Biomed Weekly Plans (OGT week) Week 25-Mr. Rabold Monday Objectives: -formally evaluate student understandings of nutrient acquisition, osmoregulation and thermoregulation. -identify location of endocrine system glands -differentiate between endocrine and exocrine -state which hormones are produced by which glands -explain regulation of several antagonistic hormone systems including: blood sugar, calcium levels, and thyroid hormones. -describe function of common hormones produced by each gland. -To present a story of pituitary disruption, and thus bring the list of pituitary functions to life. -To see the effects of the pituitary on a variety of physiological functions. -To introduce students to problem-solving and working from data to theory. -List the thyroid hormones and describe their actions. -Describe the symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism. -Understand the role of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in regulation of thyroid hormone levels. -Describe the basic etiology of Graves’ disease. -Describe the common tests used to diagnose Graves’ disease as well as the options for treatment. Process: Bacteria Talk-Bonnie Bassler ( Mammalian Endocrine System Part 1. MI-3.2.3-Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention (due next Monday) Introduce Case Studies. Half groups do each one. (due next Monday) It's Just Stress Right (endocrine system) Chemical Eric (endocrine system) Closure: Students working on capstone data processing, finishing case studies HW: Read Chapter 45, capstone data processing, MI 3.2.3, Case study _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday Process: Art _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday Objectives: -formally evaluate student understandings of nutrient acquisition, osmoregulation and thermoregulation. -identify location of endocrine system glands -differentiate between endocrine and exocrine -state which hormones are produced by which glands -explain regulation of several antagonistic hormone systems including: blood sugar, calcium levels, and thyroid hormones. -describe function of common hormones produced by each gland. -To present a story of pituitary disruption, and thus bring the list of pituitary functions to life. -To see the effects of the pituitary on a variety of physiological functions. -To introduce students to problem-solving and working from data to theory. -List the thyroid hormones and describe their actions. -Describe the symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism. -Understand the role of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in regulation of thyroid hormone levels. -Describe the basic etiology of Graves’ disease. -Describe the common tests used to diagnose Graves’ disease as well as the options for treatment. Process: Mammalian Endocrine System Part 2. MI-3.2.3-Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention (due next Monday) Case Studies. Half groups do each one. (due next Monday) It's Just Stress Right (endocrine system) Chemical Eric (endocrine system) Closure: Students working on capstone data processing, finishing case studies HW: Read Chapter 45, capstone data processing, MI 3.2.3, Case study _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday Process: Art _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday Process: Guest Speaker-Carlos Castro-DNA Origami Body Systems “last chance”-Case study-“The 2000 Meter Row”. On your own, due next Friday.