Schools of Art and Design

11 Times Square
Boardrooms 2700A and B
New York, NY
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
12:00 p.m.
Pratt’s fall enrollment is 4,623 students of which 3,144 (68 percent) was undergraduate and
1,479 (32 percent) graduate. Preliminary spring enrollment is 4,304, down 89 from last year at
this time and up four students from our budget goal. Our current undergraduate enrollment
estimate is 2,983, which is 51 more students over goal and 40 more than last spring. Our
spring 2014 graduate enrollment is projected at 1,337 students, down 31 students from goal
and 129 students from our graduate enrollment last spring.
Our fall 2014 admissions report to date looks good. Our prospects are 28,043, about three
percent greater than last year at this time. We have record applications of 10,061, up six
percent over last year at this time.
Of our total applications to date we have accepted 859 or nine percent more than last year at
this time. We have increased freshman acceptances by 10 percent, transfers by four percent,
and graduate by eight percent.
As will be noted later in the report we are increasing scholarships to undergraduate students
and making all graduate scholarships renewable, which will in effect double their scholarship
amount over two years.
According to our 2013 survey of admitted students research findings, Pratt is now the first
choice for 73 percent of its enrolling students compared with 67 percent in 2011. Our strategic
goal is that by 2017, Pratt will increasingly be the first choice school for applicants and in
reputation will be well known in the professions, high schools, colleges, and among other
competitive schools for the quality of students it attracts. This significant change is in part the
result of an increasing number of applications and enrollments to Pratt’s top ranked programs
in interior design and industrial design.
More survey findings about Pratt’s strength in attracting and matriculating accepted students
include the following:
1. We compared how accepted students felt about their campus tour, information
sessions, Accepted Students Day, and admissions videos with competitive schools.
Pratt received the highest rating on all of these events when compared with major
2. Over the last three years, accepted applicants continued to increase their ratings of the
campus tour, information sessions, Accepted Students Day, and admissions videos.
3. Over 65 percent of our enrolling students visited the campus. Of these, 56 percent
said the visit was excellent and 42 percent said it was good.
4. Twenty-nine percent of the non-enrolling accepted students said cost was the major
reason for non-enrollment.
5. Pratt has changed and improved its marketing messages to reflect the growing
importance of reputation, rankings, and prestige especially with the dramatic shift of
concern for cost becoming a much more criterion for application and enrollment in a
college today.
In our 2013 survey, we found that 61 percent of accepted students felt the cost of Pratt is an
important consideration for enrollment, whereas in 2007, 44 percent of accepted students
expressed this concern. We also found in 2013 that 56 percent of accepted students felt that
academic reputation was very important for choosing a college whereas in 2007, 48 percent
felt that way.
In tracking analysis of Pratt’s first e-mail blast to junior prospects in 2012, we found the links
to Pratt’s rankings were the third most sought after clicks, with “requesting a catalog” and
“academic programs” first and second. Rankings of institutions, departments and majors are
soaring in importance for applicants making decisions for college choices.
Financial Aid
Pratt’s financial aid budget increased modestly this year with only a 1.7 percent increase. The
following shows the last two years of financial aid along with the current 2013-2014 budget
Percentage Increase
*This is an estimate since the academic year is not yet complete.
The large increase of 9.3 percent in financial aid for 2012-2013 was primarily in graduate
student scholarships and international undergraduate scholarships to reverse declining yields.
Recently, there’s been interest in knowing more about the financial aid awarded international
students. The financial aid discount average for the past five years for domestic and
international students is as follows:
Domestic Students
International Students
Total Average Percent
Five-Year Average
Five-Year Average
Pratt Tuition Discount
For Graduate Students
For Freshman Students
For Undergraduates
In general, student tuition discounts have been increasing modestly over the last five years due
to our awarding more and larger scholarships to students based upon need and merit.
Student Ratios
After many years of planning and effort, Pratt has developed a very strongly oriented, fulltime student body. Today, 97 percent of undergraduate students are full-time and 89 percent
of graduate students are full-time. It is unusual for colleges to have as high a full-time
graduate ratio as Pratt’s.
Our gender and race ratios are similar to other art and design schools.
