SEMESTER EXAM PRACTICE TEST SOLFEGE PRACTICE • On your scratch paper write the correct answer to the following solfege writing examples. 1. A. R RM F R M RS R MF L R B. D DR M D S C. D DR M D R M F S D. R R M F R M RS L R D A 1. A. R RM F R M RS R MF L R B. D DR M D S D C. D DR M D R M F S A D. R R M F R M RS L R 2. A. D L D F D R MR D B. T S R M R D RD T C. D L D R D RM R D D. D S D F D R MR D 2. A. D L D F D R MR D B. T S R M R D RD T C. D L D R D RM R D D. D S D F D R MR D 3. A. D D M D D F D S B. R D M D D F D F C. D D R D D F D M D. D D M F D F D D 3. A. D D M D D F D S B. R D M D D F D F C. D D R D D F D M D. D D M F D F D D RHYTHM PRACTICE • On your scratch paper write the correct answer to the following rhythm examples. 4. A. 1 2 te 3 4 B. 1 2 te 3 4 C. 1 D. 1te 2 3 (4) 2te (3) f 4. A. 1 2 te 3 B. 1 2 te C. 1 2te D. 1te 2 3 (4) 4 3 (3) 4 f 5. A. 1 (2) te B. 1 (-)2 C. 1 (-) (3) D. 1 te 3 3 (-) (-)te 3 (-) (-) (-) 5. A. 1 (2) te B. 1 (-)2 C. 1 (-) (3) D. 1 te 3 3 (-) (-)te 3 (-) (-) (-) 6. A. 1 (2) te (3) B. 1 (-)2 C. 1 (-)te ( ) D. 1 (-)te (-) 4 te 3 4 4 (-) 6. A. 1 (2) te (3) B. 1 (-)2 C. 1 (-)te ( ) D. 1 (-)te (-) 4 te 3 4 4 (-) Write the definition to the following vocabulary words. Diaphragm Diaphragm The abdominal muscle that supports the lungs and aids in air flow. Posture Posture The correct way to stand when singing. Soft Palette Soft Palette The part at the back, top of the throat that lifts for high notes. Jaw and Lip Position Jaw and Lip Position The correct way to hold your jaw and lips when singing. Diction Diction The correct way to prounouce words when speaking or singing. I chord I chord st A triad build on the 1 scale degree (Do Mi So) IV Chord IV chord A triad build on the 4th scale degree (Fa La Do) V Chord V chord A triad build on the 5th scale degree (So Ti Re) Sight-reading Sight-reading Reading or singing music that you have not seen before. Solfege Solfege A system of notes on the staff that use Do, Re Mi etc. Audiate Audiate To sing in your head Metronome Metronome A device used to keep the beat at various tempos. Tempo Tempo The speed at which a piece of music is performed. Fermata Fermata A sign that tells you to hold a note longer than it’s normal value. Sharp Sharp Moves the note up a ½ step. Flat Flat Moves the note down a ½ step. Decresendo Decresendo Gradually get softer Cresendo Cresendo Gradually get louder. Polish Polish Detailed working the music Audience Etiquette Audience Etiquette The correct way to behave while watching a performance. Time Signature Time Signature The sign at the beginning of the music that tells how many beats per measure and which note gets the beat. Key Signature Key Signature The sharps or flats at the beginning of a piece of music that tell you the key (or where DO goes) Ritardando Ritardando Gradually get slower. A capella A capella Singing with no instruments or accompaniment. Phrase Phrase A musical sentence. Pianissimo Pianissimo Very soft (double soft) pp piano Piano soft - p mezzo piano mezzo piano medium soft - mp mezzo forte mezzo forte medium loud - mf forte Forte loud - f fortissimo Fortissimo very loud (double loud) ff