SUBJECT: CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL CAREER COMPLEX WEEKLY LESSON PLAN OVERVIEW TEACHER: Lora Little Health Science 1 DATE: December 2, 2013 UNIT THEME: Medical terminology abbreviations F,G,h and word parts 35-55 Muscular system OBJECTIVE(S): 1. Describe and apply knowledge related to the human muscular and skeletal systems. (DOK 2) HSF1, HSF10, AP5 a. Interpret the basic structures and functions of the muscular system and types of muscle movement. b. Interpret the basic structures and functions of the skeletal system. c. Apply the principles of safety and body mechanics for positioning, transferring, turning, ambulating, and transporting patients in order to perform activities efficiently without injury to the patient or self; use appropriate equipment (e.g., stretcher, wheelchair, and pneumatic lift) safely. d. Demonstrate knowledge of medical terminology related to the anatomy of the skeletal system. 2. Qualify for or obtain American Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare Provider Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification and First Aid Certification. (DOK 2) HSF1, HSF7, AP5 DATE OF EVALUATION:(TEST) Periodic daily quizzes, Test next week METHODOLOGY : SUMMARY OF DAILY ASSIGNEMENTS MONDAY: BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK Muscular system worksheet Anatomy Arcade muscular system as reinforcement TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY TECHNOLOGY BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK muscular system worksheet and discussion muscular system labeling lab and organs in torso F,G,H abbreviations in notebook and quizlet BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK F,g,h abbreviations, word parts #36-55 Range of Motion, crutches, walkers, canes skill lab First aid packet BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK muscular system review game on projector/quizlet muscular system worksheet and discussion muscular system labeling lab and organs in torso F,g,h abbreviations, word parts #36-55 Trip to Hinds Community College Nursing Allied Health Center 8:20-1:30 Mac books for, canvas and classjump Flashcards are posted on and Canvas for quizzes resource information on