For the past three years, Pratt’s student racial and ethnic diversity has increased modestly as
12.6% 13.7% 12.6%
3.7% 5.0% 5.1%
7.4% 8.8% 9.0%
43.8% 49.9% 45.0%
19.1% 21.9% 25.0%
Students who reported two or more races and students who did not report their race were not
Strategic Planning and Institutional Research
Strategic Planning
In the second year of Pratt’s Strategic Plan 2012-2017, most goals are being implemented as
In the academic area, with the goal of improving the quality of art and design programs at
Pratt, work has begun to separate School of Art and Design into a School of Art and School of
Design, effective July 1, 2014. Departmental alliances with the new School of the Arts and
School of Design have been identified and will be reported later in this board report.
To achieve the goal of increasing Pratt's visibility, a new, simpler and more attractive website
has been created and is currently being tested.
To achieve the goal of improving administrative and budgeting practices, consultant James
McGill’s report and recommendations have been submitted to the president and are being
considered for implementation.
Following the goal of fostering research at Pratt, the Innovation Fund was created as a
strategic partnership between the Offices of the Provost and Institutional Advancement in the
2012/2013 academic year. Currently in its second year, $100,000 has been distributed to five
winners, and two of them have already attracted external funding: (1) The Initiative to Create
Access & Opportunities in Art & Design and (2) Putting Pratt’s GIS Lab to Work: Mapping
Disaster and Recovery, Post-Sandy.
The redesigning of the Center for Continuing and Professional Studies (CCPS) was begun by
retaining the services of LERN which will oversee the CCPS operations during the spring
To achieve the goal of retaining more students at Pratt, the Retention Committee, being
chaired by Vice President for Enrollment Judy Aaron, had its first meeting in January. The
Committee is currently analyzing data on freshman-sophomore retention based on different
variables including program, SAT/ACT scores, portfolio scores, race, gender, and place of
Institutional Research
All IPEDS and NYSED reports were submitted on time. The analysis of freshman-sophomore
retention from fall 2012 to fall 2013 produced the highest rate for Pratt in the last 20 years –
87 percent for the Bachelor cohort, up four percent from the previous year.
The analysis of salaries at AICAD schools show that average Pratt salaries are among top
three for all ranks of faculty, including full-time and part-time.
Academic Affairs
Full time Faculty Searches
We are half way through with our plan to add 40 new fulltime faculty positions, with 20 hired
to date.
During the 2013/14 academic year, we are searching for eight new positions and eight
replacement positions.
Chair Searches
There are three replacement chairperson positions being searched this year for 2014-2015:
Graduate Communications Design, Film/Video, and Construction and Facilities
Deans Searches
Dean of the Arts: 58 applications were received. Nine of 10 SKYPE interviews of
candidates are completed. Four to six finalists will be invited to campus.
Dean of Design: 51 applications were received and are being reviewed.
Curriculum Guidelines
The Office of the Provost has issued final guidelines for all BFA or equivalent degrees. These
include reduction of degree completion requirements to 126 credits, the standardization of
courses to three credits, and the requirement that all degrees offer a minimum of 15 credits of
all Institute electives.
Schools of Art and Design
The Office of the Provost has announced the new departmental reporting structure for the
School of Art and School of Design, effective July 1, 2014. They are:
The School of Art will include:
Art and Design Education
AAS/AOS Department
Creative Arts Therapy
Design Management/Arts & Cultural Management
Digital Arts
Fine Arts
The School of Design will include:
Communications Design (Undergraduate)
Communications and Package Design (Graduate)
Fashion Design
Industrial Design
Interior Design
The School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SLAS) will add the following department:
History of Art and Design
For the 2014/15 academic year, the Foundation Department will report to the Office of the
Provost. This is intended to allow curriculum revisions to be considered, with reporting after
June 30, 2015 to be determined in the coming year.
Additionally, effective July 1, 2014, the Office of Art and Design Undergraduate Advisement
will be renamed the Office of Undergraduate Advisement. It will report to the Office of the
Provost and provide centralized and fully integrated academic advisement for all
undergraduate students throughout Pratt.
The Department of Exhibitions presented "Black Dress" to record breaking crowds at the Pratt
Manhattan Center. The show, co-curated by Pratt Fashion faculty member Adriane Jones, and
Paula Coleman features the work of 10 African American fashion designers and was timed to
coincide with Black History Month and Fashion Week. The exhibition design was created by
Chris Leonardi and Pratt alumna Claudia Castro of Blumlein Associates Inc. The exhibition
was designed to resemble Fifth or Madison Avenue storefronts designed by each of the ten
Information Technology
Information Technology has developed two new projects that each offer an exciting and
innovative way to allow faculty and staff from all disciplines to get to know each other and
the great work that is happening at Pratt! The first is a new site known as “Pratt Commons”
which is now being beta tested. It is modeled on the emerging web technology known as
“enterprise social networking”. The academic version is called an “academic commons”. The
second project is a newly created Faculty Commons, collaborative physical space in the lower
level of the Engineering Building on the Brooklyn campus.
