Unit 4 Chemistry Warm Ups

Mrs. Hilliard
1. Density
13.Molar Mass
2. Kelvin
14.Empirical Formula
3. Kilogram
15.Molecular Formula
4. Liter
5. Meter
6. Second
7. Conversion Factor
8. Dimensional Analysis
9. Scientific Notation
10.Significant Figure
11.Avogadro’s Number
Density- The amount of mass per
unit volume.
2. Kelvin- the SI base unit for
temperature in which there are no
negative numbers.
3. Kilogram- the SI base unit for mass.
4. Liter- the metric unit for volume
equal to one cubic decimeter.
5. Meter- the SI base unit for length.
6. Second- the SI base unit for time.
7. Conversion Factor- a ratio of
equivalent values used to express
the same quantity in different units.
8. Dimensional Analysis- uses
conversion factors to move from one
unit to another.
9. Scientific Notation- expresses or
represents any number as a number
from 1 to 10 multiplied by 10 raised
to a power. (1.4 x 105)
10. Significant Figure- the number of
all known digits reported in
measurements plus one estimated
11. Avogadro’s Number- the number
6.02x1023, which is the number of
representative particles in a mole.
12. Mole- the SI base unit used to
measure the amount of a substance,
the number of carbon atoms in
exactly 12g of carbon is a mole.
13. Molar Mass- the mass in grams of
one mole of any pure substance.
14. Empirical Formula- a formula that
shows the smallest whole-number
mole ratio of a compound.
15. Molecular Formula- a formula that
specifies the actual number of
atoms of each element in one
molecule of a substance.
1. How many significant figures are in
2. How many
3. How many
4. How many
5. How many
6. How many
7. How many
significant figures are in 7000
significant figures are in
significant figures are in
significant figures are in 503?
significant figures are in
significant figures are in
8. Write 0.0000524 g in scientific notation.
9. Write 0.00918 dL in scientific notation.
10.Write 0.0000107mm in scientific notation.
11.Write 13,000,000 cm in scientific notation.
12.Write 150,000 m in scientific notation.
13.Write 925,000, 000 kg in scientific notation.
14.Expand 1.25x10 4
15.Expand 5.38x10 -3
16.Expand 4.02x10 -7
17.Expand 6.3x10 9
18.Expand 8.6x10 3
19.Convert 45°F to °C.
20.Convert 90°C to K.
21.Convert 25kg to cg.
°𝑭 − 𝟑𝟐
22.Convert 16Hg to dg.
23.Convert 18g to mg. °F = °C x 1.8 + 32
24.Convert 150mL to L.
25.Convert 10KL to mL.
26.Convert 5m to km.
27.Convert 20km to mm.
28.Convert 200 cm to m.
K = °C + 273
°C = K - 273
29.Find the molar mass of NaCl.
30.Find the molar mass of KOH.
31.Find the molar mass of Cu(NO3)2.
32.Find the molar mass of MgBr2.
33.Find the molar mass of HCl.
34.Find the molar mass of Mg(OH) 2.
35.Find the molar mass of FeO.
36.Find the molar mass of Cu3(SO4)2.
37.Find the molar mass of N2O.
38.Find the molar mass of KCl.
39.Find the molar mass of CaI2.
40.What is the percent composition
of each element in Na2CO3?
41.What is the percent composition
of each element in Li3PO4?
42.What is the percent composition
of each element in HF?
43.What is the percent composition
of each element in CaCl2?
44.What is the percent composition
of each element in Mg(OH)2?
45.How many moles are in 12.2g of
46.How many grams is 120 moles of
47.How many moles is 8.6g of Li2O?
48.How many grams is 45 moles of
49.How many moles is 141g of FeCl2?
50.How many grams is 8 moles of
51.How many molecules are in 0.25 moles
of Al(NO3)3?
52.How many moles is 1.8 x 10 24 molecules
of Sn(OH)2?
53.How many molecules are in 3 moles of
54.How many moles is 4.2 x 10 24 molecules
of MgCl2?
55.How many molecules are in 21 moles of
56.How many moles is 2.7 x 10 24 molecules
of KI?
57.How many grams is 2.6 X 10 20 atoms of
58.How many grams is 3.8 X 10 21 atoms of
59.How many grams is 7.1 X 10 24 atoms of
60.How many molecules are in 281 grams of
H 20 2?
61.How many molecules are in 897 grams of
62.How many molecules are in 35 grams of HF?