Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle
Assignment: Choose a company who was at one time an industry leader, who is currently in the maturity or decline stage of
the product life cycle. Analyze the marketing mix for the existing company to help identify market challenges. Then develop
3 marketing strategies to help move back the product on the product life cycle.
 Is the product outdated?
 Who is the intended target market? Is it the best target market?
 What makes the product different than the competition? Who is the direct competition? Indirect?
 Could changes make the product more desirable?
 Is the current packaging appealing?
 What image does the product reflect?
2. Price:
 What is the current price? How does it compare to the competition?
 Does this price reflect the image of the product?
3. Place:
 Where is the product currently marketed?
Mature or Declining
 Does the image of the place match the image of the product?
 Does the place reach the intended target market?
4. Promotion:
 What are current and past promotions for this product? What
1. Ovaltine
market segment do they appeal to? Are they successful? Why or
2. Levi’s
Why not?
3. Radio Shack
 Describe a new creative promotion to revive product.
3 Marketing Strategies to revive product
5. Sears
6. Hallmark Stores
7. Dunkin’ Donuts
8. 7-11
9. Pizza Hut
10. Cracker Jacks
11. Ford
12. GM
13. Chrysler Mini Vans
14. Baskin Robbins
15. KFC