Pratt Commons
Pratt Commons operates by allowing a user to login (with their existing OneKey credentials)
and join groups or create their own group based upon their interests. Groups can be open to all
users or can be by invitation only. Users can also check out any of the postings to forums and
wikis or simply scan the latest activity across any open groups.
Nationally many schools have embraced their own versions of these sites for the very same
reasons we have developed Pratt Commons. Colleges and universities using a commons are
Yale, Columbia and CUNY. Among the benefits of this new site are:
Enables discovery of shared interests.
Allows for a free exchange of thought among colleagues.
Expands professional development opportunities by promoting academic connections
among working scholars.
Emphasizes the productivity-oriented features of social networking.
Offers a version for desktops, tablets and smartphones.
Uses easy document creation and file sharing.
Expands communications and facilitates collaboration within and between
Faculty Commons
Much in the way that Pratt Commons offers a digital means for community building, the
newly developed Faculty Commons offers a physical space for faculty members to work
individually or meet and collaborate with their peers. The 600 square foot Faculty Commons,
located in Engineering 004 opened in January to an enthusiastic response by the faculty
members who have visited. It is a flexible environment with clusters of workspaces as well as
casual seating so that Pratt’s teaching community feels welcome to avail themselves of any
Instructors can take advantage of the Faculty Commons from 9am to 5pm, Monday through
Friday. Desktop computers and handheld tablets are available for use by current Pratt faculty
members. The space is managed by the Educational Technology Department and there is
always a staff member on hand to help with training, course development and any questions
regarding technology and its use in pedagogy. Seminars are scheduled throughout each month
to allow for as many options as possible.
Finance and Administration
FY2013/2014 Operating Budget
Our current 2013-2014 unrestricted and restricted operating budget is $216,594,420. The
unrestricted operating budget is $205,663,228 and the restricted is $10,931,192. In part our
unrestricted operating budget, as well as the total current unrestricted and restricted budgets,
have been increased by $5,530,803 as a result of an advance by our insurance carrier to help
with expenses of the recovery of the Main Building. This amount is an advance against the
final settlement and it is typical of insurance carriers who provide advances in recognition that
the Institute has had to fund certain costs of recovery. Our adjustment expenses include the
$5,530,803 from the insurance company and added to our Maintenance and Operations of
To date the following revenue adjustments to our 2013-2014 operating budget have been
Additional Revenues:
Tuition and fees
State Appropriation (Bundy Aid)
Federal Pell & SEOG
Private Gifts, Grants and Bequests
Investment Income
Endowment Income Allocation
Sales & Services of Education Depts.
Other Sources
Auxiliary Enterprises Revenues
Total including insurance advance
Total excluding insurance advance
$ 233,500
$ 113,779
$ 347,279
The total adjusted expense increases as of February 24, 2014 (including the insurance advance
of $5,530,803) is $4,644,583.
Pratt’s current operating budget is 2.5 percent greater than last year’s results.
The Finance and Audit Committee and the administration are currently exploring with Janney
Montgomery, our marketing investment agent, the feasibility of refinancing our current longterm debt of approximately $102 million. Preliminary discussions and review suggest a
viability of refinancing the approximately $47 million bond portion of our long-term debt.
Pratt’s current annual debt servicing cost is approximately $8 million on the $102 million
Pratt’s endowment has grown to $139,416,321 as of December 31, 2013. Our annual return
was 18 percent.
2014-2015 Tuition
Pratt’s 2014-2015 tuition is $42,866, a 3.98 percent increase over this current year’s. Pratt’s
2013-2014 tuition is the second highest among current AICAD school tuitions. The following
is a listing of major competitors’ tuition:
Cal Arts
Chicago Art Institute
Maryland Institute,
College of Art
University of the Arts
Art Center
Savannah College of
Art and Design
School of the Visual Arts
Fashion Institute of
(+$310 fee)
(+$1,280 fee)
(+$130 fee)
(+$576 fee)
(+$500 Technology fee)
(+$1,490 fee)
(+misc. fee)
(+$500 fee)
(+$1,290 - 1,990 fee)
$ 6,068 (in-state)
$16,370 (out-of-state)
Student Financial Services
In this current fiscal year, Financial Aid received over 8,000 financial aid applications and
revisions. Institutional aid was disbursed to 3,152 students totaling over $41 million. Over
$66.25 million in federal student aid was disbursed to 2,307 students and over $1 million was
given out in New York State aid to 334 students. Alternative/private loans to 210 student
totaling over $3.328 million were disbursed.
