Energy in Ecosystems: Terminology: Ecosystem: All the living things and non-living things in a given area that interact with one another. It may be small (like a rotting log) or large (like the Pacific Ocean). Biotic: Describes any living (eg: organisms such as plants, animals, bacteria, fungi). Abiotic: Describes anything non-living (eg: soil, temperature, water, rainfall, wind.) Ecology: The study of the way an organism interacts with other organisms and with the Abiotic parts of an ecosystem. Exercise your knowledge: For each term create an Acrostic Poem. To create an Acrostic Poem, write the word out vertically and then create a short sentence relating to the term for each letter. An example for the letter E in Ecology: E cology is the study of organisms and how they interact. C O Continue to work down the word and for each letter create a short sentence about that term. Ecosystem Examples: 1) Grass is the Producer. It is eaten by the Grass Hopper. This is an example of a Food Chain: The Grass Hopper is the First Order Consumer. It is eaten by frogs. The Frog is the Second Order Consumer. It is eaten by Snakes. The Snake is the Third Order Consumer. It is eaten by Eagles. These are the Consumers! The Eagle is the Fourth Order Consumer. 2) This is another example of a Food Chain: In this example the sun is the Producer. It allows the grass to create food for itself. Grass is the First Order Consumer. Rabbits will eat the grass. The Rabbit is the Second Order Consumer. The rabbits will get eaten by the Coyote. These are the Consumers! 3) This is an example of a Food Web: Snake Shrew Cougar Mouse Deer Rabbit Insects Grasses The Coyote is the Third Order Consumer. It uses energy gained from eating the rabbit. 4) This is another example of a Food Web: Bear Wolf Deer Red Fox Skunk Birds Bees Toad Mice Rabbit Insects Blossoms Nuts Oak Bark Leaves Blossoms Activities: 1) Using Example 1 explain what would happen to the Food Chain if Grass Hoppers no longer existed. 2) Using Example 2 explain what would happen to the Food Chain if the Coyote Species no longer existed. 3) Using Example 3 explain what would happen to the Food Web if the Mice and Rabbit species no longer existed. 4) Using Example 4 explain what would happen to the Food Web if Toad, Skunk and Red Fox Species no longer existed. 5) Create your own Food Chain using your favourite animals. 6) Create your own Food Chain using animals and plants that live in Australia. 7) Using the following list of Animals and Plants, fill in the blanks on the Food Chain and Food Web. Insects Dingo 1) Grass 2) Possum .