is checked almost daily for completion. NO credit is given for incomplete homework!
You may receive ½ credit for homework the following day but it is your responsibility to show me
the work. Because Spanish must be learned through practice, you can plan on having homework
every night.
Missing class:
 If possible, before you come back… stop by my room and find out what you missed or ask a
classmate that you can trust.
 On the day of your return to school...Check the folders on the bulletin board for any
handouts and copy notes (if any) from a reliable classmate.
 If you missed a test or quiz, e-mail or come see me immediately to set up a time to make up
the assessment.
Academic Integrity
I adhere to the rules of Hendrickson High School and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If
you are caught cheating or using Google translation for your assignments, you will receive a zero on
the assignment or exam and will have a detention with me. A call home may result as well.
EXTRA HELP & RESOURCES AVAILABLE: You are strongly encouraged to seek extra help
immediately if ever you feel that you are starting to fall behind. I want to help you become reflective,
meaningful learners who are able to self-advocate and seek assistance when necessary. You will be
amazed at how far even fifteen minutes of extra help will go.
General suggestions for success in Spanish
 Study a little bit each night
 Keep up with daily homework
 Do the class work—DO NOT do homework during class.
 Participate! Respond to and ask questions, take part in discussions
 Keep your materials organized.
 Get help as soon as you need it!
 Take notes during class.
 Get over your fear of sounding “stupid” when you speak Spanish.
 Help others.
 Make flash-cards / image cards
 Do on-line practices at Exprésate Level 2
 Make up tests and quizzes within a week. Especially for Spanish, you will lose a lot of
information or confuse old and new vocabulary as well as grammar concepts. I cannot
stress enough how important it is to make up tests and quizzes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
¡Buena suerte y diviértanse! Good luck and have fun! I’m excited about getting to know you and
look forward to a great year. You have started on a path that will allow you to communicate with a
diverse set of people, will open your eyes to many new cultures, and will make you a more fulfilled
citizen of your community and the world.
This class will be challenging, and it will be extremely rewarding. In order for each of us to be
successful, we must work together as a cohesive team. There is no possible way to learn a language
without interpersonal interaction. You will find this classroom to be a safe, cooperative environment
where you are free to make mistakes, share your ideas, and learn about world around you.
Please know that I am here to help you in any way I can. If there is ever any concern you have,
anything you would like me to know, or anything I can do to help you have a more positive and
fulfilling class experience, please do not hesitate to come in and let me know. I am looking forward
to a wonderful year in Spanish 3. ¡Bienvenidos y prepárense para un año fantástico!
Sr. Curran
I understand the expectations for my Spanish 3 class. I will strive to meet these
I understand Mr. Curran expects me to study what we learned in class outside of class
and to practice using the language with as many Spanish speakers as possible in order to
truly learn to speak the language.
I understand that Mr. Curran is usually available to help me or to attend tutorials on B
days before school. If B day falls on a Monday, I can be found at under the bus loop
doing duty.
I understand that besides bringing a pen or pencil to class, I need to bring my
composition book to every class session so that we may add to it after each lesson and
refer back to it in order to review previously taught information.
Student signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________
Parent signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
have / do not have internet access at home (please circle one)