Main Building Recovery
The reconstruction of Main Building is on schedule. The basement through the fourth floor
will be completed by March 14th with relocation of offices and classrooms to begin on March
21st. The fifth and sixth floors are scheduled to be completed by the end of April 2014 with
move in after the spring semester.
The extensive renovation included:
Major exterior facade work and structural repairs
New 6th floor windows and roof (eventually with a vegetated “green” roof).
New partition walls, thermal insulation, flooring, ceilings and painting.
New energy efficient lighting and upgraded electrical infrastructure.
New IT cabling and equipment.
New toilet fixtures, plumbing infrastructure (with two new roof tanks and pumps).
New steam piping with refurbished radiators and controls to ensure even heating.
New security system with enhanced access controls.
New fire alarm system with comprehensive coverage.
New or refurbished office, classroom, lecture and seminar furniture.
New main staircase and refurbished passenger elevator.
PrattStore - Film and Video Conversion
Legacy Construction, the recommended contractor and the $5 million project budget were
presented to and approved by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on October 1st.
The NYC Department of Buildings (NYC DOB) demolition and mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing permits have been received and interior demolition work in the former PrattStore
has been completed. Legacy is proceeding with shop drawing preparation, long lead item
procurement and HVAC ductwork coordination. Facilities staff worked with Langan
Environmental, Longman Acoustics and Design 2147 to obtain approval from the NYC Office
of Environmental Remediation (OER). Once the architectural permit is received, construction
and fit out work must be expedited to ensure the facility will be ready for fall 2014 semester
Townhouse Renovation Project
Recognizing the historical character of these Landmarked buildings, this multi-year project
will renovate and update all 27 townhouses. The exteriors are receiving a sensitive restoration,
maintaining original details as appropriate, while the interiors are being transformed into a
modern housing environment, each accommodating six students with new kitchens,
bathrooms, plumbing, electrical infrastructure, and fire protection systems. Thus far, Phases 1,
2 and 3, the renovation of 13 townhouses on Emerson Place and Steuben Street, have been
completed and the houses are occupied. Due to budgetary constraints, Phase 4, which will
focus on the four townhouses on Willoughby Avenue, has been postponed to FY 2014 /2015.
Architectural and engineering construction documents for these townhouses, however, have
been completed by Hall Partnership and have been filed for approval with the Landmarks
Commission and the NYC DOB.
Facilities Management Staff
Richard Scherr has retired and Facilities is currently recruiting for the director of planning and
design position.
Institutional Advancement
Our $100 million capital campaign has reached its two and one-half year mark with
$27,699,742 raised as of January 31, 2014. Currently we are at nearly 28 percent of our total
campaign goal. Our cumulative goal for June 30, 2014 is $40 million. From July 1, 2013
through January 31, 2014, we have raised $4,259,138. To achieve our $40 million campaign
target for June 30, 2014, we need to raise $13.3 million between now and June 30, 2014.
Major gift solicitations are underway. Follow-up activities also continue from the eight
Campaign Awareness Committee events held last fall. These events provided donor prospects
an opportunity to learn about our capital campaign and Pratt’s priority needs for support.
The following is the Capital Campaign summary from its inception, 2011-2012, 2012-2013,
and 2013-2014 to date.
Capital Campaign Summary (as of 1/31/14)
Pratt Institute
Pratt Center
Qualified Planned
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
FY14 to
* cumulative goal by end of Year Three is $40 million
Here are the annual Capital Campaign Fundraising annual targets from this current year to
$16 million
$16 million
$14 million
$15 million
$15 million
Here are the anticipated sources of giving for the Capital Campaign:
Planned Gifts
Our annual fundraising gifts for seven months, July 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014, were
$2,965,715, down 39 percent from last year at this time. Last year’s gifts at this time were
$4,822,577. The reason this year’s annual fund raising results to date are less is because we
received the $2.5 million gift last December to create the Sirovich endowed professorship.
The following chart shows Pratt’s annual fundraising to date for 2013-2014, a seven month
FY14 Funding by Source
(as of 1/31/14, for fiscal year ending 6/30/14)
FY14 vs. FY13
FY13 Final
(paid + pledged)
(as of 1/31/13)
(as of 1/31)
(as of 6/30/13)
$ 513,498
$ 621,926
- 17%
- 59%
- 100%
+ 3%
$ 979,243
SUBTOTAL $2,965,715
Planned Gift
Intentions $ 122,500
- 39%
Bequests, corporations, and foundations are up over last year at this time with bequests up
350 percent, corporations up 133 percent, and foundations up three percent. An additional
distribution from the Macchi estate represents the majority of realized bequest revenue so far
this year. Architecture alumnus Charles Macchi’s widow, Fern Macchi, bequeathed her estate
valued at $2,541,305 to Pratt in 2013. Planned gift intentions are also being secured. A
planned giving “IRA Rollover” appeal at the end of 2013 was particularly notable, yielding
more than $200,000 from five donors. For the first seven months of this year, 2013-2014, we
have also experienced one of the strongest results in raising major gifts in the $25,000 to
$100,000 range. More than $1 million was raised from gifts in this category.
Driven by a strong fall appeal, the Fund for Pratt has yielded $420,479 as of January 31,
2014, an increase of more than 35 percent over the same period last year.
Special Events
We have combined, integrated and expanded our campus events communications and
promotion with the creation of one single office housed in Institutional Advancement. We are
implementing a management and calendaring system. Once completed, the new office will
show the status of all planned events and provide a comprehensive listing of all public events
occurring on the Brooklyn campus and at Pratt Manhattan.
In celebration of Black History Month we are featuring “An Evening with Spike Lee in
Brooklyn” on February 25 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall. The event is co-sponsored by
Student Affairs and the Pratt Student Diversity Council.
We have added a new interactive digital edition to our external news magazine, Prattfolio.
Available for free on Apple iTunes, the Prattfolio app allows smart phone and tablet users to
access the magazine with enhanced features and more content. The spring issue will include
articles on fashion and style.
Pratt has developed a new publication aimed at the corporate audience, DxD (Differentiate by
Design). The current issue features interdisciplinary design at Pratt and highlights of
sponsored studio projects and programs. The publication helps promote our educational
linkages with business and corporations.
Pratt’s new website, which launches this spring, will be managed by Institutional
Advancement’s Office of Communications and Marketing instead of Information
Technology. New and important website features will include:
1. Strong overall design that reflects Pratt’s brand as a leading school of art, design,
architecture, and information science.
2. Responsive design for ease of use on smart phones and tablets.
3. Customized academic pages that allow each department to showcase their unique
4. New interactive features that feature the creative work from throughout the Pratt
5. Greater prominence for Institute news, public events, community programs and other
features of interest to external audiences.
A comprehensive visibility program is being explored and developed for promoting Pratt’s
end-of-the-year Fashion Show, Pratt Show on 34th Street, and departmental and school
Pratt’s media relations team continued securing broad press coverage in recent months and
weeks including:
The New York Times: “Education Life” section featured the work of three Pratt
students for a college creativity showcase. (2/10/14)
WABC-TV, “Good Morning America:” A Pratt film/video student was profiled for a
national segment on an experimental brain surgery that changed his life and enabled him
to pursue his dream of being a filmmaker; with interviews with the student and his
parents on Pratt’s Brooklyn campus. (12/31/13)
WNYW-TV, Fox Channel 5: Fashion students and faculty were interviewed in front of
the “Organic Matter” exhibition, which was on prominent display in the store windows at
Macy’s Herald Square. (2/6/14)
Makerbot Stories: Undergraduate architecture students were featured in an editorial
and video piece on how 3D printing helped them to realize their innovative ideas.
WABC-TV, Ch. 7: “Black Dress,” first group exhibition on contemporary black fashion
designers, was featured on the news (2/6/14) and on “Here and Now” program (2/15/14);
Fashion professor and co-curator Adrienne Jones and others were interviewed.
Black Dress received additional coverage from NY1, WNYC, W,, Elle, and
Educated Observer: This quarterly publication of New York Observer ran a feature story
on the Pratt and Hennessy collaboration that focused on a student exhibition held during
Art Basel - Miami Beach. (Winter ’14) Assistant Chair of Interior Design Karin Tehve was quoted from an interior
design perspective on what makes a room ‘romantic.’ (2/14/14) The fashion blog highlighted visionary designer Miguel Adrover’s visit to the
Fashion Department. (12/10/13)
Forbes: Communications Design alumnus Rich Greco and Industrial Design alumnus Ian
Collings were included in Forbes’ annual “30 Under 30.” (1/7/14)
Popular Mechanics: Industrial design students were featured in the publication’s multipage gear and gadget guide. (Dec/Jan ’13/14)
New York Post: The article highlighted Pfizer Building’s transformation from factory to
work space for a multitude of small companies and mentioned Pratt Institute’s Brooklyn
Fashion and Design Accelerator. (12/10/13)
Outreach was conducted by the Office of Communications and Marketing to promote students
who achieved Dean’s/President’s List standing in fall 2013. News on their achievements ran
in more than 400 student hometown newspapers from January 21 through February 21, 2014
Student Affairs
Center for Career and Professional Development
Sixty-six students enrolled in internship courses during fall 2013 at a number of prestigious
internationally renowned firms including ABC Carpet and Home, Anthropogie, Barneys New
York, The Brooklyn Academy of Music, HLW, Giorgia Armani, Hearst Design Group, New
York City Departments of Buidings and Transportation, Knoll, Marc Jacobs, Penguin,
Pentacle, Estee Lauder and DKNY.
A 2013 Opportunity Fair was held Saturday, November 9th with over 300 student and alumni
attendees. Fifty-five companies participated and nine roundtables were hosted by industry
professionals. The purpose of the fair was to introduce students and alumni to top studios in
the fields of art and design, expand their networks, learn about open internship and job
positions, as well as learn about current trends in their industries.
The Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) programs and attendance both
saw student and alumni increases in 2013 (37 programs, 833 participants) from the same
period in 2012 (16 programs, 449 participants). CCPD continues to expand and broaden its
offerings to help students and alumni prepare for and succeed in the current job market.
CCPD industry outreach efforts have resulted in new employment contacts for students and
alumni with Amazon, Artisin, Google, Hyperact, IBM, Local Projects, Marvel, Signet, and
Tuning the Student Mind. An expanded outreach plan has been implemented by staff to
include meetings with 300 target studios in media, visual communications, industrial design,
and digital sectors.
International Affairs
Currently, Pratt has international exchanges with 14 schools in 11 countries. This spring, 15
Pratt students are in exchange programs abroad while nine exchange students are currently at
Pratt has 896 international students this spring, 2014, up 14 percent over last spring. Our total
spring international enrollment is 20.8 percent of our student body. The top ten international
student enrollment countries in rank order this spring are as follows:
Number of
International Students
The increase in Chinese student enrollment at Pratt has been dramatic. In spring 2010 there
were fewer than 100 Chinese students enrolled at Pratt.
Residential Life and Housing
There were 1,693 residential students this fall generating revenue in excess of $200,000 over
goal. Currently, 1,593 students live on-campus as compared to 1,553 in spring 2012.
Revenues to date show an excess of $400,000 over goal for this fiscal year. Currently, 37
percent of our student body lives in residence halls.
Community Affairs
MARP’s FY 2013/2014 operating budget is approximately $1.063 million. MARP’s BID
budget is $455,000. The combined MARP & BID budget for this fiscal year is approximately
$1.5 million.
The vacancy rate on Myrtle has continued at five percent over the last quarter. However, when
vacant storefronts that are not currently for rent are taken into account, the vacancy rate is
closer to 13 percent. A number of retail spaces have been removed from the market and will
remain vacant for some time as their buildings undergo construction or redevelopment. For
example, the building that formerly housed the Associated Supermarket at Myrtle and Hall
was demolished and construction is underway for a new seven-story building on the site.
Associated Supermarket will return in one year and a TD Bank branch will move into the new
building upon its completion. The building that houses the US Post Office on Myrtle has been
entirely vacated of businesses other than the Post Office itself. It will be demolished to make
way for a new building by developer Michael Orbach.
A number of new businesses have recently opened on Myrtle and more will open this spring.
MARP is in contract to sell its vacant lot at 491 Myrtle Avenue and expects to net over
$200,000 from the sale.
This January, 28 streetlight banners were installed on Myrtle. The banners highlight
photographs from different businesses, public art, and Myrtle scenes, while reinforcing the
“Home Grown & Locally Owned” branding campaign. The banners brought in about $35,000
in sponsorship funds. Pratt sponsored one of the Myrtle Avenue banners.
I hope this Board of Trustees’ report will help bring you up to date our current and new
developments and happenings at Pratt. Thanks, again, for all your help, involvement and
Thomas F. Schutte